Chapter 24

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It was now the day everybody had to go back to work and school.
"So are you guys excited to start school?" Angelica asked Zoey and Lulu at breakfast that morning.
"Yes!" Lulu said enthusiastic as always. "I can't wait to meet new friends have a new teacher."
Angelica noticed that Zoey was silent.
"Nervous aren't you?" Angelica asked.

Zoey nodded.
"What if nobody likes me, what if I get lost and am late to class and then get yelled at." She ranted.
Angelica gave Zoey a reassuring smile.
"Trust me that isn't going to happen but if you do get lost don't ask the 7th and 8th graders for help." Angelica said.
Zoey made a face.
"Uh ok." She said.
Before the three knew it, it was time to go.

Angelica dropped Zoey off first since she had to be at school earlier.
"Bye Zozo have a good day." Lulu said.
"Thanks Lulu." Zoey said she looked at Angelica and then took a deep breath.
"I got this." She said opening the car door and stepping out. "Bye Ange." She said and she walked towards the school.

Thomas arrived at work to Lafayette and Hercules group hugging him tightly.
"We missed you!" Hercules said.
"Yes next time bring us with you." Lafayette said. He looked around and didn't see Angelica by Thomas's side like she usually would be.
"Where's Ange?" Lafayette asked.
"She has to do a little errand before coming here by the way once she gets here we have good news to tell you both." Thomas said.

"What is it did Ange get pregnant?" Hercules asked.
"What no." Thomas said. "Something along the lines of that though."
Hercules and Lafayette exchanged a look.
"Uh ok." Lafayette said. "Come on Herc lets go to our desks before George comes."
"Tell us when Ange gets here." Hercules said.

Angelica arrived at work 20 minutes later. My god getting kids ready in the morning was a lot of work especially with Lulu.
"Hey babe." Angelica said walking to her desk. She gave Thomas a small peck on the lips.
"Get a room." They heard John mutter and Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Goodbye John you wish you were still getting this." Angelica said.
John rolled his eyes.

"Sooo Where's Lafayette and Hercules I wanna tell them about Zoey and Lulu." Angelica said.
"At their desks." Thomas answered.
Thomas and Angelica walked over to Hercules and Lafayette's desks and they immediately gave Angelica a hug.
"Wait I don't we should be hugging you this hard if you're pregnant." Lafayette said.
"What?" Angelica asked perplexed.
"Anyway....what's the big news?" Hercules asked.

"Oh that." Thomas said. "The news is Ange isn't pregnant but she does have two kids now."
"How- I- Thomas What the hell happened on that vacation?" Hercules asked.
"Nothing happened." Angelica said. "They're my cousins kids they were taken out of her care so I took them into mine."
"Aww look at Angelica doing good deeds." Lafayette said.
Angelica crossed her arms.
"When can we meet them?" Hercules asked.

"They'll be here later on after school ends." Angelica said. "Their names are Zoey and Lulu."
"Cute names." Lafayette said.
Suddenly George approached them.
"Do I even have to say it?" He asked.
"No." Everybody said in the same tone.
"My god its a new year and he's already on this bullshit." Angelica muttered and Thomas giggled.

"So how was school today?" Thomas asked Zoey when he picked her up from school.
"It was good I made a group of friends." Zoey said. "And my teacher is really nice."
"That's great met any boys?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah his names Jamal but he's really nice." Zoey said. "Trust me I don't like him we're just friends."
"Ok then." Thomas said in a skeptical tone.

Lulu wasn't hesitant at all to talk about her day.
"And we did finger painting today and we played on the playground and during nap-time I had a dream about unicorns." Lulu said.
"Sounds like your day was eventful." Thomas said.
"It was." Lulu said.
Thomas suddenly got an idea.
"Girls there's this annoying coworker that me and Angelica dislike strongly we're gonna go get McDonald's and when we get back to the office I want you all to eat it in his face like you haven't eaten in years." Thomas said.

Zoey made a face.
"That isn't very mature of you Thomas." Zoey said.
"And?" Thomas said.
Zoey sighed.
"Fine I'll do it." She said.
"I'll do it too!" Lulu said enthusiastically.

When they arrived back at the office Lafayette and Hercules immediately ran up to them.
"Is this Zoey and Lulu?" Hercules asked.
"Yes." Thomas said. "Zoey and Lulu meet Hercules and Lafayette the gayest people at this office."
"What's gay?" Lulu asked.
"A wet spaghetti noodle." Zoey said.
"I like her." Lafayette said and Zoey smiled.

"Well we're on our way to annoy John so we'll talk to you later." Thomas said.
"Ooh have fun with that." Hercules said.
Lulu and Zoey followed Thomas to where Angelica and his desks were.
"Oh god you two have kids now." John said.
"Hey girls how was school?" Angelica said ignoring John.
"Good." They both said.

"You got my text Ange?" Thomas asked.
"Sure did." Angelica said.
Everybody got their McDonald's and followed the plan.
Lulu took a big slurp of her drink.
"This drink is sooooo good I love lemonade." She said.
"The flavor In these fries are so immaculate." Zoey said.
Angelica pretended to choke on her fries.
"The flavor is killing me." She said and Thomas tried not to laugh.

"You all are aggravating." John said getting up.
"Why is he so mean?" Lulu asked.
"Cause he can't have me anymore." Angelica said.
"Wait what." Zoey said.
Angelica laughed.
"He cheated on me." She whispered.
"Oh." Zoey said.

Zoey and Lulu had a fun time in the office. Zoey and Lafayette chatted about makeup and Lulu and Hercules chatted about my little pony. Before they knew it, it was time to go.

Hercules and Lafayette were holding hands when John pushed through them.
"Can you gay fucks stopped doing PDA for one second." John said.
Hercules started to walk towards him but Lafayette held him back.
"Hercules what did I say?" Lafayette asked.
"We don't argue with bottoms." Hercules said.

Angelica and Thomas gave each other a long kiss before giving each other a hug.
"Call me before you go to sleep ok?" Thomas said.
"Ok." Angelica said and she began to walk with Lulu and Zoey to the car when she forgot something.
"Wait Thomas!" Angelica yelled.
"Yeah!" Thomas yelled back.
"I love you!" She yelled.
"I love you too!" Thomas yelled back.

Zoey smiled.
"You two are something else."

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