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Namjoon’s POV

“She’s a siren.” I finally realized. I stepped forward before Yoongi could smack the shit out of the heir.

He deserved it, he really did, but he’d been under a spell.

Lisa gazed up at me, her eyes wide as I stepped towards her. “You’re a siren.” I said.

Third Person POV

“You feed him lies. You lie and you seduce.” He suddenly snatched his hand out and gripped her chin harshly. “Tell him the truth.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stuttered.

“Tell him the fucking truth before I kill you, bitch.”

“Don’t call her that!” Jungkook screeched. “Have some respect you son of a bi—“ the rest was muffled as Yoongi slammed a hand over his mouth. He glared up at the man, silently brooding.

“Tell. Him.”

“T-there’s nothing to tell!”

“I said speak!” He yelled, fire suddenly lighting up the room. Lisa flinched as a flame danced dangerously close to her body.

“F-Fine! I lied! I cheated and I lied! I tormented that stupid bitch as much as I could! Sh—he is beneath me! That filthy cunt was always smiling, fucking laughing. And for what!? He’s a useless bitch who bent over for any fucking man and—“

“That’s enough.” Namjoon silenced her. He flicked his gaze over to Jungkook, who was kneeling there, silent. His eyes were wide, shocked. His bottom lip began to tremble.

“W-Why...Lisa...I love you…”

The woman scoffed. “You’re the heir. Imagine what life would be like, as a queen? I’d live in as many riches as I could. And you’re so blind that I could do whatever I Please. A little boy like you could never satisfy me.”

Jungkook eyes hardened. And suddenly he was launched forward, even though he was bound and collared. “You fucking bitch!”

“Taehyung.” The man flicked his hand and Jungkook was instantly out.

“This has turned into more of a family drama than revenge.” Hoseok snickered out.

“Not appreciated, Hoseok.” Namjoon grit out.

“I mean, you would’ve had the king dead by now, the rest of the family, too. Yet no one’s dead, except for a couple of royal guards. The kings unconscious, I’m holding the real heir to the throne, and we just saw a whole entire family try to kill each other.”

“It was entertaining, though.” Yoongi shrugged. “And he’s pretty cute.” He kneeled beside the youngest prince, studying his face.

“Quick question.” Taehyung asked. “Who are we going to execute, exactly?”

“Not him. And maybe not him, I’m not sure yet.” Namjoon said, pointing at Jimin and then at Jungkook. “The king will definitely die today, the queen, and that bitch, too.”

“Wh-What!? I’m not a part of the royal family! P-please, I beg of you—“

“Gag her.” Taehyung gladly did so.

I stood in front of the group, three unconscious, two staring with wide, pleading eyes.

Jimin’s POV

I shot up from the bed I was in with a gasp. I looked around, sighing when I saw the familiar room.

A dream. It was just a dream.

“Jimin.” I turned to see Namjoon. I furrowed my eyebrows, Why was he here? And why was he dressed like a royal?

“N-Namjoon Oppa?”

“Hyung.” Namjoon corrected. “You don’t have to keep pretending anymore.” My eyes widened at the realization.

It wasn’t a dream. Any of it.

“N-Namjoon!” I launched forward, latching onto the front of his shirt. “I-I...I didn’t k-kill him, d-did I?” I whispered, afraid of what he would say.

“No, you didn’t.” I sighed in relief, falling back onto the bed. “But he is dead.” I froze, sitting straight back up.


“I killed him.”

“Y-you did what?” My breathing started to quicken and I shook my head, not believing it. “N-no, you’re l-lying.”

“I’m not. Your father killed my whole entire family. He made me watch as he slaughtered them. I sought for revenge. He is dead and I am now king.”

“Y-you monster!” I screamed.

He was in front of me faster than I could blink. My back on the bed, his body hovering over mine, his hands gripping the both of my wrists tightly above my head, trapping me.

“I am no monster.” He growled out. “The man I killed was a monster, never compare me to him!” My eyes were wide.

I was terrified.

I nodded quickly, not wanting him to hurt me. He sighed and squeezed my wrists a bit more, pushing away. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to scare you. But that man was so cruel to you, and for you to call me a—“

“I’m sorry.” I blurted out, looking down. “I didn’t mean it. I’m just…” I fiddled with my hands. “I don’t know. My father’s dead? My mother? J-Jungkook!?” I snapped my head up, fear coursing through me again.

Namjoon shook his head.

“Your brother is alive.”

I nodded, looking down, relief coursing through my body. “Th-Thank you.” I whispered. “B-But...what now?” I looked back up at Namjoon.

“What now?”

“My father’s dead. Y-you are the king now. W-what about me? A-are you going to k-kill me?”

“Jimin...no.” Namjoon kneeled beside me, holding one of my small hands in his. His lips brushed against it. “You will be my queen, Jimin.” He whispered. “You won’t be mistreated anymore. Anyone whoever dared to humiliate you, make fun of you...they will grovel at your feet and ask for forgiveness.”

“B-But...I’m a—“

“It does not matter. You are beautiful, inside and out. I would be honored to have a queen such as you.” I felt my cheeks burn up.

“I-I barely know you, Namjoon.”

“Then get to know me. My coronation isn’t until two weeks. We shall spend the next two weeks together. I want to learn everything about you as well, Jimin.”

I nodded shyly.

“A-and Jungkook?”

“You’re brother is in good hands.”


“My brother. Yoongi. He is taking care of your brother. However I cannot say that he will be given as many freedoms as you, Jimin. I must be cautious. Even with you. I have overthrown the crown, someone from another kingdom. Until we are wed there are bound to be challenges to my rule.”

“U-until we are wed?”

“You are the princess of this kingdom. I marry you and there are no questions about my right to rule.” Jimin bit his bottom lip and looked down, nodding.

Of course.

That was the only reason Namjoon wanted him.

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