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it was valentine's day. the day that i hated the most. i hate valentine's day since i was 13, because it was then when everything started going wrong in my family. only matt and zac knew about this, so they never pushed me to go out or something. usually i spent the day by myself, watching a movie or having a break down in my room, crying like my whole life depended on it. it was kinda stupid, but what happened was a really sensitive topic.

i groaned when my phone buzzed, showing me a notification with caleb's text. since our first day, we were trying to have something? i don't even know. it has been almost two weeks and we've seen each other almost every single day. he was nice and treated me well. i was waiting for him to text me today, thinking about one good excuse to no go out with him.

caleb: Hey!!
I was thinking about coming over
to yours so we could do something
together since it's valentine's day haha

i didn't respond, feeling bad about it, but not caring enough to do otherwise. i checked my other texts.

matt💛: if you need something
text me okay?
i love you bby

angie👼: thanks luv
ily too

i rolled my eyes when i saw that my mom also texted me and decided to not reply her too. she was probably saying something mean anyways. i then started scrolling through my instagram, and, i swear to god, my heart skipped a beat when david texted.

david dobrik: Angiee
What are you doing today?
Wanna hang out?

i bit my bottom lip. was it a good idea to go out with him? i really wanted to, i didn't know why i wanted so bad to say yes. i think it's because david's a good company and always makes me smile and has the ability to make me forget about my problems when he's around. was it really a good idea to go out with him instead of the guy i was currently seeing?

angie👼: i'm a bad mood rn
but yeah let's go
can you pick me up?
don't really want to drive

david dobrik: Sure!
See you in 30

i quickly stood up from my bed, scaring salem that was sleeping beside me, and went to look for decent clothes. i put on a random hoodie, jeans and my black vans. i brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before sitting down on my bed to wait for him. after a few minutes he texted saying he arrived, i said bye to salem and exited my apartment. i decided to take the stairs and left my building after arriving the main floor. like every time he came to pick me up, he opened the door from inside the car and i hopped in. "hey cutie." i said putting on my seatbelt.

"hey," he smiled starting to drive. "hungry?"

"a little." i shrugged, tapping on the screen to pick a song.

"what do you want to eat?" and he turned his head to my direction. "i didn't say you could pick the song!" he pushed my hand away.

"i said i'm in a bad mood, let me just pick one song, please." i pouted. "i want in-n-out."

"one song." he shot me a glare, starting to focus his way to the fast food. i chose one of cuco's song and we spent the whole drive in silence, with me humming the lyrics. david went to the drive thru and ordered our food. he didn't let me pay, of course, even after i insisted.

"where to now?" i asked eating one of my fries.

"somewhere we can eat in peace." that's the only thing he said before going silent again. it didn't last long though, because he parked right after we entered an almost empty road. it was near a practically abandoned beach. it was late, but i could sense that only a few people visit. he hopped off, grabbing our food and i did the same, helping him with the drinks. he sat on top of the car hood and i joined him, afraid that i was going to ruin the painting. "it's a tesla, don't worry." he said when he saw my concerned face.

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