16. Skating

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Quote one:

"There's no need to change the past. It's because of the past that we are who we are today." -Gray Fullbuster

Quote two:

"I haven't relied on luck since the moment I was born. Everything has been the result of my choices." -Kagura Milkovich

Last Chapter:

After 2 long hard hours of placing books on shelves Gajeel and levy finally finished. "Finally, that took long enough!" Gajeel dramatically said rubbing imaginary swear off his face. "You didn't do anything except stand there and watch me while saying, 'gihee'!" Levy angrily yelled. Then at the same time both their phones rang.

"Gajeel! You're needed, come quick!"

"Levy! You need to come back quick!"

"Eek! Too loud!" Levy exclaimed, hearing voices shout from both the mobiles. "Where do you need to go?" Gajeel asked even though he already knew the answer. "I could ask the same of you," levy retorted. "I asked you first!" He exclaimed again. "Well, I asked you second!" Levy retorted once again.

"You both need to shut the fuck up and get your asses over here immediately!" Both the people on the other side of the phone said in unison. "Fine," they replied, knowing where the other is going and not bothering to keep bickering.


"What's this about?" Juvia asked. "We've just received intel that the tigers know that you girls are spies and they know that you know that they're spies." Master said with a dreadful look on his face.

"H-How?" Erza asked, not believing it. Master sighed and told them, "Laxus double crossed us, and ended up triple crossing them. He needed to prove that he was loyal to Sabertooth by telling them this." He finished with a creased brow.

"But we all already had some moments with them to get closer. Lucy with detention and going to natsu's house, me with the date and levy at the library. Then there is juvia who—Wait... what did you do juvia?" Erza realized that juvia never mentioned anything with gray and was wondering if she actually did anything.

"He he...well Juvia did go on a date with gray," juvia said sheepishly. "WHAT!" Everyone exclaimed. Then out of nowhere Mira appeared and started saying something about her ships sailing and becoming cannons, something like that. "Where did Mira come from?" Levy asked, weirded out. "She's everywhere and nowhere. She appears whenever she sees a ship and disappears when they sail, she comes and goes as she pleases." Master said in an eerie voice, then the lights suddenly went out for a second, and when they turned back on again, Mira was standing there with banners that said: NaLu, JeRza, GrUvia, and GaLe. "Eek!" The girls exclaimed, then Mira and master bursted out laughing. "Ha ha ha, I c-can't believe you fell for it! Ha ha ha!" They said.

"Not funny!" The girls exclaimed in unison. "Juvia was just about to tell the girls what juvia did with gray, as our moment." Juvia told them, which caused them all to shut up.

Now that there was some quiet she started talking. "It was sometime last week...

Juvia was walking around the school to Juvias next class when one of Lissanas friends; Ultear, found her. "What do you want ultear?" Juvia asked. "I want you to stay away from gray he's mine!" She exclaimed. "I was never with him," juvia told her. "Lies!" Ultear screamed while slamming her hand beside Juvias face, pinning her down to the locker. Then, pushing her extremely long nails into Juvias skin.

"Stay aw—" She never finished her sentence because gray came out of nowhere and Ultear put Juvia down and acted like nothing happened. "Oh hi, gray. It's a wonderful day isn't it?" Gray eyed Juvia for a second knowing that the two were not friends and asked, "what are you doing with Juvia?" She glanced at Juvia for a second before replying with, "we were just catching up. Right, Juvia?" Juvia want to say 'no, we're not catching up, she was going to kill me if I didn't stay away from you, but I can't because of my mission!' but, she didn't.

"Ju—" before she could finish gray started speaking. "I know you weren't because I've been standing here the entire time, I know exactly what you're doing."

"Shit," Ultear cursed under her breath, then ran away. "Are you okay Juvia?" Gray asked concerned. "Yes," Was all Juvia replied. "Hey, I have an idea. After school today why don't we go ice skating?" He proposed. "S-Sure?" Juvia replied more as a question then an answer. "Great! I'll meet you after school in front of the gates." With that he left.

When Juvia got there gray was already waiting. "Sorry if Juvia made you wait long." Juvia apologized. "It's fine. I wasn't waiting that long anyways," gray told her. "Well let's get going," gray motioned her to follow him to where they were going.


"Ahh!" Juvia yelled falling on the ice for the millionth time. "Whoa there!" Gray caught her before she could completely fall. "S-Sorry," juvia apologized, a little bit flustered. "It's fine," gray reassured.

They were there for about 3 hours when they had to go home. "Juvia had so much fun!" Juvia told gray. "Me too," he told her. He then gave her a big hug  and told her that if she needs anything to tell him right away. "Goodbye," he said and left, leaving juvia in the ice rink with her thoughts." Juvia finished.

"Awww!" Everyone except Juvia Said.

"Now that's that's out of the wa—" Master couldn't finish because a siren started blaring and saying "Alert, Alert, We have Sabertooths new target. Alert."

"Girls come on, we have to stop them. Even if we did have some moments with them, this was the real part of the mission." Erza told them, which they all agreed to.

"Let's go!"


A/N:Now that they've all had little moments together the story is going to be ending soon. It's probably going to have like 4 or 5 more parts, but I am starting a new story. It called fairy hero's and I'm going to publish the first part today. Please check it out. It's a crossover between my hero academia and fairy tail. I hope you like it if you check it out.

~1060 words







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