Chapter 22

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After eating dinner and talking for 3 hours everybody decided to call it a night.
"Thomas I'll be in our room later." Angelica said.
Thomas nodded.
"Ok." He said and he disappeared down the hallway.
Angelica went the other direction and knocked on Zoey and lulus room door.

"Come in." Angelica heard Zoey said.
Angelica walked into the room and saw Lulu playing with some Barbie dolls and Zoey wrapping her hair up for bed.
"Hey uh I wanted to talk to you both about something." Angelica said.
"Grandma told you didn't she?" Zoey said.
"Yeah she did." Angelica said. "That's what I want to talk about."

Lulu put down the Barbie doll she was playing with.
"If you don't want us that's fine." Lulu said.
Angelica sat on the bed and Lulu immediately cuddled up with Angelica.
Angelica wrapped her arms around her.
"Why wouldn't I not want you guys?" Angelica asked.
"Because a lot of people don't want us." Zoey said. "Our mother didn't."
"Listen I know you girls have been through a lot no kid deserves to go through what you two have been through." Angelica said. "Which is why I'm taking you guys in."

A big smile appeared on Lulu's face.
"Really!" Lulu said smiling.
"Yes." Angelica said.
Zoey came and cuddled up next to Angelica just like her sister was and Angelica pulled them closer to her.
"I love you guys." Angelica said.
"We love you too." Zoey and Lulu said.
Angelica tucked the two into bed but not before reading Lulu a bedtime story. After walking out the girls bedroom Angelica smiled. This whole mothering thing was kind of easy.

"So what did you and your mom have to talk about?" Thomas asked.
Angelica sighed.
"It was about Zoey and Lulu." Angelica said.
"Oh, what about them?" Thomas asked.
"They were placed out of their mother's care and put into my parents care." Angelica said. "But my mom believes my dad and her are too old to raise 2 more children so they asked me to take care of them."
"Wow." Thomas said. "So are you gonna do it."
"Yes I am." Angelica said as she laid her head on Thomas's chest. "I'm just scared."

"Why are you scared?" Thomas asked.
"Because I don't know the first thing about parenting." Angelica said.
"Angelica you're amazing with kids I mean what about Halloween with little Theo." Thomas said.
"Thomas I encouraged that little girl to steal candy bowls." Angelica said. "I just don't think I'm going to be a good enough parent to them."
"Trust me you are." Thomas said. "And you'll have me by your side as well."
Angelica smiled and gave Thomas a kiss.
"I love you." She said.
"I love you too." He said.

The next morning Angelica walked downstairs and saw Zoey and Lulu eating breakfast.
"Hey." Angelica said. "Is their any lucky charms."
"Nope grandpa ate them all." Lulu said.
Angelica sighed and sat down at the table.
"So I decided I am going to take you both shopping today." Angelica said.

"Yay." Lulu said.
Zoey smiled.
"Thank you." She said.
"No problem after you guys are finished eating and getting ready we'll head out." Angelica said getting up.
"Aren't you gonna eat something?" Zoey asked.
"I'll get a breakfast sandwich on the way to the mall." Angelica said.

The mall was packed as usual.
"So are they're any stores you both want to go to." Angelica asked.
"Um." Zoey pointed to pink and looked down. "I need some more um-"
"Oh oh." Angelica said. "Look here's $30 you get what you need and me and your sister will be next door at Justice."
Zoey smiled and took the money from Angelica.

Angelica and Lulu walked over to justice.
"So do you see anything you want?" Angelica asked.
Lulu looked around the store until she saw a Purple tutu with a matching glittery purse to match.
"Can't I get that Ange pretty please." Lulu said.
"Sure." Angelica said smiling.
Lulu was decided between two more tops when Zoey joined them again.

"So did you get what you needed?" Angelica asked.
"Yeah." Zoey said.
"When we get back to New York we can plan a shopping trip just for us older girls." Angelica said.
"Ok." Zoey said.
After paying for Lulu's stuff they then went to a couple of more stores.
"Ange?" Lulu said at about 1:00 tugging on the bottom of Angelica's dress.
"Yes baby?" Angelica answered.
"I'm hungry." Lulu said.

"Oh shit I mean shoot." Angelica said. "I forgot to feed you both I'm sorry. What a great mother am I."
"Ange you're doing better than our real mother ever has." Zoey said.
Lulu nodded.
"Yeah." She said.
"Well do you guys want to eat here or eat at this amazing restaurant my dad used to take me too." Angelica said.
"Let's eat at the restaurant grandpa used to take you at." Zoey said.
"Yeah." Lulu said agreeing with her sister.
Angelica smiled.
"Ok let's go." She said.

The 3 girls got home at about 5:00 that night. After eating lunch they had went to target to get some more stuff.
Angelica saw Thomas watching tv with her parents.
"Hey girls how was shopping today?" Catherine asked.
"It was awesome I got a lot of new clothes!" Lulu said.
"And we went to this amazing restaurant after." Zoey said.
"That's great I'm glad you too had a good time." Phillip said.

"Me too." Zoey said. "I love you Ange." She said giving Angelica a hug. Lulu did the same.
"I love you too." Angelica said and the two girls went upstairs.
"Well Angelica seems like you're doing a good job with being a parent." Catherine said. "And to think that you doubted yourself."
Angelica smiled.
"Thanks mom."
"You're welcome."

Angelica sat on the couch and cuddled her head on Thomas's chest.
"Uh Cath lets go upstairs I'm guessing Ange and Thomas need some alone time." Phillip said.
"Don't make any babies on my couch." Catherine said. Angelica sucked her teeth.
"I'm tired." Angelica said. "Is this what being a mother feels like?"
"Yes all mothers feel tired after being with their kids especially good ones." Thomas said.

"I missed you today." Angelica said.
"And I missed you too but today me and Catherine did some gardening it's so therapeutic." Thomas said. "When we get back to New York I'm going to start one."
Angelica smiled.
"I'd like to see that happen." Angelica said.
"Do you not think I can do it." Thomas said. "Cause I am gonna start one."

"Whatever you say Thomas." Angelica said getting up.
"Wait where are you going?" Thomas asked.
"To go make me something to eat being a parent makes you really hungry." Angelica said.
Thomas laughed.

Loving him {thomgelica}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें