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Third Person POV

Jimin groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, looking around the room.

He sat up slowly, his eyes instantly landing on Namjoon, watching him from across the room.

“What happened?”

“You had a panic attack, and then passed out.”

“Where’s Jungkook?” Jimin suddenly said, panicking. He got up way too quickly from the bed and stumbled when he got dizzy. Namjoon quickly caught him before he could fall.

“Your brother is fine. Hoseok is attending to him now.” Jimin nodded, calming down slightly.

“Why did someone try to kill me?”

“Because you’re a living member of the royal family. There are people that are not happy with you, or me. They are trying to target the remaining members of the old royal family.”

“B-But we don’t have anything to do with—“

“Doesn’t matter. Your whole entire family is seen as cruel and greedy. The people don’t see you, ever, they only know what they hear. And to them, all of you deserve death. Haven’t you ever been to the towns?”

“N-no. I wasn’t allowed to leave the castle.”

“People hate you. They aren’t happy with me, but that is only because people are afraid of change. However, they greatly hate you as a family and wish for your deaths.”

“Oh.” Jimin bit his bottom lip. “C-can I see Kookie?”

“He’s still unconscious, I think. Maybe later. I’d like to talk to you, if you don’t mind.” Jimin nodded, sitting back down onto the bed.

“I know that you may not entirely agree with my methods. And you may not wish to marry me, but it is one of the only ways that I can keep you safe, okay?”

Jimin nodded.

“I won’t hurt you, in any way, Jimin. I want you to know that. I won’t touch you in any way that makes you feel uncomfortable, and I will certainly not expect of you to do anything for me.”

“Th-Thank you…” Jimin said, looking down at his hands.

“That being said, there will be...a few issues with this marriage.” Jimin nodded, knowing what Namjoon meant. “I don’t expect you to pretend to be a woman, anymore, Jimin, but I will need heirs. You will be my wife, but I wanted to make sure it would be okay with you if I were with others.”

Jimin turned towards the window.

Was he?

Would it be completely selfish of him to say no?

Namjoon didn’t love him, and he didn’t love the man, either.

But they were to be married, and would Jimin really be okay, sleeping beside a man who’d shared a bed with someone else?

But Jimin didn’t want to be selfish. He understood how the whole royalty thing worked. Namjoon would need an heir, and that was something Jimin couldn’t…

Jimin turned to Namjoon.

“U-uhmmm…” he blushed slightly. “I...don’t know if I’m comfortable with that…”

Namjoon looked down at Jimin.

“It would only be for the purpose of an heir, Jimin, it wouldn’t mean anything to me.” Jimin shook his head.

“I-I...could.” Jimin whispered, hiding his face in his hands, embarrassed.


“I don’t feel comfortable with someone who’s going to be my husband sleeping with other people. Even if it doesn’t mean anything...I-it’ll still hurt.” Jimin bit his bottom lip. “I-i could...carry an heir for y-you.” He whispered.

“But you’re—“

“Do you know Jungkook’s gift?”

“He can shift into animals, can’t he? But what does that have to do anything about this?”

“Jungkook can shift into more than just animals. He can become anything. I-I could…”

Namjoon blinked, thinking about that. “Would you be able to sustain it...for that long, though?”

“I-it would take some time...m-maybe a year o-or two…”

“I can wait that long.” Namjoon said. “But Jimin, I don’t want you to feel forced to—“

“I-it just makes me uncomfortable. Knowing that you’d be sleeping with other people. I know we don’t have...any feelings for each other, but you’ll still be m-my husband, so…”

“I understand.” Namjoon nodded, standing. “Don’t feel pressured to be in a hurry, Jimin, I don’t want to rush you into anything. I want you to be comfortable, okay?”

Jimin nodded. Namjoon turned to leave, but paused. “And I wouldn’t say no feelings, whatsoever.” He added before leaving the room.

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