Twenty Two

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“I just don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal of this.”

“I’m making a big deal of this because we didn’t catch the one we wanted, just the son.”

“Yeah, I know that that was a bit of a let down, and that it is important that we catch the man, but you’re making it so much more personal than it should be.”

“He tried to fucking kill my wife.”

“You’re just jealous.” Jin rolled his eyes and sighed. “Just admit it, Joon. Your ass is jealous. Jimin is spending more time with Jaebum than he is with you and you don’t like it.”

“He’s still technically a prisoner and untrustworthy. I don’t see why—“

“He didn’t even deny it.” Jin said, looking over to Taehyung, who was sitting beside him. The male simply shrugged.

“I think that you should just talk to him and tell him that you don’t like him spending so much time with another man.”

Namjoon said nothing, simply sighing. “I don’t really have a right to. I mean, I did kind of force him into a marriage and keep him away from most courtiers—“

“First of all, Yes, you did force him into a marriage, but that was mostly to protect him. Second, you keep him away form the courtiers to protect him as well. And third, he told you that you couldn’t fuck around, so why does he get to?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not ‘fucking around’.”

“But you get what I mean.”

“So what? I don’t think I can just waltz right up to him and demand that he spend more time with me.”

“Ask him out on a date again. He seemed to really enjoy the last one and you guys became closer as well.”

“Maybe.” Namjoon stood from his seat and walked out of the room, thinking. Jin groaned, hitting his head on the table.

“I swear, the man is an idiot.”

“Good thing we’re here to help him.” Taehyung sighed, rubbing his lover’s back.


“Jimin.” Jimin looked up from his seat on the bench beside Jaebum.

Namjoon stood there, by the doors to the palace.

“Joonie.” The queen smiled and rose, walking over to his husband. “I haven’t seen you in ages.” He playfully smacked the man’s chest. “You should spend more time with me.”

“I was wondering if you’d like to get have dinner with me. Alone?”

“Oh! Sure.” Jimin turned to Jaebum, Who was eyeing the king with suspicion. “Hyung, why don’t you go and hang out with Jungkookie? He’s been complaining that you’ve been spending too much time with me and ignoring him.”

“Of course. Your majesty.” Jaebum hesitantly bowed to Namjoon before strolling out of the gardens.

“Let’s go?” Namjoon nodded and took Jimin’s hand, walking him towards their chambers. They sat on the sofa as some maids brought in dinner.

“I haven’t spent too much time with you these past few days since your friend has arrived.”

“You seemed a little busy with running the kingdom and all.” Jimin said, digging into his food, completely unaware of the jealous tone in Namjoon’s voice.

“ do you know this man so well?” Namjoon finally asked after a brief silence. Jimin paused, this time taking note of Namjoon’s tone.

“Jaebum...I knew him when I was really young. Before I was forced to be a girl. He was my best friend, and he always protected me, even though I didn’t really need it. He was sent away by his father though, to do some training. We sent letters back and forth for awhile, as he never received news of anything happening to me, although I haven’t seen him in years.”

“I see. And do you think he’s trustworthy?”

Jimin paused. “I want to say yes, Namjoon. But I can see where you are coming from, and I am aware that I haven’t seen him since we were young children, so I know that he could have changed. But he has not given me any reason to be suspicious.”

“Very well.” Namjoon nodded. “This is nice.” He finally went on to say, changing the subject. “Just having dinner with you, alone.”

“Yes, I love spending time with you, Namjoon.”

“Then let’s make it a regular thing. Dinner with me every night? Just the two of us in our chambers.”

“That sounds lovely. I would very much enjoy that.”

Namjoon grinned and moved closer to his queen.

“Jimin.” He suddenly said quietly. Jimin looked up at the king and froze, his eyes widening when he realized how close they were. “Jimin, my queen...May I kiss you?”

Jimin's eyes flicked down to Namjoon’s lips and then back up to his eyes.

“Yes.” He finally breathed out, not a trace of regret or hesitation lacing his voice.

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