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I decide to take a seat in the beer tend, the men in there are about the same age as me and are all smoking joints. I don't smoke so I declined any offers to join. It sounds crazy but the only reason I was sitting in the smoke filled room was so I could see the interaction between Richard and Kimberly.

Call me protective or even possessive, but I don't trust him. I can see Kim relaxing in the hot tub, the bikini fits her perfectly. I don't have an issue with her body being on show, after all it is her body, but I don't like men who view her as just tits and ass seeing her body.

She looks a little awkward around him, intimidated even. She seemed more at ease when another man approached the tub. He was tall with shirt, jet black hair. She clearly enjoys the company of him.

After a small while of talking they both settle into the hot tub with her and I can't help but feel the jealousy bubble up in my stomach once again.

I have the urge to walk over to them and make it obvious that Kimberly is my wife, but I knew she would call me childish. I had to admit, I was acting rather childish.

I sat back in my chair and promised myself I wouldn't do nor say anything unless something happened, and nothing did for around fifteen minutes. The man with black hair gets out of the hot tub and Kim tenses up again.

She tries to get out of the hot tub, but Richard took a hold of her hand and pulled her down. He pushed back a stray hair which had escaped from her bun. She attempted to pull back again but he still held her close. He whispers something in her ear and leaves a kiss in her neck. Her face holds discomfort. He isn't allowing her to move.

I shoot up from my seat. I place a hand on Kimberly's shoulder and pull her away from his grasp. I help her stand to her feet and get out before I turn my attention to Richard. "I have plenty of people who work for me and will not hesitate to hurt you. Understand?" He stayed silent. "Stay away from Kimberly."

I expect him to speak up and test my patients, but instead he just nodded. Kim got dried off and pulled her kimono and shirts back on her body. She sits in my lap to warm up. She then speaks up. "Thank you for staying so calm."

"You wanted me to stay calm so I'm going to stay calm sweetheart." I kiss her forehead and she hugs me.

"I love you." She says sweetly.

"I love you too, princess."

I look around the garden and catch Richard's eyes on us. The moment he notices my gaze he turns his head. What's his issue?

"Kim, your falling behind." Dani hands him another can. She gratefully opens it and takes a large gulp.

"Who do you think could finish a can first? You or Kim?" I overhear Bernadette question Mark.

"Me!" They both shout.

"Come on then, chick." Her grandfather waves her over, a cheeky grin in his face and two full cans in his hands. She takes a can and an empty glass, pouring in the cider. After three the two begin to drink as fast as they could. Kim finished only milliseconds before Mark. "How did you do they?" He chuckles.

"Learnt from the best." She laughs and shoots him a wink. Kim had told me that since she was fourteen Mark had called her his drinking partner.

The day goes on for a few more hours the same way. Kim drinks lots and gets pretty tipsy. Lisa, Kim's grandmother starts to do the jive getting Kim involved. They all go out into the street carrying the huge bins to set some fireworks off. Kim is standing on the road and everyone is rather wasted, except me. I hold Kim back, so she doesn't get too close to the rockets. Her uncles light them and run away, giggling like children. The first two went up great, the last not being be best.

The last rocket went up fine, but then curved back down, blowing on the main road.

"Shit!" Everyone shouts. worried we uncles hurry to get the bins back out into their garden as everyone else is rushing into the house, worried for their grumpy neighbour to phone the police.

I check the time in my watch and see it's just fine three in the morning. I'm about to open my mouth to ask Kim if she's ready to head to bed, that was until a loud bang thundered through the living room of the Webster home. I turn around to see Dani storming into the living room, Bernadette angrily following. "Fuck off, you know you said it!" She shouts.

"Why would I say that?!" Dani shouts back.

They end up arguing for quite some time over the most ridiculous thing. Bernadette was claiming that Dani called her pathetic. Right now I wouldn't say Dani was wrong if he did say it.

The fight ended with Bernadette leaving without anyone noticing, causing Dani to worry as he didn't know where the woman was.

Dani phoned you Claire — Bernadette's mother — and they end up driving around looking for her. Kim begins to majorly worry and turn to me with sad filled eyes. "Can we look for her?"

"Of course." I nod and we both got into my car. We searched for a half an hour, we got to the beach when Kimberly began to cry from stress.

Just as I was comforting Kimberly, promising we'd find her, Kim's phone rang, she answered and thankfully it was Dani calling to say they found Bernadette and she was home safe.

Thank god.

Kim ended up falling asleep in the car on the ride home due to the stress of the last hour and the alcohol of the night. Once we arrive at the house I lift her out of her seat, lock the car and take her up to bed.

What a hectic night.

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