chapter 10

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"Thanks for spending the day with me guys I really appreciate it." Angelica said as she ate another spoonful of ice cream.
"No problem Angie we're your sisters we'd do anything for you." Eliza said.
"Yeah." Peggy said.
"Especially you Peggy I mean you have such a busy schedule." Angelica said.
"Well my sister comes first then work and if my sister needs me then that's more important." Peggy told Angelica.

The 3 were in Angelica's living room watching Lifetime love movies. It was 2 days after the whole cheating incident.
Tomorrow was a monday and Angelica had work and she honestly didn't feel like going.
She would probably have Lafayette or Hercules cover for her. Hopefully George wouldn't dock her pay he had a real bad habit of doing that.

"So Eliza how's being a mom going?" Peggy asked trying to lighten up the mood.
"It's good Phillip takes after his father always getting in lots of trouble but I wouldn't trade him for the world." Eliza said.
"Aww that's cute." Peggy said.
Angelica looked down and started to cry.

"Angelica what's wrong?" Peggy asked.
"You both are in awesome relationships and then there's me the one who got cheated on." Angelica sobbed.
"Aw Angelica." Peggy said as she rubbed Angelica's back.

"Angelica Schuyler I cannot believe you!" Eliza said. "You do not need a man to be happy so John's gone ok you didn't need him anyway now you can go to single night at the bar and wear that short ass black dress you loved to wear so that guys can buy you drinks."
"Eliza's right you couldn't do that with John." Peggy said.

"And now you could go out with Maria and Theodosia without John calling you getting all paranoid because he thinks guys are hitting on you." Eliza said.
"Angelica you have freedom now." Peggy said.

Angelica wiped her tears.
"You guys are right I don't need a man to be happy." Angelica said. "I have awesome friends, wonderful parents and 2 awesome sisters."
"That's the spirit." Peggy said and the 3 sisters did a group hug.
"Thanks guys." Angelica said.
"Anytime Ange." Eliza said.

Even though her sisters little pep talk did lift her spirits up some, Angelica still was sad about John and she didn't know why? John was so toxic to her and he cheated on her. Angelica sighed and ate another spoonful of icecream.

The next day Angelica walked into work in the worst mood ever.
"Goodmorning Angelica." George said as she walked into work.
"Leave me alone George." Angelica snapped as she started to walk to her desk.

"What's wrong with you? That time of the month?"
"What no? Just because I'm mad doesn't mean- you know what I have work to do." Angelica said as she walked to her desk.
"Angelica don't take that tone with me I'll dock your pay!" George yelled.
"Good dock my goddamn pay see if I care." Angelica yelled back as she plopped down in her seat.

That's when Thomas walked into work.
"What the fuck?" Thomas asked as George roughly pulled him into a corner.
"What did you do to Angelica?" George asked.
"What why did you think I did something?" Thomas answered.

"You were with her halloween night you had to do something wrong." George said.
"Well I didn't maybe she's just haven't a bad day everybody is allowed to have bad days right." Thomas said and with that he walked to his desk.
He saw Angelica at her desk trying to do her work but he knew it was hard for her because of the whole John situation.

"Goodmorning Angelica." Thomas said.
"Good morning." Angelica muttered.
Thomas digged in his bag and pulled out a bag of hot cheetos.
"Here maybe these will make you feel better." Thomas said.
"Thank you Thomas." Angelica said grabbing the bag of cheetos.
That's when Lafayette and Hercules came over.

"Hey Thomas Hey Angelica." Lafayette said.
Angelica gave them a look.
"What's wrong Angelica?" Hercules asked.
"Nothing is wrong with me ok." Angelica told him.
"If you say so." Hercules said.

"So how'd did the Halloween party go?" Thomas asked trying to change the subject.
"Well Hercs father caught us in a closet making out so then we snuck out the party went trick or treating and then spent the rest of the night cuddling with each other." Lafayette answered.
That's when Angelica started crying
"Angelica what's wrong why are you crying?" Lafayette asked.

"Stop shoving your healthy fucking relationship in my fucking face." Angelica snapped.
"What we were just telling you about our weekend." Lafayette told her.
"I don't care." Angelica said she then turned to Thomas. "I'm going home tell George I got really sick or something."
Angelica grabbed her purse and walked away from the 3 men.

"Thomas what happened to her?" Hercules asked.
"On Halloween night when Angelica went home she saw John having sex with another woman." Thomas answered.
"Omigod poor Ange." Lafayette said.
"So yeah she's pretty upset." Thomas said.

"We have to cheer her up somehow." Hercules said.
"Yeah I hate to see Angelica so sad it makes me sad." Lafayette said.
"How about tomorrow we take her out to get some drinks that'll lighten up her mood." Thomas said.
"Good idea poofy hair." Lafayette said.
Thomas rolled his eyes.
That's when George walked passed them.

"Lafayette and Hercules do I even have to say it?" George said.
Lafayette rolled his eyes and then turned to Thomas.
"Can we get those drinks now?" Lafayette asked and Thomas laughed

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