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Third Person POV

“Where are you going, bun?” Jungkook huffed as he once again tried to escape Yoongi’s grasp.

And failed.

Jungkook never thought that the elder would be so...soft. Initially the man had intimidated him. And now all he wanted to do was snuggle with him in his rabbit form.

But Jungkook wanted to shift again.

But he needed to be alone.

However, every time the prince had made a beeline for the bathroom, the older male had stopped him and picked him up to go and snuggle.

Jungkook had never been so glad to see Hoseok walk into the room.

“Oh? Never thought you’d be glad to see me.” Hoseok said, a small smirk present on his lips.

“Shut up. Get him off of me, I’d like to switch back.”

“Yoongi, the bunny wants to switch back.” Hoseok explained.

“But he’s so soft!”

“It’s been like three days, Yoongi Hyung.”

“Oh.” Yoongi released Jungkook and the bunny huffed, jumping cautiously to the end of the bed.

But he miscalculated how high it was and ended up falling with a small thud.

Hoseok laughed as Jungkook sat up, a little disoriented. “Shut up.” Jungkook muttered shyly, making his way to the bathroom.

“Where you going bun?” Hoseok finally asked.

“To the bathroom to shift.”

“Why can’t you do it here?” Jungkook was glad he had fur. So the men couldn’t see his blush.

“Cause ’m not wearing clothes.” He finally offered.

“Yoongi’s been snuggling with you naked?” Jungkook screeched, running for the bathroom in embarrassment. He slowly shifted, a mad blush covering his face. He patted his cheeks, willing it to go away.

The young prince grabbed a robe from the nearby cupboard and then slowly exited.

Hoseok and Yoongi were waiting.

“So, cutie, what do you want to do today?” Jungkook frowned, well more like pouted and the blush intensified on his features.

“N-nothin. Can I just go to my room and get some clothes?”

“Sure thing. Come on, bun.” Jungkook walked out and led the two men to where his room was after realizing that he wasn’t far from it.

He entered slowly, glancing at the two men. “C-could you wait out here while I change?”

“No can do, bun. We can’t have you escaping.”

“E-escaping? Why would I—“

“Let’s just go in.” Jungkook nodded and stepped aside for the two men to enter his room. They looked around, noting how the room was decorated.

Jungkook went to his dresser and took out a simple blue shirt and some grey pants. He grabbed his outer robe as well, glancing at the men behind him.

He ran for the bathroom, before the two could protest.

Like hell he’d change in front of them.

He quickly threw on his clothes before existing, then walked back to his dresser and reached for some boots lying on the ground, pulling them on.

“Okay.” Jungkook said awkwardly when he was done.

“Let’s go.”

“W-Where are we going?”

“Well, you wanted to see your brother, no?”

“Really?” Jungkook’s eyes lit up and both men couldn’t help but smile.

He was just too adorable for his own good.

“Yeah, Namjoon allowed it, whenever you were ready.”

“Come on!” Jungkook was practically bouncing on his feet.

“Why does he resemble a bunny so much?” Yoongi hissed to Hoseok.

“Don’t know, but I’m not complaining. It’s cute.”

“You’re telling me.” The two followed Jungkook as he sped down the hall, wanting to desperately see his older brother.

“Hyung!” The young prince said when he entered Jimin’s room. The elder jumped a bit, looking up quickly. When he saw that it was his brother, he quickly put down the drawing he’d been working on and rushed into Jungkook’s arms.

“Jungkookie~” the older cooed.

“I missed you Hyung.” Jungkook said quietly.

“Me too. Where have you been? Namjoon said that you’d be able to visit me, but you haven’t come for the past two days.”

“Um…” Jungkook blushed a little, stealing a glance at the two men in the doorway.

“Aigo...you shifted into that adorable little bunny again didn’t you?”

Hyung~” Jungkook whined. Jimin giggled and gave Jungkook’s head a few pats.

“It’s fine. You’re just too cute sometimes Kookie.” Jimin smiled, pulling in Jungkook for a hug. “I missed you.” He suddenly said, the atmosphere losing its happy aura.

Jungkook’s smile slowly fell away and he nodded meekly. “I’m sorry for being rude to you the other day, I wasn’t in my right state of mind. I would never say—“

“I know. Hyung.” Jungkook said, interrupting him. “I forgive you.”

“Thank you.” Jimin breathed out, almost as if it were something eating at him. And it was. He’d felt horrible for the way he’d treated the only person who’d ever been kind to him.

“Come on, let’s go take a walk in the gardens.” Jungkook said, trying to lift his brother’s mood again. “I haven’t been outside in ages!”

Jimin nodded, a small smile gracing his features again.

Jungkook smiled back and glanced at the open window, his smile dropping suddenly.

“Jimin, duck.”


“Duck right now!” Jungkook pushed his brother down, ducking himself, just seconds before the arrow came flying through. Shouts suddenly erupted as Hoseok and Yoongi took action, running towards the window, trying to see the intruder. Yoongi’s hand shot out and the would be assassin collapsed, screaming as a horrid ringing filled his ears.

Jungkook lifted his brother’s head, seeing that Jimin was hyperventilating, and beginning to have a panic attack.

“Jiminie.” Jungkook whispered softly. “Breathe. Breathe slowly. It’s okay, Jiminie, everything’s fine.” He ran a gentle hand through his brother’s hair, pulling him into his chest. Jimin was trembling, breathing rapidly, fear spiking through his system.

Suddenly everybody was in Jimin’s room, Hoseok having already climbed out the window and running over the roof to get to the intruder.

“What happened?” Namjoon demanded.

“Someone tried shooting Jimin.” Yoongi said, going over to the younger. He reached down and grabbed the arrow lodged in the wall, studying it.

There were no insignias, no telling of who this was from.

“Shit.” Yoongi held the arrow head to his nose and sniffed. He turned, glancing at the two princes.

His eyes widened when he saw the cut on Jungkook’s shoulder.

“Shit!” He dropped the arrow and ran for the youngest prince.

Right before he collapsed.

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