Chapter 20

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It was currently the day before Christmas and Angelica was doing her last minute gift shopping. She already got stuff for her sisters and her friends she just needed to find something for Thomas.
Honestly she was getting upset.
"Ange just calm down whatever you get Thomas he'll love it why? Because he loves you." Angelica said to herself.

Angelica looked back and saw Peggy come up to her.
"Hey pegs what are you doing here?" Angelica asked.
"The same reason your hear last minute Christmas shopping." Peggy answered.
"I'm just trying to find something for Thomas." Angelica said.

"Aww any luck?" Peggy asked.
"Not really I've been here for a good hour." Angelica told Peggy.
"Well did you get my present?" Peggy asked laughing.
"Hush and yes I did." Angelica said. "And I'm not telling you."

Peggy sighed.
"Reminds me of Christmas at mom and dads." She said.
"Yeah I miss them." Angelica said.
"Hey maybe we should go visit them this week you could bring Thomas and Eliza can bring her family we can make it a road trip." Peggy said.
"I'm down." Angelica said. "Make a groupchat later so we can discuss the details."

Peggy nodded.
"I better get going but good luck Ange."
"Thanks Peggy I'm gonna need it." Angelica said.
The 2 sisters hugged.
"Bye Ange love you." Peggy said.
"Love you too." Angelica said and with that Peggy left.

Angelica walked around the mall some more when she saw something in a store window that would be perfect for Thomas: A magenta coat.
Angelica literally ran into the store to go buy it and she got a good deal on it considering it was on sale.
After buying it Angelica felt a load being lifted off of her shoulders.
"Thank god." Angelica said.

Meanwhile Thomas wasn't having that much luck either.
"What do you guys think Angelica likes?" Thomas asked.
"The color pink." Hercules said. "You know the movie the color purple if that movie was about Angelica they should call it the color pink."
Thomas sighed.
"Ok that might be easy." Thomas said.

"We're gonna go shopping for each other so we'll see you later Thomas." Lafayette said.
Thomas nodded the watched Hercules and Lafayette leave.
Thomas started his search to find Angelica a present.

One hour later Lafayette, Hercules and Thomas met up outside of Journey's.
"So what did you get her?" Thomas asked.
"Uh a pink pajama set, a foot-bath, some pink face-masks, and pink vans." Thomas said.
"You did good Thomas." Hercules said and Lafayette pretended to tear up.
"They grow up so fast." He said.
Thomas laughed.
"Come on let's go home." Thomas said.

That night while Angelica was binge watching the Christmas episodes of the office she got a call from Thomas.
"Hey babe." Angelica said when she picked up the phone.
"Hey Ange just was checking up on you." Thomas said.
"Aww Thanks I'm really not doing anything just watching the office." Angelica said.

"Oh ok I'm not doing anything either- just wrapping your present." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled to herself.
"Have fun with that." She said. "By the way do you want to meet at my house to exchange our gifts or at mine?"
"Yours." Thomas said. "You have the better house."

"Ok by the way when you come over tomorrow I have a surprise to tell you." Angelica said.
"Ooh what is it?" Thomas asked.
"I can't tell you or else it won't be a surprise." Angelica said.
"Aww Angelica please tell me." Thomas said.
"You just said my whole name now I'm definitely not telling you." Angelica said.

"Ange I'm sorry." Thomas said laughing.
"Thomas you better get back to wrapping your presents I'll see you tomorrow morning." Angelica said.
"Ok bye love you." Thomas said.
"Love you too." Angelica said and she hung up the phone.
Thomas looked at his phone before putting it down. He wanted to know what the surprise was.

The next morning before going to Angelica's Thomas got her a big bag of chocolate from the store. You know the one with the caramel inside.
"Knock knock." Thomas said as he knocked on Angelica's  door.
"Who is it?" Angelica asked.
"You know who it is?" Thomas said.
"I really don't." Angelica said as she giggled to herself. She knew who it was she was just fucking with Thomas.

"It's Thomas." Thomas said flatly.
"Oh." Angelica said as she opened the door.
Once she saw Thomas she gave him a big hug.
"I got you chocolate." Thomas said as handed Angelica the chocolate.
"Thanks Thomas I got you fruit-snacks you know the hello kitty ones you like." Angelica said.
"Hell yeah." Thomas said as he stepped inside.

10 minutes later Angelica and Thomas were sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree. Angelica eating her chocolate and Thomas eating his fruit snacks.
"So you can give me my gift first." Angelica said.
Thomas sighed and handed Angelica her gifts.
Angelica opened her gift.
"Omg a pajama set." Angelica said. "And it's in my favorite color."

Angelica opened her other gifts and then opened her last gift.
"Thomas no you didn't." Angelica said.
"Since you always wear heels to work your feet must hurt like a lot so I got you a foot-bath." Thomas said.
"Thanks Thomas for everything." Angelica said she then handed him his present. "I only got you one thing though."

"Ange I don't care it's the thought that counts." Thomas said as he grabbed his gift.
Thomas's eyes went wide as he opened his present.
"Omigod a magenta coat Ange I wanted this so bad." Thomas said.
"You did?" Angelica asked.
"Yeah I saw it a few days ago in the store." Thomas said.
"Well I guess this was the perfect gift." Angelica said.
"It was." Thomas said as he gave Angelica a kiss. "So what's the surprise?"

Angelica shifted around a bit.
"So Peggy, Eliza and I haven't seen our parents in a long time." Angelica said. "So we were going to go down south to go visit them."
"Oh ok." Thomas said.
"And I was wondering would you like to come with me." Angelica said. "You can meet my parents I'm sure they'll love you."

"Hell Yeah I'll go I love road trips and I'll get to spend more time with you." Thomas said.
"Yay." Angelica squealed. "Just so you know if my dad makes you uncomfortable don't mind him you should've saw him when Eliza and Alex got married."
Thomas laughed.
"Ok." He said.

"Now that we gave each other our gifts let's go make some cookies I'm gonna eat them while trying out my new foot bath." Angelica said.
Thomas smiled.
"I'm glad you like your present." He said as he helped Angelica up.
"I love it." She said. "I also love you." She said and her and Thomas kissed.
"I love you too." Thomas said and the 2 went to the kitchen to go make the cookies.

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