"Look, look, it's Rachel and Barry." Monica exclaimed. "Don't everybody look at once." We all watched them from our peripheral vision.

"Okay, okay, what's going on?" Ross asked.

"They're just talking." Phoebe answered with a nod.

"Does he look upset? Do he look like he was just told to shove anything?" Ross scratched his temple area on his forehead.

"No, no. Actually, he's smiling, and...oh my God! Don't do that!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"What? What? What?" Ross repeated in question.

"That man across the street just kicked a pigeon." She replied, making all of us sigh. Just then, Rachel walked in.

"Basically, that's how a bill becomes a law." Chandler pretended to be talking.

"Oh." We all held out the word and nodded our heads to make it seem like we were actually discussing something rather than spying on Rach and Barry. Then we greeted Rachel.

"How'd it go?" I rubbed her arm.

"It was...it was actually really great." She smiled. "He took me to lunch at the tea room. I ordered that chicken where you poke it and all the butter squirts out."

"Not a good day for birds." Phoebe said, referring to the pigeon.

"Then we took a walk to Bendel's. I told him not to, but he got me a bottle of Chanel." She pulled out the perfume bottle from the bag. 

"Oh, that's nice. Was that before or after you told him to stop calling you, stop sending you flowers, and to generally leave you alone?" Ross came over to us.

"Right." Rachel nodded her head slowly. "Well, we never actually got to that. It was just so nice to see him again, you know? It was comfortable, and it was familiar. It was just really nice." She shrugged her shoulders.

"That's, that's nice twice." Ross stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"W–What's going on, Rachel? Isn't this the same Barry you left at the altar?" Monica reminded.

"Duh. Where have you been?" Joey leaned back against the armrest.

"Yeah, but it was different with him today. He wasn't like...'orthodontist guy', you know? I mean, we–we had fun. Is there anything wrong with that?" She cringed a little.

"Yes!" Chandler exclaimed when Ross hit his back suddenly. Rachel gave him a questioning look as to ask 'why?'. "I have my reasons."

"How about the fact that he's engaged to another woman who just happens to be your ex–best friend?" Monica suggested.

"Alright, alright, alright! I know it's stupid. I'll go see him this afternoon and end it with him." She finally gave in. Later that night, Chandler was busy waiting for a call back while the rest of us were playing boardgames.

"Can I use your phone?" Chandler walked into Monica's apartment with the phone from his apartment in his hands.

"Sure. But for future reference, that thing in your hand can also be used as a phone." Monica handed her phone to him.

"Alright." He dialed a number and held Monica's phone up to his ear. Then, the other phone started to ring. "Yes, it's working." He put her phone down on the dining table. "Why isn't she calling me back?" He asked rhetorically.

"Maybe she never got your message." Joey shrugged his shoulders.

"Call her machine. If she has a lot of beeps, that means she didn't get her messages yet." Phoebe advised my brother.

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