Chapter 34

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Thomas cradled Angelica a shaking Angelica in his arms.
"Shh babe it's going to be ok." Thomas said.
"Do you want me to call the police?" Aaron asked.
Thomas shook his head.
"It's fine Aaron." He said. "Can you bring Zoey to your house for a little while."
Aaron nodded.
"Sure she can spend the night too." He said. "I'll go get the girls."

Aaron disappeared upstairs and Thomas looked Angelica who was starting to calm down.
"What the hell did he do." Thomas asked Angelica.
"Angelica what the hell did he do to you?" Thomas asked more firmly.

Aaron, Little Theodosia and zoey appeared downstairs. Zoey holding her purple sleepover bag.
"Mom are you going to be ok?" Zoey asked.
Angelica sniffled and turned to Zoey.
"Yes babes I'll be fine, little Theo tell your mommy I said hi." Angelica said.
"Alright girls lets go." Aaron said and Zoey and little Theodosia walked out the front door.

"Call me later on." Aaron told Thomas and Thomas nodded.
Once Aaron left Thomas let go of Angelica for a minute who looked like she needed a little bit of space.
It was silent between them for a while except for Angelica sniffling a bit.
"He touched me." Angelica whispered breaking the silence.
"What?" Thomas asked.
"He touched me." Angelica said louder.

Anger started to bubble up inside of Thomas and he felt his fists balling up.
"That little bitch!" He yelled. "How dare he touch you!"
"Thomas, calm down." Angelica said softly.
"No I'm not!" Thomas said getting up off the couch he began pacing around the room. "I'm going to kick that bastards ass."

"Thomas no." Angelica said. "I'm fine now it's not like he killed me or anything."
"Ange he still touched you, you're too precious to be hurt." Thomas said.
Angelica looked down not knowing what to say.
"Ange you've had a long day go to sleep I'll be up there soon." Thomas said.

Thomas gave Angelica a kiss of reassurance.
"Did that help some?"
"A little."
"Good I love you Ange."
"I love you too Thomas."
Angelica walked upstairs and took a nice hot shower and then went into her and Thomas's bedroom grabbed a pillow and sobbed into it, and little did she know Thomas heard her sobbing.

Angelica and Thomas woke up to the sound of Thomas's alarm on his phone.
"I'm not going to work today." Angelica said. "I can't face seeing him."
Thomas sighed.
"I understand Angelica." Thomas said. "Let me go get ready for work."
Angelica nodded and rolled over closing her eyes and trying to go back to sleep.

"Aye Thomas where's Ange at?" Lafayette asked when Thomas arrived at work.
"She's at home." Thomas said.
"Ooh I bet she has a horrible hangover after drink night?" Hercules said. "Which you happened to miss."
"She didn't even get drunk and yes Hercules I know." Thomas said he looked around the office.

"Where's John?" He asked.
"At his desk as always." Hercules answered. "Why?"
"No reason." Thomas said.
He walked to his desk where he saw John drinking coffee.
"You fucking bitch." Thomas spat.
"You shouldn't talk about yourself like that." John said.

That's when Thomas punch John and threw him down to the ground.
"I know what you fucking did to Ange!" Thomas yelled.
"What are you talking about?" John asked struggling to fight back.
"I know you fucking touched her I went to the bar this morning and James showed me the video cameras." Thomas said.

"Touch my girlfriend again!" Thomas yelled as he punched John in the face blood began leaking from Johns nose.
"Thomas! John! In my office now!" George yelled.
Thomas got off of John who had blood all over him and the two walked into Johns office.
"And I oop." Hercules said as Thomas and John walked past them.
"As you should Thomas." Lafayette added.
"Fags." John mumbled under his breath.

"Now I'm assuming why I called you two into my office." George said.
"Because this mothefucker assaulted me!" John yelled.
"Just like you did to Ange!" Thomas yelled.
"Wait what?" George asked. "Thomas what are you talking about."
Thomas pulled his phone out and showed George the video of John touching Angelica in the parking lot.

It was silent after George finished watching the video and he then turned to John.
"John I cannot believe this." George said. "Is this why Angelica isn't present today?"
Thomas nodded.
"John no worker shall make another worker feel unsafe in the workplace you're fired." George said firmly.

"What?" John asked.
"You heard me you're fired!" George yelled.
John stood up to leave and then he pulled out a gun.
"I'm going to kill you." He said to Thomas and he fired his gun.
Luckily Thomas and George both ducked.
"Call the cops!" George yelled as John ran out the room.

Thomas watched John escape in his car and called the cops describing how John looked and the way his car looked.
George looked at Thomas a look of fear on his face.
"Tell everybody to go home." George said.
Thomas nodded and did as told.

Thomas couldn't think straight the whole time he couldn't believe that if he hadn't had ducked he could've almost been killed.
"Well you're home early." Angelica said once Thomas got home.
"Well work didn't last too long." Thomas said. "Something happened."
"What?" Angelica said a feeling in the bottom of her stomach knew that it had something to with John.

Thomas explained everything that happened and Angelica was in shock.
"He is delusional." Angelica said once Thomas was finished explaining everything. "I can't believe he tried to kill you."
Thomas sighed.
"At least I'm fine now." Thomas said.
"I know but what if that bullet actually hit you, you could've been killed." Angelica said.

"Ange just be happy I'm here." Thomas said and he gave Angelica a kiss.
Angelica kissed him back and soon the two had a makeout session.
"I needed this." Angelica said.
"I know." Thomas said and the two continued to makeout.

Later on that night the two were watching the news when a breaking news headline popped up.
"Young Adult killed in police chase, a man that goes by the name John Church was pronounced dead at 11:00 this morning after being chased by the cops for 2 hours. Eventually he hit a building."
Angelica and Thomas looked at each other shocked.

"I don't know wether to be happy or sad?" Angelica asked.
"Neither." Thomas said.
The two cuddled up together and continued to watch the news.

My writers block is gone yay !

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