22. Sabertooth vs Fairy Tail

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Small A/N: the boys are getting pissed in that picture that their girls are hurt!

Quote one:

"If I never had fear, then I also wouldn't have been able to know what it's like to have bravery in my heart. Bravery that awakens when you're being consumed by fear." -Wendy Marvell

Quote two:

"All living things eventually die, it's unavoidable. But, as long as you remember, it will live on in your heart, forever." -Lissana Strauss

Last Chapter:

"I see you've found my agency," Jemmina said, walking out from behind a shadow cast by the wall. He walked up to them, leaving just a little more than a foot as a distance between them. He then, discarded his fur coat. That exposed his big refined muscular arms and since he wasn't wearing a top, showing his defined eight pack of abs. "Pervert," Lucy muttered under her breath, mentioning to how he was half naked. Almost no one could hear except Gajeel, natsu and Erza who were holding in a laugh.

"This fight will determine who will get eliminated and who will prevail,"

"In other words, now we finally see who is stronger. Fairy tail or Sabertooth,"

"And, the winners get to eliminate their opponents,"

Everybody was standing completely still, none of them moving, just making eye contact with their enemy. The girls were wondering how strong this guy is, because he was willing to fight the old best of Sabertooth and the best of fairy and still win. The master had a smug look on his face, not looking like he's preparing for a fight.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and fight me, I have a very important meeting to have with Makarov about handing over fairy tail."

"It's not yours and it never will be!" Everyone else retorted. "You really think you scrawny little high schoolers can beat me, the master of Sabertooth? You make me laugh," this pissed everyone off even more. Without a thought everyone simultaneously sprung into action on all sides, while Jemmina was still laughing. Their eyes were full of bloodlust, wanting to destroy Sabertooth for mocking their guild.

They landed in a circular position all around him and started punching and kicking. Sabertooth's Master was snapped out of laughing, easily blocking all of them. While he was blocking, he still managed to punch all of them in the guts, making them cough up spit before regaining their composure. "I see why you're the master of this place, your strong," Erza complimented before taking out her two katanas. "Glad you finally realized. Does this mean that you will hand over fairy tail and we can end this pointless fight?"

"No way!" Everyone yelled again. They went back to fighting again, but this time something was different about the people from fairy tail. Now, their movements were a lot sharper and more coordinated. "What happened?" He was motioning to how their fighting was so much better than before. He got no reply, they just continued fighting. All of their eyes were sharp, filled with bloodlust, they were extremely concentrated on the fight and their movements were impossible for Jemmina to follow.

Levy stopped for a split second, which was just enough time for Jemmina to catch her while she said, "because, no matter what happens or what the cost, we will never let you take fairy tail. Never." Then, she started moving at an inhuman speed again matching everyone else's.

'What is up with these guys?' The Master of Sabertooth though to himself. While he was still trying to follow their movements, they kept on kicking or punching him until he stumbled forward. This one movement he made an easy opening for all of them to land a hard kick on him.

After those kicks, he became unconscious and they all looked down on him with hate and disgust. "Come on, we have to tie him up," gray reminded, snapping everyone out of their daze of hate. "You're right," Jellal agreed. Natsu grumbled, hating the fact that gray got to be complimented by jellal.


"Well done," master complimented as the 8 lugged Jemmina to the base of fairy tail. "You lovebirds deserve some time off now, you know some alone time~" he had a pervy face and was blushing.

Only Erza knew what he meant, being the pervert she is. She was blushing like crazy, stammering trying to explain that none of that is true. While, the others had no clue what he was talking about and had a dumbfounded look.

"Erza What are you talking about?" Gajeel asked. "N-Nothing," She stammered.


When they got back, they all decided to go to the girls' house to hang out. They decided to watch a bunch of movies together until they fall asleep. After all, master told them that they're done school now.

By 5 a.m everyone was fast asleep on the couch while a movie was still playing. Levy was resting on Gajeel, Juvia was leaning her head against gray, jellal was on Erza's lap and Lucy was cuddling with natsu.

In the morning, the girls made breakfast for everyone. When the boys came into the room they smelled the delicious breakfast. "Wow this looks delicious!" They all exclaimed. "Thanks!" The girls replied. They all sat down and had a wonderful breakfast together, having wonderful conversations with each other.

"Hey Luce, you know I love you right?" natsu said flushed.

"Yes, and I love you too," Lucy replied, also really flushed.

"Juvia, I love you," gray said scratching the back of his head.

"Juvia loves you too gray," juvia said all lovey dovey.

"Gajeel, no matter how many times I tell you, I still really love you," levy hugged Gajeel.

"And I love you too," Gajeel hugged back, a little pink on his face.

"Jellal, you are mine!" Erza grabbed jellal and shoved his head into a bone crushing hug, into her breasts.

"I love you too Erza," Jellal chuckled a little.

And so, they all spent the rest of the day snuggling with each other, with big bright smiles on their faces.


A/N: I might not add an epilogue, I'll decide it later. Also, in 3 days it my birthday! That I *ahem* *ahem*, may or may not have completely forgot about. I also got these 2 really big burns on my leg and they hurt so bad! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part/story.

~1079 words







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