Chapter 31

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Ok y'all recap of the last chapter Zoey is upset because her school is having a father daughter dance and she doesn't really have a father to take her to the dance so Thomas decides to do something about it.

"I can't believe we just did that." Thomas said as him and Angelica walked to Thomas's car.
"I know me neither." Thomas said. "We're actually gonna be parents."
"Well not exactly parents legal guardians." Angelica said.
"Same thing." Thomas scoffed as he opened the car door.

After starting the car Thomas and Angelica continued their conversation.
"Do you think Zoey will be excited?" Thomas asked. "Do you think we're ready for this type of thing?"
"Thomas Zoey has been with us for a couple of months now I think we're ready." Angelica said.
Thomas still looked unsure.
"It's funny because when we first took Zoey in I was the scared but now you're scared." Angelica said laughing a bit.

Thomas now laughed.
"I know I am." Thomas said. "I just really wanna be a good father to Zoey that's something she never had before."
"Trust me Thomas you're gonna be a good father." Angelica said.
"And you're going to be a good mother." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled.

That night Angelica, Thomas and Zoey went out to eat at Olive Garden for dinner.
"Is their a reason we're going out to eat tonight?" Zoey asked as they were walking through the parking lot.
"Maybe." Angelica said smirking her and Thomas giggled.
Zoey made a face and then continued to walk.

Surprisingly they got seated immediately which was really rare.
"So I packed the emergency pair of sneakers for no reason?" Angelica said as she walked to the table.
"Well nobody told you to wear heels Ange." Thomas said.
"Well flats don't go with this type of dress." Angelica said. "And I know you love me in this dress."

Thomas Angelica up and down and smiled.
"You're right I do love you in this dress." Thomas said. "I also love this dress off of you."
Angelica blushed and smiled extremely hard.
"Thomas not now." She reprimanded pointing to Zoey.
"That's nasty." She told Thomas as the 3 sat down at their table.

After eating a ton of breadsticks and ordering their food Angelica excused herself to go to the bathroom.
"You two don't do anything I wouldn't do." Angelica said before leaving.
"What's something Angelica wouldn't do again?" Zoey asked.
Thomas laughed. It got awkwardly quiet between the two.

"So how's sixth grade?" Thomas said attempting to strike up a conversation.
"It's really good I made a new friend." Zoey said.
"That's nice who is she?" Thomas asked.
"It isn't a she." Zoey said looking down. "His name is Marcus we were paired together in science and ever since then we've been close." Zoey said.

"I don't like this Marcus." Thomas said.
Zoey laughed.
"Neither does Miles he thinks that Marcus is stealing me away from him and I should only have one male friend." Zoey said.
"Mhm." Thomas said.
"Cinnamon thinks we should go out...the whole sixth grade we should go out." Zoey said.

Thomas made a face.
"But you won't right?" He asked.
"Oh no not now." Zoey said. "I'm not even 12 yet I think I'm ready to handle a boyfriend yet."
Thomas nodded.
"Keep it that way." Thomas said.
"Why do you care so much anyway god you're acting so much like a dad." Zoey said crossing her arms.

"Well I'm kind of am like your dad aren't I?" Thomas asked.
Zoey nodded.
"Yeah I guess." Zoey said. "And I'm glad you kind of are my dad."
Thomas smiled.
"And I'm glad you're my kind of daughter." Thomas said opening his arms open for a hug.
Zoey gladly accepted.

After eating their meal and a bunch more breadsticks Angelica and Thomas decided it was time to break the news.
"Ok Zoey we have a little surprise for you." Angelica said as she grabbed Thomas's hand.
"Um ok I like surprises I guess." Zoey said.
Thomas grabbed the gift box that was next to him and handed it to Zoey.
Zoey who was confused grabbed it and opened it inside there were papers.

Angelica and Thomas looked at each other smiling ear to ear.
Zoey read the papers tears welling in her eyes as she read each word.
"You guys are adopting me." She asked voice cracking as she tried not to cry.
"Yes." Angelica said.
"Now you won't be our kind of daughter you'll actually be our daughter." Thomas said.
"We signed the papers today." Angelica said.

Zoey couldn't take it anymore tears streamed down her cheeks light sobs came from her as she gave both Angelica and Thomas a hug.
That's when Angelica and Thomas started crying. The 3 knew people were staring at them but they didn't care.
"I love you guys." Zoey said.
"We love you too." Angelica said.
"Just for the record this is the last time you'll see me cry." Thomas said.
"Oh hush you cry every time we play monopoly." Angelica said.
Zoey laughed she was finally apart of a family.

That night while Zoey was in her room texting Cinnamon about what had happened that night Angelica and Thomas came into Zoey's room.
"What ya doing?" Angelica asked as she sat on Zoey's bed along with Thomas.
"Just texting Cinnamon by the way she's coming over tomorrow." Zoey said.
"That's a good way of asking?" Angelica asked.
"Sorry but can she?" Zoey asked.
"It's fine Zoey." Thomas said. "We just came to say goodnight."

"Oh ok." Zoey said. "I'm glad you guys came I wanted to tell you guys something."
"We're all ears." Thomas said.
"Well I'm just really glad you guys took me in from grandmas house and stuff like that I didn't think you guys would do that also I love you both very much and I never thought I'd ever have a real family but now I do thanks to you guys." Zoey said.

"Another hug?" Angelica asked. "This time no crying."
Zoey nodded and the 3 group hugged.
"Goodnight Zoey we love you." Thomas said.
"I love you too." Zoey said. "Also cinnamon said make sure you have those hello kitty fruit snacks in stock."
"Those are mine she can't have them." Thomas said.
Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Come on Thomas lets go." Angelica said.

"I think we're gonna be awesome parents." Angelica said when her and Thomas were outside of Zoey's room.
"We are." Thomas said and the two kissed.

Here's the long awaited update sorry it took so long but anyway vote and comment !

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