6: don't approve

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*13 weeks pregnant
I'm at the doctors office with my dad waiting for Jonah to come for the ultrasound appointment. I get a call from him.
"Hello?" I answer. "Lexis I'm so sorry I can't come to the appointment, I have to be at the recording studio, but sending Corbyn to be there with you," he says.
"Are you serious? I wanted you to be here." "I'm sorry babe."
I hang up in anger. "Woah what's the matter?" my dad asks.
"Jonah is not coming, so he's sending Corbyn." "Great, Lexis you know I love you and you're my only child and I'm just afraid this Jonah is going to hurt you like Jordan did."
"Dad, Jonah isn't like Jordan he wants to be here for the baby, he was just busy today," I say. Just then Corbyn walks in.
"Lexis, Mr. Bowen," he says as he walks over to us. I hug him and sit back down.
"How you feeling Lexi?" "Fine."
The nurse calls us and we walk to the room. "Corbyn is a nice kid," my dad whispers in my ear.
"He has a girlfriend," I whisper back. We're in the room and I get on the table.
"So who do you have with you today?" The nurse asks. "This is my dad and my friend Corbyn."
I lift up my shirt and the nurse puts the gel on. She moves the stick around and I watch the screen.
"Baby is looking good." She finds the heartbeat and turns up the volume.
Tears form in my eyes. "Why do I always cry?" I say laughing.
"It's those hormones," the nurse says laughing. I look over at my dad and he's crying.
"Dad stop!" "My baby girl is having a baby," he says.
"Corbyn you better not cry on me!" "I'm fine," he says beginning to fake cry.
I laugh. The nurse leaves and the doctor comes in.
She tells me the baby is doing good and we leave. My dad drives me to my apartment.
"Honey I know you don't like talking about Jonah not being good for you," he says. "Dad stop please." "Okay honey okay."
I go upstairs and cry. I've must been crying for awhile because Jonah was home and heard me.
I know it's crazy, but since we started dating, Jonah moved in and we wanted to do that early so when the baby comes we'll be used to living with each other. And rent is pretty expensive to pay on my own.
"Babe? Are you okay?" "My dad doesn't approve of you and he has to you're the one who's going to be the father figure in the baby's life."
"Lexis baby I will get your dad to like me, I'm not like Jordan at all," Jonah says hugging me. "I know," I say.

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