chapter 18

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Ever since that kiss Angelica and Thomas got closer they never really declared if they were a couple yet.
Right now it was Angelica and Thomas's  lunch break something they were looking forward for. The whole day John kept giving them weird looks which made Angelica flirt with Thomas more just to make him mad and Thomas wasn't complaining at all.

"So do you want to eat here for our lunch break or do you want to go out?" Angelica asked Thomas.
"Um we can go out." Thomas answered.
"Ok where?" Angelica asked.
"They just opened a new chipotle down the street so let's go there." Thomas said.
Angelica shrugged.
"I'm down." She said.

"George Thomas and I are going out to eat for lunch we'll be back!" Angelica yelled.
"Again?!" Hercules asked as him and Lafayette walked up to Angelica and Thomas.
"Ange, Thomas this is the 3rd time this week." Lafayette said.
"We've been eating lunch with John and we play cards and stuff and John is a sore fucking loser." Hercules added.

Angelica looked down.
"You guys are welcome to come if you want." She said.
Thomas pulled on Angelica's skirt.
"Ange." He whined.
"Nah we'll pass we all know you want Thomas's dick." Lafayette said.
Angelica shook her head.
"Cmon Thomas lets go." Angelica said and the 2 started their walk to the parking lot.

After ordering their food Angelica and Thomas sat in silence for a minute before Angelica spoke.
"Thomas you know we never actually had the talk about what we are." She said.
"What do you mean?" Thomas asked.
Angelica mentally facepalmed.
Dumbass she thought.

"You know what are we friends, are we together or are we friends with benefits." Angelica said winking.
Thomas laughed.
"Well I think we're a couple." Thomas said.
"So we're together?" Angelica asked.
Thomas smiled.
"Yes we're together Ange." Thomas said.

"Sorry. Just wanted to make sure I kinda am having a little bit of issues ever since the cheating thing." Angelica said.
Thomas placed his hand on Angelica's.
"Angelica I love you I'll never do a thing to hurt you." Thomas said.
Angelica loosened up a little.
"Thanks Thomas." Angelica said.
"No problem." Thomas said and then he looked up. "Ooh look the food's here."

Lafayette and Hercules were in the break room playing uno with John.
"Draw 4 John." Lafayette said unenthusiastically.
John looked through his cards to find a wild card to block the action but found nothing.
"What motherfucker! Oh my fucking God! I fucking hate this game I don't wanna play anymore!" John yelled.

Suddenly Angelica and Thomas walked into the office.
"Oh look Ange and Thomas are back!" Hercules yelled and him and Lafayette got up and ran to the couple.
John rolled his eyes and walked to his desk.
"So how was your date?" Lafayette asked.
"It wasn't a date it was just going out to eat." Angelica answered back.

"But it was with your  boyfriend so isn't that a date?" Hercules said smart alecky.
Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Here we got you some leftovers from chipotle." Thomas said tossing the bag of leftovers to Lafayette who caught it.
"Thanks Thomas." Lafayette said.

Suddenly George walked past them.
"You guys better to get to work or else I'll"
"Dock our pay." Everybody else said finishing his sentence.
"We know we know come on Lafayette." Hercules said walking with Lafayette back to their desks.

"I don't want to go back to work." Thomas said.
"You have to or else you won't be able to pay your bills." Angelica said. "Besides you'll be with me."
"And him." Thomas said glaring at John who was walking back to his desk.
"Fuck him just focus on me and you'll be fine." Angelica said.
"That won't be too hard considering your beautiful." Thomas said.
Angelica looked down and smiled way too hard.

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