Chapter 27

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"I'm so glad we could do a girls night together." Theodosia said as Angelica, her and Maria walked into the bar.
"You guys know I can't drink right I'm pregnant." Maria said.
"Get a Virgin drink then so you won't feel left out." Angelica said.
Maria was now two months pregnant and she was acting like she was eight months.

Angelica was glad she was getting out. Being a mother to Zoey and Lulu was hard and work this week was extremely hard with work and everything a drink was what she needed. She also needed to talk to her friends about an important decision.
"Ugh fine." Maria said. "I still don't think that's healthy."
"Trust me Maria it is." Theodosia said as the three women walked to their usual seats.

"So Ange how was work this week?" Theodosia asked.
"Hard, George is making us all go the party John is throwing next week." Angelica said. "I really don't want to go I hate that man with a passion."
Maria put a hand on Angelica's shoulder.
"Aww baby it'll be ok." She said.
"Maria you sound like my mom." Angelica said.

"Well I'm gonna be a mom soon so good practice." Maria said.
Angelica gave Maria a look just as the James Madison the bartender walked over to them.
"Ahh my favorite ladies are here tonight." James said.
"Hey James." Angelica and Theodosia said.
"Hey Maria." James said.
Maria gave James a small wave.

See Maria sort of had a small crush on James she just never got the guts to tell him.
"What will you ladies have tonight?" James asked.
"The usual." Theodosia answered.
James nodded and walked off.
"You know Maria you're should tell him how you feel." Angelica said.

"No besides he probably doesn't feel the same way." Maria said.
"Whatever you say but I think he's into you." Theodosia said.
"You do?" Maria asked enthusiastically and Theodosia laughed.
"Guys I have to tell you something." Angelica said clasping her hands together.

"What is it?" Theodosia asked.
That's when James came back with the drinks.
"Theodosia and Ange I got your regular drinks and Maria I got you a virgin drink." James said.
"Thanks you remembered I was pregnant?" Maria asked.
"Of course I did enjoy your drinks ladies." James said and with that he left.

"Ok Ange what were you gonna tell us?" Maria asked.
Angelica sipped her drink.
"Well you know how me and Thomas have been going out for a couple of months now." Angelica said.
"Yes you guys are literally goals." Theodosia said.
"Thanks Theodosia." Angelica said.

"Well we've been spending a lot of time together lately and I think it's time we found a house together." Angelica said.
"Omg Ange that's awesome." Maria said.
"You guys don't think I'm moving too fast?" Angelica asked.
"No this the perfect time find a house especially since you have Zoey and Lulu." Theodosia said.

"We'll help you move and everything." Maria said.
"Help you guys decorate your bedroom." Theodosia said.
Angelica laughed she couldn't ask for better friends.
"Thanks guys." Angelica said.
"When do you plan on telling Thomas?" Theodosia asked.

"Tomorrow actually." Angelica answered.
"Call us right after you ask him." Maria said. "Wait no don't because we all know you and Thomas are gonna have sex right after you tell him."
Theodosia laughed and Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Shutup." She said as she sipped her drink.

The next day Thomas was at his house watching Friends when he heard his phone ringing.
"Hey Ange." He said when he answered the phone.
"Hi babe can I come over for a little while Peggy and Eliza took Lulu shopping and Zoey's with her friends and I'm lonely and I miss you." Angelica said.

"Sure babe you're welcome to come over anytime you want you don't even have to ask just show up I'm home most of the time anyways." Thomas said.
"Ok babe." Angelica said. "I'll be over there soon."
"Ok see you soon." Thomas said and with that the phone call ended.
Thomas decided to make some snacks for Angelica considering she probably was gonna stay for a long time.

So Thomas made some of those pillsbury dough boy cookies and popped some popcorn and patiently waited for Angelica to come.
About 20 minutes later Angelica arrived.
"Hey babe." Angelica said as Thomas opened the door.
As soon as she stepped inside she gave Thomas a kiss.

"So what were you doing today?" Angelica asked as she kicked her crocs off.
"Nothing much just watching friends." Thomas said.
"Oh ok it smells good in here what ya making?" Angelica said.
"I'm baking cookies and I popped us some popcorn." Thomas said.

"Thomas you didn't have to do all that I could've picked us up some snacks from the store." Angelica said.
Thomas put a hand on Angelica's shoulder.
"It's ok Angelica I love you I'll do anything for you." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled even though deep down she was nervous as fuck.
Angelica sat on the couch as Thomas continued to prepare the snacks.

In about ten minutes thomas came back with a plate full of cookies and a bowl full of popcorn.
He placed them on the coffee table and cuddled with Angelica on the couch and he unpaused the tv
"You ok Ange you're kind of quiet." Thomas said.
Angelica looked down.
"Yeah I'm fine." She said she tried to breath steadily it was kind of hard since her heart was beating out of her chest.

After five minutes of silence Angelica paused the show.
"Ange you ok?" Thomas asked.
"No." She said. "I have to ask you something but I don't know how you're gonna respond."
Angelica pulled away from Thomas and turned to him so that they were facing each other.

"We've been pretty close lately right Thomas?" Angelica asked.
"Yeah we've always been close." Thomas said.
"Ok then." Angelica said. "I was just wondering if-"
"Wondering what?" Thomas said.
"If we could move in together." Angelica said quietly.
"Ange I can't hear you." Thomas said.
"I think we should find a house and move in together!" Angelica said now yelling.

She buried her face in her hands and she felt Thomas rubbing her back.
"Is that what you were so afraid to ask me?" Thomas asked.
"I didn't know what you were going to say?" Angelica said.
"Angelica look at me." Thomas said.
Angelica took her face out of her hands and looked at Thomas.

"If you say no I understand." Angelica said.
"Actually Angelica I was gonna say yes." Thomas said. "I would love to move in together."
"Really?" Angelica asked.
"Yes you're an awesome girlfriend I would love to live with you." Thomas said.

"This is great now we can see each other all the time now." Angelica said.
"It is awesome." Thomas said as he gave Angelica a kiss.
"I love you thomas." Angelica said.
"I love you too Ange." Thomas said. "Now pull out your phone we have to start looking for houses."
Angelica laughed.

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