21. Two down one to go

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Small A/N: There's a little bit of zervis in that photo, but don't mind it unless you want to.

Quote one:

"Who cares if you are weak! If we band together, we can do anything. This country will not crumble! After all, it's my home country...and it will never disappear!" -Carla

Quote two:

"It's your words that gave me courage. It became my light that would guide me to the right path again." -Jellal Fernandes

Last Chapter:

"We've gotten everyone to safety, let's finish this!" Erza told them. They all nodded and met in the middle of the classroom, back to back. Their eyes showed determination and no sign of wavering, they were focused on their enemies and no one else.

"Very funny,"

"If you want to try, then bring it!"

They all were mentally coming up with the same plan. Once finished, they all nodded in agreement with each other before pouncing on the two from all sides. Sting and Minerva waited until the very last moment before they would feel the impact to move extremely fast looking like they were teleporting to move out of the way. Fairy tail was shocked, only Erza was able to follow their movements and flip to twist around and move as fast as them to land in the same place as them.

Before everyone else had a chance to comprehend what just happened, Erza was already engaged in combat with the two. She was on the defensive against the two, none of them giving the other a second to catch their breath before attacking again. Erza managed to get as high in the air as the ceiling would allow, before grazing her hand against her belt of tools and grabbing a two hand fulls of shurikens, each one in between her fingers and flipping upside down and closing her eyes. She let out a deep breath and threw the shuriken towards the two.

Just as she expected, they easily dodged them, little did they know that that was just a trap for Erza's real attack. She grabbed her lipstick which was a laser and threw it towards Juvia—having an aim second to Erza, screaming, "Now, Juvia!" Then, landed on her feet, grabbing her two katanas from her back and whipping them forward in a way that would make them easier to fight with and making her look even more badass.

Juvia knew exactly what to do, before sting and Minerva could counter whatever attack they were going to use next, Juvia pointed the laser at them and shot it. Making the bookshelves around them collapse, blocking any escape route they might think of and limiting their movements, so the rest of them could be faster then the two and wouldn't have to rely on Erza the entire time to slow them down.

"It seems that you've somehow managed to trap us," sting complimented. "Yes, and it seems that you simpletons think that this would keep the mighty Sabertooth from defeating our enemy." Minerva said with a scowl and then it turned into a smirk. "Yes actually," levy said, before aiming a blow dart filled with a tranquilizer into their necks, making them fall onto the ground.

"H-How?" Sting stuttered out, trying his best to stay conscious. "Because we don't underestimate our enemy's, like you." Lucy scowled. "You were supposed to be weak," sting started, having little conscious left. "Y-you...were...s-supposed t-...to be my c...chance to...be a f-f-f...full fledged...m-member of...Saber...Tooth...," both of them losing complete consciousness.

"It seems, all he wanted to do was become a member," Gajeel stated. "I bet he wouldn't want that if he knew what they actually did," natsu added.

Confirming that the Sabertooth minions were finally done, everybody slumped their shoulders and collapsed on the ground groaning. "God, I haven't been on a mission this tiring in forever," Lucy whined. "The hard parts no over yet," Erza told them, making them all remember that they had to defeat the master of Sabertooth now. They all groaned again and stood up.

"Wait," levy told them. "Shouldn't we deliver these two to Mira?" They all nodded in agreement.

When they got to Mira's room, the entire class was still there, looking at them frightened. "Did you all finish?" Mira asked kindly. Erza nodded and dropped the two she had from her shoulder on the table making a loud thump noise. "We finished these two and now they're taking a long sleep," levy explained. "D-did you kill them?" Lissana asked frighted. "Yes." Lucy blandly stated, receiving a punch to the gut from Erza and jellal. "Shut It Lucy! No, we didn't finish them. They've just been tranquilized," Lissana let out a sigh of relief then went back to her usual scowl.

"We're not done yet,"

"Understood," Mira stated, the couples making their way out. Following the boys' lead toward Sabertooths base.

It was big. I mean big. The place was at least three times the size of fairy tails. It had a huge banner on the front showing Sabertooths mark.

They made their way into the hall, an eerie feeling taking over them

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They made their way into the hall, an eerie feeling taking over them.

"I see you've found my agency," Jemmina said, walking out from behind a shadow cast by the wall. He walked up to them, leaving just a little more than a foot as a distance between them. He then, discarded his fur coat. That exposed his big refined muscular arms and since he wasn't wearing a top, showing his defined eight pack of abs. "Pervert," Lucy muttered under her breath, mentioning to how he was half naked. Almost no one could hear except Gajeel, natsu and Erza who were holding in a laugh.

"This fight will determine who will get eliminated and who will prevail,"

"In other words, now we finally see who is stronger. Fairy tail or Sabertooth,"

"And, the winners get to eliminate their opponents,"


A/N: I know I said that this chapter was supposed to be the last chapter of the book, but I decided to make it another chapter. I would've updated sooner, but I've been really busy today and couldn't really get that mush done.  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part!

~1079 words







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