chapter 17

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Finally the day of the party came and Angelica really didn't feel like going but this morning when she saw a text from Thomas saying that he was going to beat her at air hockey Angelica knew she had to go to this party.

Ever since the argument in the break room with John and how Angelica sorta confessed she had feelings for Thomas things had been pretty tense at work this party is what everybody needed.

So Angelica pulled up to Chuck E cheese at exactly 3:00 p.m and as soon as she stepped out her car she saw Thomas.
"Ready to get your ass kicked in air hockey?" Thomas asked.
Angelica crossed her arms.
"I think the real question is are you ready to get your ass kicked in air hockey." Angelica said.

Thomas laughed.
"We'll see about that later Ms.Schuyler." Thomas said.
"Let's go inside Mr.Jefferson." Angelica said and the first thing she saw when she walked inside was Lafayette, Aaron and Hercules with Phillip and Little Theodosia in the ball pit.

"Look guys Ange and Thomas are here!" Lafayette yelled and Hercules, Aaron plus the two kids ran to them.
"Hey." Angelica said as Phillip gave her a hug.
"Uncle Thomas I missed you." Theodosia said.
"I missed you too." Thomas said.
"So where's the pregnant lady?" Angelica asked.

Lafayette pointed to where a bunch of tables where all the females were sitting at.
"Ok let's go." Angelica said and she grabbed Thomas's hand and walked to the tables.
"Look it's Ange and her boyfriend." Peggy said and all the other girls laughed.
Angelica and Thomas shared an awkward look.

"Hey Maria." Angelica said. "This looks like a really fun party so far."
"You just got here Ange how is the party fun so far?" Peggy asked.
"Why are you coming for me so much today jesus looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Angelica said.
"Nah it's just fun messing with you." Peggy said.

Angelica shook her head.
"Anyways I gotta go beat Thomas in air hockey." Angelica said and thomas laughed.
"Yeah you think you're going to beat me in air Hockey." Thomas said and the two walked away from the group of females.
"Can they just hook up already goddamn." Peggy said.
"I know right." Eliza said.

After about 5 rounds of air hockey the clear champion was:
"Yes I won again!" Thomas yelled as he did his 'I won air hockey' dance.
Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Fuck this stupid ass game anyways." Angelica said.
"Aww is someone mad." Thomas said.

"No I'm not." Angelica said pouting. "I'll totally whoop your ass in the racing game though." Angelica said pointing to a game across the room.
"You're on." Thomas said.
"If I win you have to buy me some wings." Angelica said.
"And if you lose?" Thomas asked.
"I've been playing Mario Kart with my sisters since I was 7 trust me I won't lose." Angelica said.

"You said the same thing about Air hockey and look where we're at now." Thomas said.
Angelica hit Thomas's arm and laughed.
"Come on let's go." Angelica said and the 2 walked over to the racing game.

-20 minutes later- 

"I dare you to climb up there and make it through the whole obstacle course." Little Theodosia said to Phillip.
"No." Phillip said.
"Why are you scared?" Little Theodosia said and she began to tease Phillip.
"Phillip's a baby Phillip's a baby." She sang.

"Am not."
"Are too."
"Fine then I'll go up." Phillip said and he climbed into the obstacle course and started his journey.
Angelica and Thomas walked to a nearby table by the scene and sat down.
"Those were the best wings I've ever had." Angelica said.
"Stop bragging." Thomas said.

"Hey Ange hey Uncle Thomas." Little Theodosia said as she sat with them at the table.
"Hey sweetie I thought you were playing in the ball pit with Phillip, Lafayette and Hercules." Angelica said.
"Well I was but then Hercules and Lafayette told everyone to evacuate the ball pit 'cause they had to do something." Little Theodosia said.

Angelica made a face.
"That's nasty." She said.
"Very." Thomas added.
"And Phillip he's up there." Little Theodosia said pointing to the Obstacle course.
All of a sudden Angelica, Thomas and Little Theodosia heard somebody scream and then cry.

Angelica and Thomas ran to the obstacle course and looked up to see hear Phillip crying.
"Phillip!" Angelica yelled.
"Auntie Ange I'm scared! It's dark up here why did I ever agree to this!" Phillip yelled back.
Thomas and Angelica shared a look.
"I'm going up." Angelica said. "Go back to the table with Theodosia."

So Angelica put her flashlight from her phone on and searched for Phillip in the obstacle course.
Angelica saw him in a tunnel and she climbed to him.
"Auntie Ange?"
"Ok ok Everythings ok now we can finish the obstacle course together." Angelica said.

But as Angelica went to go crawl through the tunnel she heard like this cracking noise and something breaking.
"Oh no." Angelica whispered.
"Omigod we're gonna die." Phillip said.
"Thomas!" Angelica yelled.
Phillip screamed once again.

"Ange are you ok?" Thomas asked.
"Uh no this thing is gonna break any minute I'm scared!" Angelica yelled.
"I'm coming up wait!" Thomas said.
2 minutes later Thomas was in the obstacle course.
"Ok Ange you grab my hand and Phillip you grab Angelica's." Thomas instructed.

Angelica was reluctant to give
Thomas her hand.
"Ange I'm not gonna drop you." Thomas said.
Angelica grabbed Thomas's hand a warm feeling washing over her and soon they were out of the obstacle course.

"Ok Phillip why don't you and Theodosia play in the ball pit and not a word to your parents about any of this." Angelica said.
Phillip nodded and he dissapeared.
"Thanks Thomas." Angelica said.
"No problem Chuck E cheese needs to fix its shit though." Thomas said.
Angelica laughed.
"Cmon let's go play some more games." Angelica said.

The party ended at exactly 11 pm and Thomas and Angelica walked to the parking lot together.
"I had a fun time with you tonight." Angelica said.
"So did I we need to go go karting together let's see how fast you drive then." Thomas said.
Angelica rolled her eyes.
"And I'll kick your ass in that too." Angelica said.

"Hey Ange before you leave I got to tell you something." Thomas said.
"What?" Angelica asked.
Thomas grabbed Angelicas face and kissed her.
At first Angelica was shocked but then she seemed to enjoy the kiss.
"Wow." Angelica said when they pulled away. "That was the best kiss I ever had."

"Why thank you." Thomas said.
Angelica gave Thomas a hug.
"Tomorrow night I'm having my netflix binge watch session you're welcome to come if you'd like." Angelica said.
Thomas nodded.
"Ok." He said.
"So it's a date?" Angelica asked.
"Its a date." Thomas said.

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