"You're one of Elijah's councilmen. I remember you," she said, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes," he laughed, letting his head fall back to thump against the wall.

"You're a traitor," she snarled, leaning in towards him.

A sarcastic laugh left his bleeding lips, "Pot meet kettle."

Aislyn ignored his remark and settled for pulling out a knife to lightly drag down his leg.

"Never mind that. What does the Necromancer want? Why has he been kidnapping people? Torturing them?"

"The torture is an... unfortunate side-effect. He's experimenting on them."


"Because he's looking for the perfect key."

"Key? You better start making some fucking sense or I swear I'm sticking this knife where the sun doesn't shine."

"The key is someone who can amass more than just one power. Someone who is able to steal other people's powers."

Aislyn, without meaning to, inhale sharply, eyes widening.

"Yes," chuckled Tyler, "That would be you."

"Me? I'm the only one?"

"We have someone- something- else but that is a matter for another time."

Aislyn rocked back on her heels, only her instincts stopping her from dropping her knife. She had figured out a short while after escaping that she was the only one out of her little group of friends that had more than one power. After a passing comment about the luckiness of her not catching an infection from all the strangers' blood she had come into contact with, together her and Galen had formulated a theory; the mixture of her blood with someone else's was how she gained their powers.

With a short experiment of her choking down some of his blood, their theory had proved true.

"The bed," she muttered, looking Tyler in the eye, "That's why there were those blades of the bed, isn't it? The ones that were always covered in blood?"

"Smart girl."

"But, why? Why is he doing this?"

"The Necromancer plans to take control of all the lands. Our measly little land is the smallest off the lot and we're the worst off. Everywhere else has big cities-"


"They're like huge communities. In fact, there are no communities there. Everyone is under the control of a King and Queen. It's the stuff out of stories. The Necromancer thinks we-" he said, gesturing between themselves, "deserve better. He deserves to rule with his army at his side. We're his army. And you're the key to our success."

"So you need me for this plan?"

"Not necessarily, although your allegiance would be invaluable. We've been watching you, Aislyn of Bane. We were the ones to tell your little friend that we would be here tonight. A little friend who won't be going around spreading gossip any longer."

Aislyn grit her teeth and drove her finger into the cut on his leg. Tyler screamed out in pain but Aislyn only twisted her finger further.

"So, you plan on getting me back by killing my people?" she spat, "If I side with you, countless people will die. You'll be starting a war."

"All great stories start with a war."

Before Aislyn had a chance to reply, Galen burst into the room, grabbed her and hoisted her to her feet.

"We have to go!" He yelled, "They've brought reinforcements. Too many for us."

"But-," started Aislyn pulling away to try to face Tyler again.

"No!" said Galen grabbed both her shoulders and shaking her, "I can't go back Aislyn," he whispered, panic dancing in his eyes.

Aislyn stood still for a moment, not saying a word. She grabbed onto his forearms and replied, "And you won't."

Nodding Galen let her go and ran to the door and held it open, "Come on then," he hurried.

Aislyn darted over to Tyler and grabbed his face, making sure the metal fingertips of her gloves drew blood, and barked in his face, "I'm not his hells-damned weapon. He won't get away with this or get me. This war ends now."

"It's inevitable, fighting it is just a waste of your time."

"The only thing that is inevitable is Necro-bastard's death"

Out of her pocket, she drew a small vial which she pressed to the side of his face, collecting the small stream of blood that ran down his cheek. She secured the cork and gripped the vial tightly, with her free hand he conjured a flame in her palm and stuffed it down his throat, ignoring his writhing and pain-filled screams.

"A little thing to remember me by. I'll make sure to give Elijah your regards."

Aislyn ran to her knives, picked them up and darted over to the two men that she had killed earlier. Similar to what she had done before, she dragged a knife down each of their arms and collected their blood in a small vial, before joining Raven at the door.

They both made a break for the entrances, jumping over the two dead guards' bodies. Glancing down she saw the anguish still tearing at their faces from the pain of their eyes being gouged out.

She turned to Galen.


"Thanks," he replied before peering around the corner.

He gasped and yelled at Aislyn to move.

They both launched forward and ran through the market, ignoring the splutters and shouts of the townsfolk that had to jump out of their way. An arrow whipped past Aislyn head and she spun around to see a group racing full sprint towards them.

"Raven! Quick! Get me a boost up!" she yelled as she ran towards the building where she had left her bag, Galen hot on her heels.

As soon as she had reached its stone walls, Galen had his hands on her hips and he threw her upwards. In a second, she had landed on the roof and grabbed her bag throwing down to an awaiting Raven.

"Go to the sea!" she bellowed, "Summon Finn!"

Not looking to see if he had obeyed her command, Aislyn released a wall of flame that burned so bright it illuminated the whole market in blue light. The wall burned at the outskirts, blocking the direct path to the sea. Aislyn ignored the cries of fear from the people in the market and vaulted over the edge, not waiting a moment to get to her feet. Running as fast as her legs could carry her, it wasn't until she had reached the last dune when an arrow embedded itself in the sand in front of her.

As she reached the peak of the dune she spun around to see the group of attackers running towards her, having gone around her wall of flame. Each arrow that came her way was incinerated before it could make its mark.

"Aislyn," called out Galen, "Come on!"

Aislyn remained where she was until the last second, burning up every arrow until the rampage of people that possessed powers strong enough to kill her got too close. She whirled around and flew down the sand dune.

"Go," she screamed Galen, "Fly, I'll meet you at Kaighen's, go-"

An arrowed embedded itself into her shoulder, drawing a strangled screech from her throat. She stumbled and tripped, hitting the sand hard. As she hastily got to her feet, she ignored the excruciating pain in the shoulder and the fact that she could she the arrowhead had pierced right through her.

Seeing him run towards her, she roared, "Go!" and pointed away from her.

Aislyn could see the pain in his eyes but he transformed into his animal form and flew away from her. She stumbled her way down to the sea's edge, grabbing the bag that Galen had left for her and threw herself into the dark waters. The last thing she could remember was sinking before scaly arm snaked its way around her waist.

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