13. Jellal, Mystogan and Sigerion

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Quote one:

"Trash that doesn't even know it's trash deserves to fall into the abyss." - Zeref Dragneel

Quote two:

"I've lived for many centuries and watched the rise and fall of different ages. People hate and evil causes conflict, but I'm looking forward to a new age that will purify all of this. How many times has this happened...where people make the same mistakes over and over again?" - Zeref Dragneel

Last Chapter:

When jellal arrived at the café Erza was already there. "Sorry for making you wait," he apologized. "No problem. I just got here," she replied.

They found a table then sat down. Not even 3 minutes later jellal and Erza heard someone talking about them.

"It is him! I know It!" One of the two yelled, while the other one dragged them to their table.

"Hey jellal! Long time no see!"

"Hey jellal long time no see!"

This caused the two to look at who was calling jellal. When jellal saw who they were he just sighed. "Hi, Mystogan." Was all he said. "What about me! Did you forget about me too!" The other figure pouted. Jellal just sighed again, "no, I didn't, hi Sigerion."

"Uh, jellal who are thes two and why do they look identical to you?" Erza questioned. "These are my brothers," he mumbled, while pointing to the two. "Mystogan and sigerion." The two started waving at Erza with a goofy smile, acting like little kids. "And were triplets!" Mytogan and Sigerion said in unison while, jellal just sighed again.

"Yes, we're triplets and I haven't seen them in years." Jellal told her. "Not since he moved out to live with the weird looking boys." Another one continued. "Ya, the one with too many piercings the one with pink hair and the one who's always naked! Sometimes we wonder why he moved in wit them in the first place." The last one said in a very dramatic way, pretending to be offended. 'These three are related? They seem like complete opposites. Jellal is cool and level headed, he doesn't get upset that much and is not dramatic. Whereas Mystogan and Sigerion are obnoxious, annoying and are complete drama kings.' Erza thought to herself, trying to figure out how the three of them are related—aside from their looks.

"So jellal, it seems you got a date! Who is this lucky young lady?~" Mystogan asked in a lovey dovey way. Jellal pointed his hand towards Erza and said, "this is Erza S—" But, before he could finish his brothers gasped in unison, grabbed one another and dove into a corner. They were there mumbling something among themselves which Erza and jellal couldn't make out except for some gasps and their names.

"What do you think their talking about?" Erza asked jellal. "I don't know," Was all jellal responded.

A couple minutes later, the two finally came out of their corner to face the couple. "You!" Mystogan pointed at Erza in an accusing way, which left Erza dumbfounded. "You wouldn't happen to have grown up in a village called rosemary village, would you?" She nodded. "Then, you wouldn't happen to have a couple friends named Millianna, Sho and Wally, would you?" She nodded again. "Then you wouldn't happen to have a last name that's scarlet, would you?" She nodded. "You wouldn't happen to have your last name given to you, would you?" She nodded one last time. "IT IS HER!" The two exclaimed.

"Who?" Jellal And Erza asked in unison. "Jellal, it's Erza Scarlet!" They said again. "That's my name, what does it mean to you?" The female questioned. "It's your childhood crush Erza scarlet! Remember we all grew up in the orphanage together!" They screamed.

Jellal and Erza just looked at each other, "what?"


A/N: I hope you liked this part! This part was shorter I know, and the next one might also be short. But, there is a good reason for that and it's because the next one is going to be about their past so, I needed to cut it off here.

~688 words







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