50• perfect

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I rush Kimberly into my office after telling Cole that I would speak to him later on in the day. I locked the door once we were both fully in and stared down at Kim, I was too scared of saying the wrong thing. "You believe me?"

She nods slowly. "I believe you."

I begin to walk over to my desks. "Come sit down, sweetheart." I nod my head over to my desk. She goes to take a seat on one of the black leather seats on the opposite sides of my desk, I lift her, taking her by surprise and place her in front of my chair, on the desk, facing me. I take a seat and look up at her, taking her hands in mine. "What made you realise?" I ask.

She raises her gaze slightly, she looks to scared to look into my eyes for some reason. "Remember all those times when we were younger? When we went to the funeral? When you came back when I was eighteen? All the other times?" She speaks innocently, as if she felt guilty for not believing me.

"I could never forget, baby." I give a small smile.

"I started to think of all those situations. I remembered how my grandpa told you to look after me and I remembered your reply. I was thinking of how you were adamant of 'meeting my mother' although she was in a grave-"

"You have a lovely way with words, princess." I cut off.

"That's exactly what you said then." She have a small smile, her eyes lighting up.

"Like I said, I could never forget." I run the pad of my thumb over her

"Anyway, I remember how you told my mother that you would always look after me. I remembered all those times where you promised never to hurt me. I remember the multiple conversations we had of how neither of us saw the point in cheating and if something was going wrong then you should tell your loved one and try to fix it with them instead of finding it somewhere else. I finally remembered how much I truly loved you and how much I know you wouldn't do that to me." She whispers the last part.

"You are everything I have ever been looking for. As I once said and I won't ever stop saying to you, baby, 'it's so hard to find a princess but I found one.' I don't need anyone else. Besides, if I were to do that, do you really think it would be with Ava?" I chuckle slightly.

"I guess. It would be stupid to cheat on me with the person who would love nothing more but to rub it in my face." She giggled a little.

I pulled her from the desk on my lap and pecked her lips. "I love you baby. I missed you so much."

"I love you too." She smiled before her gaze flickered to my lips.

I leaned in once again, leaving a harsher kiss on her lips. My hands went from her thighs to her waist, holding her tight in-place. The kiss soon turned more heated as my tongue swiped across her bottom lip asking for entrance. I bite her lip and pull it away from her making her moan.

I release her lip and smirk to myself. I move a tray hair from her face, pushing it behind her ear. "Let's go home baby. Make up for lost time." I whisper.

She nods slightly, head hanging down to cover the blush that I'm still able to see. She goes to get off of my lap but I hold her down. I stand from my seat, her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck as I make my way to my coat wrack to grab my blazer and long coat. "Hold on Baby." She giggle slightly as I pull my coat over my body. "Arms." I request as I hold my blazer up, hoping to god that her body doesn't slip down mine without me holding her.

She gives her left arm and is fast to latch back on and then slip her right arm through, making me chuckle. "God I missed you." I smile and kiss her lips once again as I rest my hands under her ass.

I go to step out of my office but she puts her hand onbthe door. "We can't go out in the office with me on your waist, silly." She smiles slightly.

"Why not? I can do what I want baby. Besides, I believe Ava is here picking up her stuff, we can give her a show." I whisper the last part which makes her giggle and rest her head in the crook of my neck.

I flick the lights off as I leave my office and walk down the corridor into the main floor where all the cubical offices stand. I see a few smiling faces at the sight of me holding Kimberly and some who don't look bothered, but the one I find the best is the face of Ava Shaw. She's standing at her desk, a brown cardboard box in hand, clearly gathering some of her things from this floor from when she had to help out savannah on occasion. She has a face like a slapped ass and she doesn't seem to like the sight of me and Kimberly at all.

"Baby." I whisper. Kim moves her head to look at me, she's furiously blushing at all the attention. "Kiss me." I smile. She leans her head in and places a kiss on my lips making me smile even more.

"Ugh!" And She makes Ava do that, making me chuckle.

I step into the elevator. "Would you like to let me down now, daddy?" She questions.

"God, you have no idea how much I missed that." I lay another kiss on her lips. "But no, not until we're in the car." I smile and she shakes her head as she laughs.

We step out into the reception to hear another voice. "Finally!" Elijah's jolly voice was heard.

"Awh see! This is why I say they're perfect." Savannah is also heard and Kim continues to attempt to hide herself making me chuckle more. I give a curtosy nod to the two before stepping out into the private parking lot that's specifically for Kimberly, me, Cole, Elijah, Scott And more people along those lines. I find my black Range Rover and open Kimberly's door for her and place her in the seat and buckle her in.

I take a moment to look at how cute she looks in her little pink trainers, black sport leggings with a little pink stripe going up the side and her 'Idiot' shirt, but what makes her look even more cute is the two little braids in her hair and my large blazer covering her body.

She smiles up at me as I give her another kiss — something I have missed dearly — and make my way around my side of the car. I begun the drive home and I can't help but think of how happy and lucky I am to have Kim back. I was so close to loosing her. For good. But I didn't, I have her still. Good. I also can't help but think of how I want to make up for lost time and fuck her in every way imaginable.

One we arrive at the house she goes to step out of the car, except I rush to pick her up, only this time I throw her over my shoulder. She giggles slightly as I take her straight up the steps to the bedroom with cinnamon following in excitement due to her not seeing Kim for a while. "Hey, baby." Kim giggles, talking to the dog as she dangles upside down.

As we make it to the bedroom I turn around to face the over excitable dog. "Sorry doggo, no dogs allowed." And then I close the door.

I throw Kimberly on the bed and crawl over her body. "Let daddy show you how much he loves you, baby."

"Yes, daddy."

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