chapter 15

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"Angelica are you ok?"

Angelica opened her eyes and saw Lafayette, Hercules, Thomas and George around her.
Angelica sat up and looked around. She was in the conference room she knew that.
"What happened?" Angelica asked as she sat up and leaned her back against the wall.

"You fainted." Thomas answered.
Angelica took a deep breath.
"How long was I out?" Angelica asked.
"About 20 minutes it was after a told you about-"
"Stop talking." Angelica said interrupting George before he could finish his sentence.

Angelica stood up with the help of Lafayette and Hercules.
"Listen I gotta go home." Angelica said she grabbed her purse from Thomas and then started walking out of the building.
Thomas was concerned. What did George tell Angelica that caused her to faint?

When Angelica got home she collapsed on the couch.
Starting tomorrow Angelica would have to see John bitchass Church everyday from 9:00 in the morning to 5:00 at night.
And it wasn't like he was working in a different deparment noooo John just had to work in the same department as her.

Angelica felt like crying and what was worse is that Thomas also worked in accounting which would make things ten times more awkward than things already were.
Angelica didn't even want to think about the whole situation so she closed her eyes and tried to think of something else.

Angelica woke up 3 hours later to a completely dark house.
"Jesus I didn't know I slept for that long." Angelica said.
Her stomach growled and Angelica quickly remembered that she didn't eat lunch either.
Angelica turned the light in the kitchen and searched for something to eat.
That's when her phone ring.

"Hello Thomas." Angelica said groggily.
"Were you sleeping? Sorry to wake you up." Thomas asked.
"No I just woke up I took a much needed nap." Angelica said. "Now I'm looking for something to eat."
"Oh ok." Thomas said. "About earlier are you ok?"
Angelica sighed.

"Not really." Angelica said.
"You wanna talk about it?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah." Angelica said. "Today George told me we're going to have a new person working with us in accounting."
"We are who?" Thomas asked enthusiastically.
"Don't sound so excited." Angelica said.

"Why?" Thomas asked.
"Well the person working with us is John." Angelica said.
It got silent.
"You don't mean John your ex boyfriend." Thomas said.
"Yes John Church." Angelica said. "It's bad enough he cheated on me but now I have to see him everyday."

Thomas sighed.
"Ange everything is going to be ok I'm going to be there and I won't let John do anything to you." Thomas told Angelica.
Angelica smiled.
"Thanks Thomas." Angelica said.
"You're welcome." Thomas said.

"Well I'm making mac and cheese you're favorite." Angelica said.
Thomas laughed.
"Save me some." He said.
"Will do." Angelica said. "Bye Thomas."
"Bye Ange." Thomas said.

Angelica felt somewhat better but still she couldn't believe she had to see John everyday at work.

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