14. Past

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Quote one:

"I see. I can somewhat understand why Kyôka likes to play with humans. You don't think that death awaits you. Your ideals and actions are mostly led by feelings. And you don't realize your weaknesses. You're absolutely ignorant. So foolish that you're almost lovely." -Mard Geer

Quote two:

"It shall begin soon... Darkness will pour forth from the doors of hell... a darkness to swallow all the world's light." -Mard Geer

Last Chapter:

"Who?" Jellal And Erza asked in unison. "Jellal, it's Erza Scarlet!" They Said again. "That's my name, what does it mean to you?" The female questioned. "It's your childhood crush Erza scarlet! Remember we all grew up in the orphanage together!" They screamed.

Jellal and Erza just looked at each other, "what?"

"You guys don't remember?" Sigerion asked not wanting to believe it. The two just shook their heads. "Then, I guess we'll have to tell you again!" Mystogan exclaimed.

"Now then this all started 13 years ago...

Little jellal was playing in the woods beside the orphanage he lives in. Then, one day he saw some red running away. Being the curious guy he was, he chased after it.

"Hey! Hold up," he exclaimed to the mysterious person, but they didn't slow down.

Eventually he caught up to the person and forced them to look at him. There, he saw the most beautiful looking hair he's ever seen. It was a bright scarlet, but the person who the hair belonged to was crying. They were crying with one eye—their other one was gone and was replaced by a white bandage that looked like an eye patch.

"What happened to your eye?" Was the first thing her asked. "N-nothing," was all she replied. "Do you have a name?" He asked another question. "Yes," she replied, "it's Erza." She stopped crying now her one eye red and puffy from all the tears.

"'Erza', What?"

"Just Erza. I don't have a last name. Just plain old Erza." She said her mood brightening up. "Okay, Erza, My name is jellal Fernandes. Nice to meet 'cha." He introduced while extending his arm in a friendly manner.

"What are you doing so far in the woods?" The blue haired male asked. "I could ask the same about you." The scarlet haired girl retorted.

"Point taken," Jellal said, pitting both his arms in the air to surrender.

"I'm out here because I'm looking for my ball, I was playing near the orphanage I live in called fairy hills and my ball went flying, so I decided to look for it." Jellal answered. "Now your turn,"

"Fine," she gave up.

"I'm here because I ran away."

"From where?"

"A cult." She blandly started. This caused Jellal to become clueless, "a cult?" He questioned, still having a puzzled look on his face. "Yes, a cult. It's called the tower of Heaven and it has a bunch of people who treated my friends and I like slaves for 5 years. One day they went too far and almost killed one of them. I said I did it to protect him, which ended up in me getting this eye patch. After that, they took another one of my friends and locked them up. In order to free them, I decided to start a rebellion to free him and managed to escape and that's how I ended up here." She finished.

"That must have been tough," jellal stated. "Why don't you come back with me to the orphanage. Ms. Porlyusica—The nurse should be able to help with your eye and we can ask ms. Mavis if she can help!"


"Great let's get going!" And with that jellal grabbed Erza's hand and led her to the orphanage with a big smile on his face.

When they got back to the orphanage people were asking who was beside jellal to which jellal just replied to with, "she's just a friend."

When they got to Mavis' room jellal explained Erza's situation and she gladly let Erza stay with them.


Months later, Erza became more open with other people and became really good friends with jellal, his siblings—Sigerion And Mystogan, Millianna—someone who loves cats, sho—a big cry baby, Wally—a dude who looks like a brick and Simon—someone who has a crush on Erza.

Day by day, jellal started developing a crush on Erza and got into a rivalry with Simon over who could win Erza's love first.

After about a year and a half at fairy hills Erza had to leave.

Ever since that day jellal never stopped talking about her, until one day he just completely forgot about her." Mystogan finished proudly.

"And how do you know all this stuff?" Questioned jellal. "Isn't it obvious, because Sigerion and I were always stalking you. Your life was always more exiting than ours." He said casually, as if it was a normal thing to do.

"Oka—" Erza was cut off by someone yelling her name.



A/N: Sooooo, this part was a lot longer than I expected it to be, but I just kept typing. I went from having no ideas to not being able to type fast enough in like 30 seconds. Anyways, for the next chapter—which I haven't written, I'm just going to tell you this; Gajeel is going to attempt reading a book.

~904 words







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