26: babysitters

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Lexis's pov
Daniel and I get into the uber. "I'm so glad you're with me," Daniel says kissing my cheek.
"Me too. So where are you taking us?" I ask. "Somewhere fancy."
We hold hands on the way to the restaurant. When we get there, Daniel opens my door for me.
"Thank you kind sir," I say. "Anytime madam."

Zach's pov
Jack takes Natalie out of her carrier. "Shh it's okay, uncle Jack is here," he says trying to calm her down.
"Why won't she stop?" Jack whispers. "Maybe she's hungry or needs a change," Corbyn says.
Jack smells her. "Definitely the second one."
He starts coughing. "Not it," I say.
"Not it," Jack says. "Why do I have to do it?" Corbyn says.
"Because you didn't say not it, so you're it," I explain. Corbyn rolls his eyes and takes Natalie from Jack.
He lays her on the bed and unbuttons her outfit. "Oh my god that's a big shit," Corbyn says.
"Corbyn don't swear around a baby," Jack says. "Get me the diaper bag, quick!"
I get Corbyn the bag and he starts to change her diaper. "Zach throw the dirty diaper away."
"Why?" I say. Corbyn looks at Jack.
"Not it," they say in sync. "I hate you guys," I mumble, taking the diaper.
"Okay I think I'm did this right," Corbyn says lifting Natalie up, the big part of the diaper in the front. "It looks a bit off," Jack says.
"Oh it's fine, now let's try to put her to sleep." We lay her down in her pack n play and she starts crying.
"What now," I say frustrated. "Maybe she needs a blanket," Jack suggests.
Corbyn looks through the diaper bag and pulls out a blanket. "Shh it's okay Natalie here's your blanket," Corbyn says in a baby voice.
She keeps crying. "Guys we need to get to bed, we have a big day tomorrow," Jack says.
I sigh. "You guys go to bed I'll stay with her."
"Are you sure Zach?" Corbyn asks. I nod and take Natalie from Corbyn.
The boys go to their hotel rooms and I sit in a chair with Natalie. I give her a bottle to help her sleep.

Daniel's pov
After dinner I take Lexis back to my hotel room. "Let's have fun tonight," I smirk.
I lock the hotel door. She smiles and takes off her shirt.

*hour later
"I better check on Natalie," Lexis says. "I'll do it, you stay here," I say getting up from the bed.
I go to Zach's room and find him asleep in a chair with Natalie sleeping on him. I smile and quietly put Natalie in her pack n play.

(A/n: sorry I didn't feel comfortable about writing a sex scene. What if I meet them one day, I don't to be like 'oh yeah Daniel I wrote a sex scene between you and a fiction girl' XD)

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