Chapter 29

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"Angelica hurry up and get ready we're gonna miss our reservation for the restaurant if you don't hurry up!" Thomas yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"I'll be down in a minute!" Angelica yelled back as she straightened her hair.
"Goddamn leave me the hell alone." She mumbles under her breath.

Thomas turned to Zoey who was doing her homework.
"You sure you can handle being home alone tonight?" Thomas asked.
"Yes Thomas I'll be fine you gave me money to order pizza I know the number of the restaurant and if anything goes bad I'll know to call you and Ange." Zoey told Thomas.
"Thomas she'll be 12 in 2 months she's fine." Angelica said as she walked down the stairs.

Angelica was wearing a black dress that reached right above her knees some black heels to match.
"You look sexy as hell." Thomas said.
"I bet I do." Angelica said as she grabbed her coat from out of the closet.
"Zoey we'll be back in a couple of hours don't stay up too late because you will go to school tomorrow, oh and make sure your sister gets in the bath." Angelica said.
Zoey nodded.
"Ok let's go Thomas." Angelica said and the 2 left.

Angelica and Thomas had no problems getting their seats at the restaurant.
"It's really a shame George made us come to work today." Angelica said.
"I know with Zoey at school we could've had the house to ourselves and do things grownup things." Thomas said.
Angelica playfully hit Thomas and giggled.
"Shutup." She said then her face turned serious. "Who says we still can't do it though?"

"Oh so that's what we're doing now-" Suddenly Thomas and Angelica heard a very familiar annoying voice.
"Is that Angelica and Thomas?"
"Omigod who the hell actually let John in this restaurant." Angelica whispered.
"I don't know but he's coming this way." Thomas whispered back.

"Hi Ange Hi Thomas." John said.
Angelica and Thomas turned to see John with Sally.
"Nice to see you two here." Sally said.
Angelica sighed.
"You don't even like us please go on with your dinner and leave us the fuck alone." Angelica said.
"Well I never." Sally said.
"Well now you have." Angelica said and Thomas gave her a high five.

Sally and John gave each other a walked off.
"I can't believe I actually went out with that man." Angelica said.
"I can't believe I went out with that woman." Thomas said he then grabbed both of Angelica's hands.
"At least we're together that's all that matters." Thomas told Angelica.
Angelica tried her hardest not to blush it didn't really work though.

"Jesus why do you have to be so adorable." Thomas asked Angelica.
"Comes naturally I guess." Angelica told Thomas.
"How'd I get so lucky?" Angelica asked.
"I don't know." Thomas said pretending to pop his collar.
Angelica laughed.

"So are we going home now." Angelica asked.
The two had just finish eating dinner and were now walking to the car.
"No there's one more thing." Thomas said as he dug into his pocket he pulled out a black bandana.
"Here put this over your eyes." Thomas said.
Angelica looked at the bandana.
"You're so cliche." She said as she grabbed it.

"But you still love me." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled.
"You're right." Angelica said.
"Here let me help you tie it." Thomas said as he tied the bandana around Angelica's eyes.
"Ok let's go." Thomas said as he helped Angelica into the car.
Before driving though he quickly texted Lafayette and Hercules to make their way to the park.

20 minutes later they arrived at the park.
"Can I open my eyes now?" Angelica asked.
"No not yet." Thomas said as he guided Angelica to the far side of the park.
When they arrived there Thomas took Angelica's blindfold off.
"Omigod a carriage ride through the park!" Angelica said.
"Mhm get on." Thomas said.
Thomas helped Angelica get on then went on himself.

Pretty soon the carriage ride began.
"Thomas I love this and you so much." Angelica said.
"Thank you and I love you too." Thomas told Angelica.
Suddenly Angelica saw rose petals being thrown at them.
"Thomas you're so cliche I love you even more." Angelica said.
Thomas looked out of the carriage and winked at Lafayette and Hercules who were dressed in all black and were throwing rose petals still.

"How are you enjoying the carriage ride?" Thomas asked.
"Good." Angelica said.
"How about I give you your Valentine's Day gift now?" Thomas asked.
"Shit." Angelica said. "I forgot to get you something."
"Angelica it's ok." Thomas said.
"No it isn't I'm such a bad girlfriend." Angelica said.

"Angelica the best gift you're giving me is you being my girlfriend." Thomas said. "Now here take your gifts." Thomas told Angelica.
The first gift Angelica got was chocolate which she greatly appreciated.
The second thing she got was a promise ring from Thomas.

"Thomas it's so beautiful I'll never take it off." Angelica said.
"Make sure not to flush it down the drain either." Thomas said.
"Hey I'm getting better at not being clumsy." Angelica said.
"Yeah ok." Thomas said sarcastically. "Anyways take your last gift." Thomas said as handed Angelica the last present which was a small box just like the last one.

Angelica opened it and revealed a beautiful locket.
"A locket thank you Thomas." Angelica said.
"Look inside." Thomas said.
Angelica looked inside and saw their was a small picture inside and realized it was from the night they first kissed.
Angelica immediately started crying.
"What you don't like it?" Thomas asked.

"No it's beautiful." Angelica said she threw herself into Thomas's arms and Thomas immediately hugged her.
"I love you Thomas." Angelica told Thomas as she rested her head on Thomas's chest.
"I love you too Ange." Thomas said to Angelica.

Angelica and Thomas arrived home at 11:00 at night.
They saw Zoey and Lulu collapsed on the couch.
"Should we wake them up or?" Angelica asked.
"Nah then they'll hear what we're doing upstairs." Thomas said. "We'll wake them up when we're done."
Angelica was confused for a minute.
"Wait a minute-"
"You thought this night was over?" Thomas asked laughing softly.

Angelica smirked she knew exactly where this was going.
"Let's go." She said as she walked upstairs.

Hi guys it's the author sorry I've been so inactive. I have February break next week so I'll try to get some updates out then. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and happy early Valentine's Day. Bye ✌🏾

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