chapter 11

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The next morning Angelica overslept on purpose. She called her job and told them that she had somehow caught the flu and that she felt horrible.
She wasn't even up for a good 2 minutes when she heard her phone ringing she wasn't going to answer it but then she saw that it was Maria calling.

"Hello." Angelica said sounding drained.
"Hey Ange how you feeling Lafayette told me about what happened yesterday at work." Maria said.
"Ugh Lafayette has such a big mouth." Angelica said. "I'm feeling ok though I have a slight headache."
"Make yourself some tea it'll help your headache." Maria told Angelica.

"Ok." Angelica said. "I'm not going to work today."
"Oh why?" Maria asked.
"I really don't want a repeat of yesterday." Angelica answered.
"Oh if you want I'll come over for a while." Maria said.
"No thanks I just want some alone time still love you though." Angelica told Maria.
"I know you do and love you too." Maria said. "I have to go but I'll call you later."
"Ok bye." Angelica said and with that the phone call ended.

"So what time are we going out for drinks tonight?" Thomas asked Lafayette when they arrived at work.
"I guess when we get off." Lafayette said.
"And we're going to surprise her too it'll make her happy." Hercules said.
"Good I just can't stand Angelica being so sad." Thomas said.
"The last time she was this sad was when 2 broke girls got cancelled." Hercules said.

"Thomas tell her those corny jokes you are always telling her she'll love that." Lafayette said.
"And you pay for the drinks I'll bet she'll love that too." Thomas told Lafayette and Hercules laughed.
"Ok lets meet in the parking lot at 4:30 we'll take my car, pick up Ange, get drinks, come back here and Thomas you take us all home because we're all going to be drunk and you're most likely going to be sober." Lafayette said.

"Got you." Thomas said.
Suddenly George walked passed him.
"Do I even have to say it?" He asked.
Lafayette rolled his eyes.
"Come on Herc let's go." Lafayette said. "See you later Tommy."
"Don't call me that and ok." Thomas said.
It wasn't the same without Angelica at work. He didn't get to hear her laugh or her curse whenever she messed up doing something. Hopefully this little plan would work.

Angelica was sitting on her couch watching some disney channel show.
"Disney is so trash now my god." Angelica muttered.
She heard her doorbell ring and she got up to go answer it.
"Hey Ange!" Lafayette yelled when she opened the door.
"Hey Lafayette- and Hercules and Thomas." Angelica said. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Let us come in and we'll tell you." Lafayette answered.

Angelica let her 3 friends come inside and they all sat on the couch.
"So Ange we know you've been down a lot lately so we want to take you out for drinks." Hercules said.
"No guys thanks but no." Angelica said.
"Please Ange come on it could be fun." Lafayette said.
"Please Ange." Thomas said.
That's when her 3 friends kept saying please over and over again.
"Fine! Just shut up let me go get ready." Angelica said as she got up.

Twenty minutes later Angelica came downstairs wearing a gray sweater with black leggings and long black boots her curly hair in a bun.
"Angelica you look hot." Lafayette said.
"Hey!" Hercules said
"What I'm making her feel good." Lafayette said.
"Thanks guys lets go." Angelica said.

At the bar Angelica ordered her usual drink.
"So how was work today?" Angelica asked.
"Well the microwave lit on fire." Lafayette answered.
"That girl that's the secretary went into labor and then she didn't get to the hospital on time so she went into delivery in the conference room." Hercules added.

Angelica sighed.
"The one day I don't come to work all the good shit happens my god." Angelica said.
"It's ok if you want I'll put a grape in the microwave so that it would blow up tomorrow." Thomas said.
"No it's ok I don't even know if I want to go to work tomorrow." Angelica said as she sipped her drink.

"What no! Why?" Thomas asked.
"I don't really want to talk about it." Angelica said.
"Ange that's why we brought you here to talk about it and to make you feel better." Hercules said. "Come on Angelica we're your best friends you can tell us anything."
Angelica took a long sip of her drink and then slammed the cup on the table.

"You want me to talk about it fine I'll talk about it! I don't know how to feel anymore you know I don't think any of you knows what it feels like to see the man that you love well loved on your couch with another woman?" Angelica asked.
It got silent between the 4 friends.
"Yeah silence so I'm guessing your answer is no." Angelica snapped.

"Ange we just wanted to make you feel better." Hercules said.
"Well it didn't work at all." Angelica said her voice cracking.
Do not cry. Do not cry. Do not cry.
Angelica grabbed her purse.
"Where are you going?" Lafayette asked.
"Im going home I'm taking an uber." Angelica said walking away from the group.

"Angelica wait!" Thomas said as he got up.
"Where are you going?" Lafayette asked.
"To make her feel better that's the whole reason we came out here." Thomas said as he walked out the bar.
Thomas saw Angelica on the sidewalk sitting on a bench.
"You ok?" Thomas asked as he sat next to her.
"No." Angelica said as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"Everything would be ok Angelica you may not see that now but everything eventually will be ok." Thomas said.
"Why do I have to be so sad though? I hate being sad." Angelica said.
"You're going through a heartbreak Angelica you have a right to be sad." Thomas said. "But eventually this whole thing will pass and you'll forget about how much of a dick John is and you'll find love again."

Angelica sighed.
"I dont think I'll ever trust another man again." Angelica said.
Thomas pretended to look fake offended.
"Not even me?" Thomas asked.
Angelica laughed.
"I trust you Thomas." Angelica said. "Thanks for coming out here after me."

"No problem." Thomas said and the 2
hugged. "Now are you still going home."
"Not anymore Angelica Schuyler never passes up free drinks." Angelica said.
Thomas laughed and the 2 walked inside the bar.

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