Chapter 30

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It was a Wednesday afternoon and Angelica and Thomas were at their desks. Angelica was busy typing something and Thomas was counting how many times John was gonna lick his lips.
"23." Thomas muttered under his breath.
Suddenly Angelica's phone buzzed and she looked at it.

"Shit I gotta go pick Zoey and Lulu up from school." She said. "You wanna come?" Angelica asked Thomas.
"Nah I'm good here." Thomas said.
"Ok." Angelica said as she gave Thomas a kiss on the cheek.
"Ew." John said.
Thomas rolled his eyes.
"I'd be upset too if I wasn't in a relationship with Angelica anymore." Thomas said.
Angelica who had heard Thomas's remark back giggled as she walked out of the office.

"Hey sweetie how was school today?" Angelica asked when Zoey got into the car.
"Fine I guess." She said staring out the window.
"Just fine?" Angelica said.
"Yeah Angelica it was just fine." Zoey said as she continued to stare out the window.
Angelica didn't question Zoey any further and drove to go get lulu.

"Is it ok if I hang out in the conference room today?" Zoey asked when they got back to the office.
"Ok sure." Angelica said.
Angelica watched Zoey walk into the conference room.
"What's wrong with her?" Lafayette mouthed to Angelica.
Angelica shrugged and walked over to Thomas.

"Hey babe." He said he looked over her shoulder. "Where's Zoey?" He asked.
"She wanted to go chill in the conference room for a while." Angelica said. "She hasn't been talking much today I think somethings wrong."
"Ange she probably just had a bad day at school I mean we have a bad day at work everyday look who works with us." Thomas said as he glared at John.

"I heard that." John said.
"I know that I meant for you to hear that." Thomas said.
Angelica laughed to herself. Thomas always knew how to make her feel better.

"Hey can I come in?" Angelica asked after knocking on Zoey's room door later on that night.
"You don't have to ask Angelica it is your house." Zoey said.
Angelica smiled a bit and sat on Zoey's bed.
"So what were you doing?" Angelica asked.
"Nothing much I was trying to do some homework but I couldn't really focus." Zoey told Angelica.

"Um Zoey are you ok?" Angelica asked.
Zoey stared at Angelica a bit before answering.
"It's just at school they're having this father daughter dance at school and uh if you haven't noticed I kind of don't have a father." Zoey said.
Angelica looked down.
"Oh I see." She said.
"Yeah and all my other friends were gonna go with their fathers and it just kind of made me feel bad." Zoey said.

It got silent between the two for a minute.
"Hey you could always ask Thomas or Hercules and Lafayette to take you." Angelica said.
"I know." Zoey said. "It just would've been nice for my real father to take me."
Angelica didn't say anything she just decided that Zoey needed some alone time and left her alone.

"Hey Ange you ok you seem a little bit shaken up." Thomas asked.
"Remember how I said Zoey was feeling a little off today." Angelica said.
"Well her school is having a father daughter dance and she's a little bit sad because all her other friends are going with their dads." Angelica said.

"Well did you tell her I could take her?" Thomas asked.
Angelica nodded.
"I just don't think she wants to go." Angelica told Thomas.
Thomas nodded.
"I understand." He said.
Angelica exited the room probably to put her face mask on.

Thomas looked up at the ceiling. He just wanted Zoey to be happy. That's when Thomas got an idea.

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