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Jimin’s POV

“Kookie?” I asked in a daze, staring blankly at my brother who was convulsing on the ground, three men hovering over him.

“Get Seokjin!” One of them demanded. I wrapped my arms around myself, beginning to shake again as I panicked.

What was wrong with him! Why was he convulsing? Why did someone try to shoot me!?

“Minnie.” I took a shaky breath in and looked up at Namjoon who was standing in front of me. “’s okay. You’re okay. And you’re brother is going to be fine.”


“It’s okay.” Namjoon pulled me into his chest and I began to shake more violently as tears stung my eyes. I buried my face further into his chest and cried.

I was scared.

No, I was terrified.

“What if something happens to Kookie?”

“Shh…” Namjoon ran a soothing hand through my hair. “It’s okay, Minnie. Everything’s going to be okay.”

I nodded shakily, sucking in a breath.

I pulled away slightly from Namjoon and turned to my brother. Seokjin was kneeling there, his eyes glowing a soft green as he held a hand over Jungkook’s cut.

My brother was struggling, jerking around in pain, tears in his eyes as he released small whimpers.

Yoongi and Hoseok were holding him down so that Jin wouldn’t have trouble healing him.

“W-Why is he like that?” I finally asked.

“The arrow was poisoned, Jimin. Even if it didn’t hit you anywhere fatal, it still could have very much killed you. Your brother was simply scratched.”

I shivered at that thought.

“I’m scared.” I whispered.

“You’ll be moved from this room, it is not safe for you here anymore.” I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself once again, staring down at Jungkook. He suddenly stopped struggling and fell limp. But I saw him breathing still, so the panic that began to rise again quickly fell away.

“We’ll take him back to Yoongi’s room to get some rest.” One of the men suddenly said. I nodded as my brother was picked up in his arms and walked away.

Jin stood, and another man did as well.

“Thank you, Jin.” Namjoon said.

“No problem.” The healer began to walk away, but I stepped forward.


Jin turned, looking down at me. “Hmm?”

“I...just wanted to apologize...for the other day. How is your head?”


“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I-I didn’t mean to—“

“It’s fine, Jimin. You did what you had to do. And I’m not dead, and you had no real ill intention towards me, so I hold no grudge.”

I nodded and watched as he walked out.

Namjoon was standing behind me, and the atmosphere grew a little awkward. I turned slowly, and gave a small smile to Namjoon.

“I’ll have someone gather your things and place them in my room.” I took a step back, surprised.

“Y-your room?”

“Yes, my room. It will be easier, since you will be sleeping with me once we are wed. Of course you may choose to sleep in another room until then, but your things will be placed in mine.”

“O-okay.” I looked down, feeling a small blush form on my cheeks.

I felt a hand snake under my chin and force my gaze upwards. “I will not touch you, if you do not wish for me to, Jimin. But you will sleep with me when you are my wife. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” I nodded and he let my chin go.

“We should leave this room, it is not safe here. You may go and visit your brother, I have some things to attend to.”

I nodded and we walked out of my old room. He went one way, and I went the other.

Third Person POV

“Who sent you?” Namjoon asked, standing in front of the man. He was collared, bound, and kneeling on the ground in the throne room.

“I won’t speak.” Namjoon growled lowly and flicked his hand, a flame appearing dangerously close to the man’s face.

“We shall see.” He announced.

“Namjoon.” The said man turned to find Yoongi, his right hand there. “Do not lose your temper again. You will only regret it later.”

“Not now, Yoongi. I do not care.”

“You will, later.”

“What is it you want, Yoongi?”

“I was going to question him. I did not want you to.”


“Because you lose control so easily when it comes to things you care about.”

“I do—“

“Example a through c currently hanging outside the castle. You can’t even recognize them, you burned them to crisps.”

“You didn’t tell Jimin, right?”

Yoongi shook his head. The man knew, that even though Namjoon had harbored hate for the whole entire royal family all of his life, that the man had grown a soft spot for the boy Jimin.

And he’d go back to his old, depressed state where he was constantly angry and lash out at anybody who even annoyed him.

Namjoon turned from the would be assassin and sighed. “You want to question him?”

“Yes. I can properly torture him without killing him.” Namjoon rolled his eyes but stepped aside.

“Fine. But you will report to me anything you find out. Kill him afterwards.”

“Yes sir.” Namjoon walked out of the room and down the hall. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

He never wanted Jimin to find out what really happened to his parents. Sure they were dead. And sure he had told I in straight yo that he’d killed them.

But Jimin would hate him if he knew how cruel Namjoon had made their deaths.

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