chapter 14

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Things between Thomas and Angelica didn't change much except sometimes it got awkward between the two. Angelica wanted to know what Thomas couldn't tell her and Thomas wanted to so desperately tell Angelica how he felt.

"You guys are invited to our party saturday." Lafayette told Angelica and Thomas while on their lunch break.
"Why are you throwing a party?" Thomas asked.
"To celebrate Maria being pregnant." Lafayette answered.
"Isn't that a baby shower?" Angelica answered.

"Omigod! It is not a baby shower we do not know the gender yet." Lafayette said annoyed.
Angelica made a face.
"Ok then." She said clasping her hands together she then turned to Hercules.
"So uh do you have any details for this party you know an invitation." Angelica said.

"Oh wait those are at my desk be right back." Hercules said.
Lafayette, Angelica and Thomas watched him walk out.
"So how is everybodys day going?" Lafayette asked.
"Um good I guess George had another breakdown about Martha and I had to help him so." Angelica said.

That's when Hercules came into the room.
"Uh babe I can't find the invitations can you help me?" Hercules asked Lafayette.
Lafayette looked at Hercules, then Angelica and Thomas and then smirked.
"Sure." he said.
Both Thomas and Angelica mentally facepalmed.

"So are you excited for Lafayette's party saturday?" Angelica asked Thomas once the two left.
"Yeah I guess." Thomas said.
It got awkwardly quiet between them again.
"I hate this." Angelica said breaking the silence.
"Hate what?" Thomas asked.
"This. What's going on right now ever since the other day stuff has been awkward." Angelica told Thomas.

"I know what you mean." Thomas said. "I think we should just forget about everything that happened the other day." Thomas said.
Angelica nodded.
"What happened the other day?" She asked smiling.
Thomas laughed and that's when Hercules and Lafayette walked in.

"We found your Invitations." Hercules said as he handed two invitations to Angelica and Thomas.
Angelica lifted her eyebrow up as she read the invitation.
"You guys are giving her a party at Chuck E Cheese?" Angelica asked.
"Well that was the only affordable place we could rent out so." Lafayette said.

"Also I heard they have a ballpit there now so I have to try that out."  Hercules added.
Thomas put his invitation on the table.
"The only reason I want to go is to see how many tickets I can get so I can win a cool prize." He said.
"And I wanna go in that machine thing where you get to grab the tickets and keep them." Angelica said.

"So you guys are definitely coming on saturday?" Lafayette asked.
"Hell yeah we'll be there." Angelica said.
"Ok uh and Ange tell Peggy and Eliza they're invited too." Lafayette said.
"Ok." Angelica said.
By the time the 4 were all done talking their break was over.

It was the end of the day when George approached Angelica.
"Angelica tomorrow you have a new person working with you in accounting." George told her.
"Ok who?" Angelica asked.
"Uh I think his name his John." George answered.
Angelica's heart started to beat fast and she felt her body tense up.

"John who?" Angelica asked.
"John church." George answered.
And that's when Angelica fainted.

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