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Third Person POV

"You fucking useless bitch!" Jimin flinched under the harsh tones his father used. "This is the third time, you fucking cunt! The third!" Jimin gasped as his father strode up to him and grabbed the back of his dress, dragging him away.


"Jungkook, sit down!" Jimin's mother screeched. Jungkook was forced to sit down while Jimin was dragged out. The heir was pale, biting his lower lip and constantly fidgeting.

He knew what was to come, but he couldn't do anything about it.

His father was more powerful than him.

His mother had more power over him.

Namjoon stood in the corner, about to follow Jimin out.

"Stay." The queen commanded. "You are not permitted to be present during the punishment."


"Jimin will be punished for her wrongdoings." The queen spat. "You'd think she'd had learned her lesson by now, but it seems as though she hasn't."

Namjoon blanked. Jimin did something wrong? When?

Were they actually blaming her for the actions of the courtiers who had tried to assault her? The courtiers hanging two feet from the ground right now?

Namjoon held back his sneer of disgust.

Jungkook bounced his leg up and down, rubbing his hands together. He closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breathing. It always got worse. It was always worse.

Jimin would suffer more and more.

When it was never his fault.

Two hours later and they were allowed to leave the room. The king came back in and looked at Jungkook.

"No Jin."


"I said no!" The king roared. Jungkook flinched and looked down, nodding in submission. Jungkook quickly rushed out of the room, grabbing one of the lower tiered healers on his way.

He made his way to Jimin's room, to find his Hyung thrown on the floor, the back of his dress ripped open and bleeding, angry red welts covering his back.

He was crying, struggling to move, but he couldn't.

Jungkook slammed the door in Namjoon's face when he tried to enter.

The healer was sworn to secrecy, under the intent that he would die if he ever told anybody. He couldn't do much, only Kim Seokjin, the royal healer would be able to completely heal Jimin's wounds.

He started, gently washing the wounds as Jimin whimpered and cried on the bed that they had managed to move him onto. He struggled, but Jungkook held him in place, keeping his tears in as long as possible.

The healer managed to clean the worst of it, on his upper back between his shoulder blades. He put some salve onto the wounds and then bandaged them, but he still had the rest of the boys back.

Jimin screamed when he felt the stinging pain of alcohol again. He'd been able to hold it in, but his strength was waning too fast.

No more. He couldn't take anymore.

Jungkook couldn't, either. He got up, and he knew it was selfish, but he couldn't see his brother like this. It was too painful for him. He rushed out of the room, furiously wiping his tears as he walked down the hall.

Anger consumed him, but he knew that there was nothing he could do.

Namjoon had heard the screams, and now that the prince was gone, he slowly entered the room, curious to see what had happened to the princess.

He stared, horrified at the sight I front of him.

The king had whipped her.


Jimin was facing the door, her face scrunched up in pain, tears blurring her vision when someone came through the door. Namjoon heard her whimper and quickly rushed to her side.

She thrashed around a bit and the healer looked up at Namjoon. "Please prevent any movements, sir. I can't treat the wounds properly."

Namjoon nodded and gripped the princess's hand in one of his own, running his other hand through her silky hair. "Shh...Jimin it's okay. Please stop moving."

"I-it hurts." She whispered.

"I know. I know princess. Please just bear with it for a short while." Jimin squeezed his hand, letting out a whimper as the healer cleaned some more of the marks.

Namjoon looked at the princess's back, clenching his teeth when he saw old scars.

This wasn't the first time, then.

For the death of courtiers, she'd been punished.

Even though they had been the ones to attack her.

Namjoon was more determined than ever.

The king would die.

After awhile the healer was finally finished. He sighed and stood. "That's all I can do, I'm sorry, princess. I do not have the power to fully heal you." He pulled the blankets of the bed over Jimins bandaged figure.

"Thank you..." Jimin whispered. The healer bowed and left the room. Namjooon remained seated, looking over the princess' face.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

"No..." Jimin sniffled out. More tears came to his eyes.

"Shhh...I'm here, princess."

"Please stay..."

"I will. I will. Please get some rest. It won't hurt when you sleep." Jimin nodded weakly and closed his eyes slowly.

Namjoon waited until Jimin's grip loosened and her breathing slowed. Her face was still scrunched up in pain, but at least she was unconscious.

Then Namjoon stood. He walked over to the window and looked out. His eyes started to glow a deep azure, as he held his hand out and a small raven landed. Courtesy of Hoseok who could control and communicate with most animals. Birds especially.

"Tomorrow. Tell Hoseok that it will be tomorrow. I will not wait another day."

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