Chapter 33

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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay home with you." Angelica asked Thomas.
Thomas had caught the stomach bug and was on the couch watching some cartoon.
"No babe, go to work I'll be fine. I have my bucket here just in case I have throw up and my soup is right here." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled.
"Ok just know if you want me to come home just call me ok." Angelica said as she grabbed her purse.

"Ok I love you." Thomas said.
Angelica walked to the couch and gave Thomas a kiss.
"I love you too." Angelica said. "Zoey come on you will not be late for school again!" Angelica then turned to Thomas. "Tell her I'll be outside pulling the car out of the driveway."
Thomas nodded and went back to watching his cartoon.

"Everybody conference room now!" George yelled.
Angelica looked up from her computer and rolled her eyes. George had been holding conference room meetings a lot lately and 9/10 it was over the stupidest shit.
Angelica got up and walked inside the conference room and sat next to Lafayette and Hercules as always.

"Where's Thomas?" Lafayette asked.
"He got the stomach bug." Angelica answered.
"I bet you tried to make a gourmet meal again." Hercules said.
Angelica rolled her eyes and looked at George who clasped his hands.
"Alright everybody let's begin today's meeting- wait where's Thomas?" George asked looking daggers at Angelica.

"Home he's sick." Angelica answered.
"Ahhh looks like he's going to miss drink night tonight." George said.
"What's drink night?" Angelica asked.
"Which brings me to the topic of this meeting: drink night. Tonight we'll all go to the local bar and I'll pay for everybody's drinks don't get too drunk cause I can't pay for Uber's to get you all home." George said.

"Hell yeah." Lafayette said. "It's lit like Ange's uneven left tit."
Angelica crossed her arms over her chest.
"Hey!" She said.
"With that being said this conference room meeting is over everybody go back to your seats or else I'll dock your pay." George said.
Everybody groaned and piled out of the conference room.

"So are you going tonight Ange?" Lafayette asked as Angelica walked back to her seat.
"I don't know with Thomas sick I think I should go home and take care of him." Angelica said.
"Come on Ange, no offense but you need a break I mean with Zoey and all you know you need a break." Hercules said.

Angelica sighed. Hercules and Lafayette were right raising a newly 12 year old girl was not easy at all she needed a drink or too. Thomas would understand right?
"Fine I'll go tonight." Angelica said. "But if you two get drunk I'm not going to drive you home."
"Yay!" Lafayette squealed.
"Wait what?" Hercules asked.
Angelica smirked and walked back to her seat.

"You sure it's fine if I go out for drinks tonight?" Angelica asked.
"Yeah, Aaron is coming over for a little and is bringing Little Theodosia with him so I'll be fine." Thomas said.
"Ok babe I love you and I hope you feel better." Angelica said.
"I'm feeling much better now that I'm talking to you." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled.
"Now don't get too drunk, go enjoy yourself." Thomas said.
"Ok." Angelica said and with that the phone call ended.

The bar was packed that night.
"So how's Maria doing?" James asked Angelica as he poured her a drink.
"She's doing fine, really mood because of her pregnancy hormones but she's fine." Angelica answered.
James smiled.
"That's nice." James said. "So how are you and Thomas doing?"
"We're good, he's sick right now." Angelica said.
"How's Zoey doing?" James asked.
"She's fine her birthday was last week." Angelica answered.

"Hey James!" Lafayette yelled. "Pour Hercules and I a drink please!"
James looked at Angelica and then at  Hercules and Lafayette.
"Welp duty calls." James said.
"Pour water instead of liquor they'll never notice." Angelica said.
James laughed.
"Yes Ms.Schuyler." James said as he walked off.

By the end of the night mostly everybody was drunk.
Angelica had stayed sober enough and surprisingly so did Lafayette and Hercules.
"I'm surprised you two stayed sober." Angelica said.
"Well we aren't children Angelica." Lafayette said crossing his arms.
Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." She said.

"Well we better get going it's almost 11:00." Hercules said.
The 3 group hugged and with that Hercules and Lafayette left.
Angelica hugged her purse tightly, she had parked on the other side of the parking lot and it was pretty dark.
Suddenly she felt somebody grab her. Angelica screamed and she felt the person put their hand over her mouth.
"Shh." The person said. Angelica smelt alcohol on the persons breath and immediately recognized who it was. John.

Angelica tried to scream again but John kept his grip on her mouth tighter. With the other free hand he popped open Angelica's blouse reached inside her bra and began caressing her breast.
Angelica tried to scream once again but nothing happened.
Angelica felt tears well in her eyes and she suddenly felt herself kicking John in the balls.

"What the fuck!" John yelled. He got up and pushed Angelica down to the ground.
"You bitch!" He yelled. "This is why I cheated on your ass."
Angelica watched John disappear and got up and walked to her car limping a bit from how hard she fell.
Her shirt was ripped a bit and she was all wet since it had rained that night.
As soon as Angelica made it to her car she began crying.

"Alright Thomas I think I'm gonna be leaving." Aaron said.
"Ok." Thomas said.
Him and Zoey got up and escorted Aaron and Little Theodosia.
Suddenly Angelica walked in. Her eyes were puffy from crying, her shirt was wet, leaves were in her hair and she looked a mess.
"Ange what the hell happened!" Thomas asked.

Angelica limped over to the couch and sat down.
Thomas sat down next to her and pulled Angelica closer to him.
Angelica began to cry lightly.
"Shh it will be ok." Thomas said.
Zoey and little Theodosia watched Angelica cry scared of what had happened to her.
"Zoey and Little Theodosia go upstairs." Thomas said.
Zoey nodded and took Little Theodosia upstairs to her room.

"Angelica what happened?" Aaron asked as he joined Thomas and Angelica on the couch.
"John." Angelica whispered.
Aaron and Thomas shared a look. Immediately anger began filling up inside of Thomas.
"What did that bastard do?" Thomas asked.
And that's when Angelica burst into tears once again.

I'm on summer vacation so I'll be able to update more frequently now 🙂

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