44: first ultrasound

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Lexis's pov *couple weeks later
"Thanks for coming with me," I say as we walk into the doctor's office. "No problem," Jonah says.
"Of course I would come," Daniel says. "Mama," Natalie says.
"Yes baby," I say. "Tired," she says.
"Jonah could you pick Natalie up." He nods and picks her up.
"Hi have an appointment for Lexis Bowen," I say. "Oh okay, go down to room 12," the nurse says.
We walk down there and wait for a doctor. "How are you feeling?" Jonah asks.
"Nervous," I say. I look over and Daniel is on his phone.
The doctor walks and prepares me for the ultrasound. "So it looks you are about 8 weeks along," she says.
She finds the heart and turns up the monitor so we can hear the heartbeat. I start crying and I look at Jonah and he has tears in his eyes.
Daniel on the other hand, still on his phone. "Mama," Natalie says.
"Look Natalie, there's your sibling," Jonah says pointing to the screen. Daniel glances at the screen and then back down on his phone.
We leave the doctor's office and go home. I don't think I want to have a hospital birth.
I've been researching and I want a home birth. I'd feel more at ease with a home birth.

Jonah's pov
We get home and I pull Daniel aside. "What the hell was going on with you in the doctor's office?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" He asks. "What do I mean? I mean you being on your phone the whole time, just barely glance at the monitor at your baby."
"Possibly my baby, there's a 50% chance the baby is yours." "Even so, you were being a total dick. Lexis needs us more then ever, she can't go through this alone."
"Yeah you're right, sorry," he says. "If you're going to apologize to someone, apologize to Lexis," I say.
He nods and walks away. My god what has gotten into him?
If he's going to keep acting like this, Daniel might as well leave. What if it is his kid?
Will I have to step in? God I hope it doesn't come to that.

Lexis's pov
Tonight I'm telling Jack, Zach, Gabbie, and my family that I'm pregnant. I'm not worried about Jack, Zach, or Gabbie's reaction, but my family, I'm terrified.
I'm cooking dinner when I hear the doorbell ring. "Come in," I yell.
Gabbie comes in, holding Lavender, with my family following behind her. "Hey guys," Corbyn says.
Natalie runs up to my mom. "Hi Natalie, how's my granddaughter doing?" My mom says.
"Nana," Natalie says. I finish the spaghetti and we all sit around the dinner table.
"Thank you all for coming, thank for the support for the last year and I have an announcement. I'm pregnant," I say. "I knew it!" Zach says standing up out of his seat.
We all laugh. "Yay Lavender will have a best friend," Gabbie says.
"Congratulations," Jack says. "So who's the dad?" My step dad Sean asks.

(A/n: comment who you think the baby daddy is.)

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