41: 20th birthday

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Lexis's pov *3 days later
"Mama mama," I hear Natalie say. I wake up to the boys surrounding my bed.
"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Lexis happy birthday to you," the boys serenade to me.
"Thanks you guys," I say. "Get ready for tonight Lexis, we're going out," Zach says.

*hours later
"Shit the sitter canceled," I say in disappointment. "I'll watch Natalie," Corbyn offers.
"You sure?" "Yeah, I'm really tired and don't feel like going out, so I'll watch her."
"Thank you so much Corbyn." "Anytime."
I run out to the car where the rest of the boys are. "Let's roll," Daniel says.
We get to the club and Jack, Zach, and Daniel go off on their own so it's just Jonah and I. "Enjoying your birthday?" Jonah asks.
"Yeah, I guess. I'm no longer a teenager," I say. We get some food and drinks.
"This is so boring, the other guys aren't with me celebrating. I don't belong in this club," I say. "Do you want to go home?" Jonah asks.
I nod. "Don't worry I'll make your birthday better."
Jonah and I leave the club and head home. "I was thinking we have our own after party," Jonah says.
"Oh what does that mean?" I ask curiously. "Oh you know, a couple drinks."
"Oh I like that. I haven't had a drink in forever," I say. Jonah looks at me.
"You use to drink?" "Yeah before I got pregnant and I couldn't drink again because I was breastfeeding."
When we arrive home, we sneak pass Corbyn who's in the living room with Natalie, watching a movie. We go walk into Jonah's room and he gets out the liquor.
"Happy birthday miss Lexis," Jonah holding a shot glass with vodka. "Happy birthday to me," I say clinking my glass onto his.
We do a couple more shots and become tipsy. I kiss Jonah and we end up making out.
He stops and looks at me. "Want to take this further?"
I nod. "Yes sir."
He smirks and kisses me. He breaks away.
"You're about to get your present birthday girl," Jonah says taking off his shirt. I smirk and lay down on the bed watching him. "Come to mama," I say.

I wake up the next morning with a headache. Shit I'm hungover.
I roll over and see someone in the bed. Jonah.
"Shit," I whisper. His and my clothes are on the floor.
I put some clothes on and walk out of his room. I see Corbyn in the kitchen with Natalie.
"Hey Lexis," he says while cooking eggs. I pick up Natalie.
"Thanks for watching Natalie," I say. "Yeah of course, I didn't want to disturb you last night, so she spent the night with me."
"God, you saw?" He nods.
"My lips are sealed," Corbyn says. "Thanks."

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