Chapter 3

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Thomas Jefferson woke up. It was a monday morning and today he started a new job at an office working for George Washington.
Thomas walked downstairs to the kitchen where his dog biscuit ran up to him.
"Hey boy." Thomas said filling up the dog food bowl.
Thomas then made himself a bowl of Lucky charms and got himself ready for work.

Angelica woke up and realized John had already left for work.
If this man took my car without asking me I swear to god.
Angelica ran downstairs into the living room and looked out the window. Surprisingly her car was still in the driveway.
"Hmm maybe he got a ride from his coworker." Angelica said to herself as she went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Thomas stepped into what he thought was George Washington's office.
"Uh hello I'm Thomas Jefferson." Thomas said.
"Ahh the new recruit come in come in." George said. "As you may I'm George Washington your boss."
Thomas and George shook hands.
"You may call me George or Mr.Washington whatever makes you comfortable." George said.
"I'll call you George is that ok?" Thomas asked.
"Sure." George said. "Now I'm going to go introduce you to the other co-workers."

"What's going on?" Angelica asked as she walked into work.
"You haven't heard we have a new person in the office." Hercules said.
"Who?" Angelica said and that's when she saw him.
"Omigod." She said quietly.
"Ahh Angelica just the woman I wanted to see." George said walking towards Angelica Thomas following.
"This is Thomas Jefferson." George said.
Angelica shook Thomas's hand.
"I'm Angelica Schuyler you can call me Angie or Ange." Angelica said.

"I was wondering Angelica if you could show Mr.Jefferson around the office." George told Angelica.
"Uh sure totally." Angelica said her heart racing.
"Ok good why don't you start now." George said. "Everybody else get back to work, Hercules and Lafayette I better not find you guys under a desk making out again!" George yelled.
Lafayette and Hercules laughed and went back to work.

"Ok so I guess I should show you around the office." Angelica said.
"Psst Ange." Lafayette whispered.
Angelica turned to him and saw him making hearts with his hands along with Hercules.
Angelica rolled her eyes and started to show Thomas around the office.
"So uh this is the break room literally the only people that come in here are me and my friends Lafayette and Hercules." Angelica told Thomas.
"What happened to the water machine?" Thomas asked.
"We don't talk about that." Angelica said.

"The restrooms are over there and that over there is the conference room." Angelica said. "We usually go into the conference room whenever George has a fight with wife or someone needs a good cry."
Thomas made a face.
"Uh ok."
"I know it's weird but we have a lot of fun here." Angelica said.
They continued the tour of the office purposely skipping where Lafayette and Hercules were sitting at.

"So I work in accounting how about you?" Angelica asked Thomas.
"I work in accounting too." Thomas said.
"Oh cool I'll show you where our desks are at." Angelica said.
"The coolest part about working in accounting is that our desks are all the way in the back so we can do whatever we want." Angelica told Thomas.
"Hell yes all I do is watch Jeopardy on Netflix all day." Angelica answered.
Thomas laughed.

"Ok here we are." Angelica said.
"Feel free to set up your desk and literally do nothing George will go easy on you since you're new."
"Oh ok and uh Ange thanks." Thomas said.
"No problem and if you need me feel free to say my name." Angelica said.
Thomas nodded and started to get his desk organized.

"So how was it showing Thomas around?" Lafayette asked Angelica.
It was finally the end of the day.
"It was fine." Angelica said.
"He's really cute." Hercules said. "Isn't he Angelica?"
"He's ok." Angelica said.
"Angelica you're lying you know you think he's hot as hell I saw the way you were looking at him." Hercules said.

"If I wasn't taken I would totally go out with him." Lafayette said.
"Lafayette don't make me beat your ass."
"Hey Hercules I said if I wasn't taken." Lafayette said.
Angelica laughed.
"You two are something else." Angelica said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"ok bye Ange tell John we said hi." Lafayette said and him and Hercules started laughing.

When Angelica got into her car she saw that John was calling her.
"Hey Ange." John said.
"Hey John." Angelica said.
"I just wanted to say that I might get home late tonight." John said.
"Working late again?" Angelica asked. "If you are I'm not surprised."
"No- uh Ange it's my mom." John said.
"Omg what! What's wrong with her." Angelica said guilty for her little comment before.

"She's just sick so I'm going over to her house you know to help out." John told Angelica.
"Ok sorry for my comment earlier I just had a hard day." Angelica said.
"It's ok Ange love you." John said.
"Love you too John the key will be in the mailbox just incase you forgot yours." Angelica said.
"Ok bye." John said and the phone call ended.

"Who the hell is Ange and why are you telling her you love her?"
John started sweating bullets.
"Baby, Ange is my sister I'm not allowed to tell my sister I love her." John said.
"Ok good. Now let's get down to business."
John smiled and started to take his clothes off.

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