Showing them around (Part 2)

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Quote 1:
"Comrade isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. Please, feel free to lean on me... and I too, will lean on you as well." - Mavis Vermillion

Quote 2:
"Magic is not meant to be used to kill people... but without power we can't protect the ones we love." - Mirajane Strauss


Last Chapter:

When I got home I saw that everybody else was already there. "So, how was showing them around?" "Ugh" they all replied. "I'm guessing they didn't go so well. "What happened?" I asked.

They all told each other what happened. When it was Juvias turn.

Juvia P.O.V

When they finished telling me what happened it was my turn.



"Everybody else was gone so that meant that this guy whose not wearing clothes is Gray. "Excuse me, but you're not wearing a shirt." She mentioned to him. "Oh shit, when did this happen?!" It seems this guy doesn't know that he strips, Juvia noticed. "Well Juvias name is Juvia," she stuck her hand out to shake grays, awaiting his introduction. "Aren't you Juvia?" He asked her with a confused look. "Juvia speaks in third person." Her voice suddenly became very stern and filled with sass, "Get used to it!" She ended up screaming. "Sheesh, you don't have to be so mean about it," gray started backing away. Juvia sighed and told him, "Let's just go and get this over with!"

"Sooo, why do you speak in third person?" Gray asked Juvia. "I don't really talk about it." It's too painful for her to remember why she talks in third person. Juvia started talking in third person when Juvias old boyfriend Lyon cheated on Juvia with Juvias old best friend Meredy then dumped her the next day. "Sorry I asked," Gray apologized while scratching the back of his head. 'Wow he's hot and nice,' Juvia thought. "No p-problem, just don't bring it up again," the blue haired female was stuttering a bit trying to keep her blush under control but failing.

"Look there's the swimming pool." Juvia said trying to change the subject. "Wow I love swimming!" Gray said happily. "Really!! Juvia does too." Juvia thought it was great that gray loves swimming too. "Well maybe you could try out for the swim team," juvia asked. "Nah, I really love swimming, but I like basketball better." He scratched the back of his head. "Oh, okay then. Well that's the last room, I'm going home now. Bye," she started to leave. "Bye," gray said back. With that Juvia left."

"So that's what happened to me." Juvia finished. "Wow so we all had an interesting experience with them." Erza said, "But, I cant can't that jellal guy out of my head. I feel like I know him." Erza said a little quieter, but still loud enough for us all to hear. "You've never mentioned him before," Lucy said. "Just forget it," Erza muttered quietly, deep in thought.

A/N: I know that this chapter was really short, but I just had to do what happened with Juvia and that didn't take that long. I'm going to try and post a new chapter soon.

~545 words




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