37: da

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Jonah's pov *few days later
"Mr. Frantzich you will allowed to go home today. I'll contact you later for physical therapy appointments and doctor appointments," the nurse tells me. "Thank you."
I wake up Corbyn from his chair. "Huh?" Corbyn mumbles half asleep.
"We're going home," I say smiling at him. "Oh thank god, I don't think I could sleep on a chair for any longer."
I laugh. A few hours later I'm discharged from the hospital.

Lexis's pov
"Natalie and I going out for lunch, we'll see you guys later," I say walking out the door. I put Natalie into Zach's car because my car is in the shop.
I drive over to Jordan's parents's house. I ring the doorbell with Natalie on my hip.
Jordan opens the door. "Hey," he says letting us in.
I walk into his living room and sit on the couch. "Still living with your parents?" I ask.
"Yep, but I'll be moving out soon. Can I see Natalie?" I nod and hand her to him.
"Hey Natalie," he whispers to her. "Da," Natalie points at Jordan.
"Yeah I'm da," he says smiling. Natalie's first word was da but she used it to call Daniel.
"So you're planning to move out, you got a job right?" I ask. "Um I do a bunch of side jobs but mainly road construction," Jordan says.
"Yeah you're kind of behind on child support payments." "Oh hold on."
He pulls out his wallet and pulls out cash. "This should cover it."
I sigh and take the money. "Um Jordan I need you to do something for me," I ask.
He looks away from Natalie. "I want you to take a drug test."
"Lexis I'm not doing drugs or selling them," Jordan says defensively. "How the hell am I supposed to know that? I never see you and the one time I do, you have money. Remember when I had to pay most of the rent at our apartment because you never had money?"
"Just because I didn't have money then doesn't mean I don't have money now." Natalie starts crying.
I take her from Jordan. "You're not seeing her again until you take that test," I yell, storming out.
"You're being ridiculous Lexis!" Jordan yells out. I get in the car and drive away.

(A/n: hope you have an amazing 2019! Sorry I haven't posted, I'm just been lazy.)

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