chapter 13

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"Conference room meeting now." Thomas said to Lafayette and Hercules when they got to work.
"What's going on?" Hercules asked. "Should we tell Ange too or-"
"No don't tell Angelica just come on." Thomas said.
Hercules and Lafayette looked at each other concerned.

"Thomas hurry up before George docks our pay you know how he is." Lafayette said.
"I think I like Angelica." Thomas blurted out.
It got silent between the 3 men.
"What?" Hercules asked.
"You heard me." Thomas said.

"Did you tell her yet?" Lafayette asked.
"No not yet I don't know how to tell her." Thomas said.
"To be honest though Thomas it was really obvious." Lafayette said.
"It was not." Thomas said.
"Yeah Lafayette because I couldn't tell and Angelica certaintly can't tell." Hercules said. "Or else she would've said something by now."

"Whatever you guys do just please don't tell Ange." Thomas said.
"Don't tell Ange what?" Angelica asked as she walked into the conference room.
"Uh nothing." Thomas said quickly.
Angelica squinted her eyes.
"No what is it?" She asked.

Before Angelica could question Thomas any further George walked in looking rather sad.
"We were just leaving George." Lafayette said.
"No no stay as long as you want." George said.
"George what's wrong?" Angelica asked as she sat down next to him.
"Martha broke up with me last night." George said as he burst into tears.

The room got awkwardly silent.
"Aww George I'm so sorry." Angelica said.
"I didn't even know what I did wrong I thought we were doing so well." George said.
"How about I sit with you in your office and we can talk about it." Angelica said.

George nodded.
"Ok." He said.
Angelica and George walked out of the conference room leaving Hercules, Thomas and Lafayette alone once again.
"That was close." Thomas said.
"Honestly Thomas You're going to have to tell Ange eventually." Hercules said.
Thomas sighed.
"I'll do it when I'm ready." he told Hercules and with that the 3 men went to their desks.

"You need a ride home?" Angelica asked Thomas as they were walking to the parking lot.
"Please my car gets out the shop tomorrow." Thomas said.
"Come on." Angelica said laughing. "By the way what did you mean earlier when you said don't tell Ange?" Angelica asked Thomas.

Thomas's heart started pounding.
"Nothing." He said as they reached Angelica's.
"Are you sure Thomas you could tell me anything I won't judge you." Angelica said.
"I know that but-"
Thomas and Angelica looked at each other and locked eyes a look of concern on Angelica's face.

"Ange trust me it's nothing serious." Thomas said.
Angelica was skeptical but just decided to leave the whole topic alone altogether.
"If you say so." Angelica said as she got in the car.
The car ride to Thomas's house was awkwardly quiet because the 2 were both afraid to say something.

Finally Angelica reached Thomas's house.
"See you tomorrow." Angelica said. "Do you need a ride?"
"I'll text you later and no I'll ask Lafayette." Thomas said.
"Ok bye." Angelica said.
Thomas waved goodbye as he walked to his house.
Angelica watched Thomas walk to his house before driving off.
But she still wanted to know what Thomas didn't want her to know.

"Maria omigod- I don't think you're understanding he didn't tell me what he didn't want me to know." Angelica said.
Angelica was on the phone with Maria trying to explain what happened earlier but Maria didn't seem to be comprehending the situation at all.

"Ange he isn't your boyfriend or something." Maria said. "He doesn't have to tell you everything."
"I know buy he obviously had something to tell me if he said don't tell Ange god why is he so scared to tell me." Angelica said. "We tell each other everything what's so different about now."

"Ange I think you're overthinking this why do you care so you like him?" Maria teased.
"What no- maybe I don't know." Angelica sighed.
"Wait what." Maria said suddenly alert.
"Nothing nevermind." Angelica said.

"Listen Ange like I said I think you're over thinking this whatever he has to or had to tell you probably isn't even that serious ok." Maria said.
"Why are you so touchy god are the pregnancy hormones starting up this early?" Angelica asked.
Maria sucked her teeth.
"I just had a long day." Maria said.

"Oh go get some rest I know pregnant women love that." Angelica said laughing.
Maria laughed with her.
"So funny, I'll call you later Ange." Maria said.
"Ok bye." Angelica said.

Angelica thought about Maria said maybe she was just overthinking the whole situation. If Thomas had something important to tell her he would have told her by now. Right? The whole situation was giving her a headache. Hopefully with a good nights sleep she would forget about the whole thing overnight. But Maria was right. Why did Angelica care so much?

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