Twenty Six

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Two weeks had passed and Jimin and Namjoon were practically inseparable.

However, to Namjoon’s discontent, there was still one particular thing bothering him.

Im Jaebum.

Jimin was almost too nice sometimes. When the man wanted to spend time with him, Jimin would smile and go with him, even if he was spending time with Namjoon.

And even though Jimin had said that there was no need for suspicion against the man, Namjoon still possessed it towards him. There was something funny about Jaebum, and it wasn’t just the king’s jealousy.

Despite what others would say.

However, Jimin made sure to always have dinner with Namjoon, and spend more time with the king than his friend.

However, Namjoon couldn’t help but glower when Jimin was off with Jaebum, smiling and laughing together.

Yoongi glanced at Namjoon as he sat on his throne, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face as he watched Jimin in the corner of the courtroom giggling at something Jaebum had said.

“Might want to calm down there, your majesty.” Yoongi said, amusement lacing his tone as he trailed his eyes to where Namjoon was looking.

“I’m calm. Perfectly calm.”

“Why are you so jealous? Jimin loves you, and Jaebum is just his friend. There is nothing to worry about. And you can’t exactly tell Jimin that he can’t have any friends. It’s like Jimin getting jealous when you hang out with us, and then telling you that you can’t anymore.”

Namjoon opened his mouth to argue, but clamped it shut, knowing that Yoongi was right.  He sighed and slumped in the throne. “I hate that you’re right, but I just don’t like him.”

“Why? Because he challenges your manliness? Because he’s handsome? Because he’s close to your queen?”

“No, no, and yes.” Yoongi rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Why don’t you just talk to Jimin then? Don’t tell him that he can’t hang out with Jaebum, but tell him that you’re concerned that Jaebum might have feelings for him.”

“Because he’d laugh and dismiss the idea.”

“Apparently you don’t know your husband very well. When has Jimin ever done that? I’m pretty sure he’d take your feelings into consideration, but he can’t because he doesn’t know you’re feelings because you choose to brood on your throne rather than talk to him.”

“...” Namjoon clenched his jaw. “Fuck off.”

Yoongi coughed out a laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “Yeah, Okay. You deal with the problem yourself then, Mister high and mighty.” Namjoon rolled his eyes and went back to glaring daggers into Jaebum’s back for the rest of the day.


“Hyung!” Jimin laughed as Jaebum told yet another witty joke. Jimin honestly didn’t expect someone like him to tell such funny tales, but Jimin appreciated most surprises.

Jaebum smiled at the giggling queen and sighed. “Hey, Jimin.”

“Yes, Hyung?”

“Can I talk to you?” Jimin gave him a confused look, but nodded.

“Yeah, you can talk to me about anything.” Jaebum looked around, glancing at the king who was staring right at them.

“Can we go somewhere more private?” Jimin nodded and followed Jaebum out, oblivious to the burning holes Namjoon was burning into his back, willing him not to leave.

But Jimin didn’t see, and he left the courtroom with his friend, both of them finding a secluded room and entering. Jaebum walked to the sofa across the room and Jimin followed, sitting next to him.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

“My father.” Jimin’s eyes widened, but he nodded. Jaebum sighed. “You know that he isn’t a good man. I haven’t spoken to him in years, ever since he shipped me off to study overseas. But I just wanted you to know that I am nothing like him and that I’m not loyal to him at all. I hope you don’t think that I do.”

“Of course I don’t! I know that you wouldn’t do something as evil as he is.” Jimin smiles. “You’re my friend, Jaebum, and I trust you.” Jaebum smiled back.

“Does...does Namjoon treat you nicely?” He suddenly asked out of the blue. Jimin blinked, a little taken aback by the sudden question.

“He’s the sweetest, really.” Jimin suddenly offered. “We have dinner every night and he always makes sure that I’m happy.”

“That’s good.” Jaebum nodded and sighed. “I don’t think he likes me much.”

“Of course he does! Namjoon is can just be...a little cautious sometimes because of everything that’s happened.” Jaebum nodded, but he knew that Namjoon didn’t trust him.

He would have to change that.

He wanted Jimin to stay his friend, and if the male’s husband was constantly breathing down his neck, glaring, and making him out to be a bad guy, he didn’t know how long Jimin would trust him.

Truth (Minjoon) ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant