1•the beginning

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"Good morning Mr. Mitchell." Kim heard some woman — most likely Ava Shaw — speak in a sickly sweet voice.

Why does everyone lick his arse? He's my husband! Kim thought to herself. It was an often occurrence that people would be overly kind to their boss, especially the women in the office. It infuriated Kim as she knew it wasn't just because he was their boss, it was because they wanted him. But they couldn't have him.

"Good morning Mr. Mitchell" Kim mimics, poking her tongue out slightly as she shuffled papers around in the staff room in the office. She was currently attempting to ship some mail to the company's branches but it wasn't going well considering she was sure she dropped one down the corridor and she had accidentally shuffled them from their order.

"What was that Mrs. Mitchell?" Kimberly's husband was heard behind her. Shit. She turned around to see her husband, Mr. Robert Mitchell. He was one of the most successful business men in the whole of Europe. He sold software, invested in other companies and brands etcetera. But, he did do some other things in the side that only added to his fortune. Robert also scams people, he sells them software for more than bargains for and scams company's into 'accidentally' legally handing him over the company. He was technically a criminal, but he was good at it. Robert believed that Kim didn't know of the illegal side of things. Yes, she had been in shootouts before yet he hadn't let her know what for, he didn't want her involved. But, Kim does know, she has her ways of finding out but she wouldn't tell him that. However, that's not all he was, he was also Kimberly Mitchell's daddy Dom and she was his little girl.

Kim keeps her head down but peaks up at the man through her lashes. "Good morning, sir" he mumbles quietly.

Robert stares down at his wife, a small smirk that he tried to cover appearing on his face. "I believe you've already said that to me, miss" he raises a brow. "I also believe you were making fun of one of your co-workers" Robert places his forefinger under Kim's chin, raising her head to look up at him. "Is that true Mrs. Mitchell?" He hums.

Kim opens her mouth and starts to stutter. "B-but-"

Robert raises his voice slightly, giving his little a stern look. "No getting whiny! My office, now!" He demanded.

Oh great. Kim thought to herself. Robert's hold of Kim's chin dropped, all contact lost as he started making his way out of the small room which held refreshments for the workers. Kim followed, not wanting to get into any more trouble.

As they walk down the corridor multiple people stare as they pass or look up from their desks. She passes a few familiar faces, ones that know what she's about to endure considering they heard Robert's demand for his wife to meet him in his office.

Kim keeps her head hanging low, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone as she scurried along the corridor, attempting to keep up with her boss. It was a struggle for Kim to keep up with Roberts long strides considering he was 6"4 and Kimberly was 5"1, 5"5 if you counted her heels, but due to those heels she couldn't move too fast.

Kim spoke up, keeping her voice quiet but still hoped that Robert could hear her. "Da-uhm" she clears her throat in hopes of disguising the fact that she almost called Robert daddy in the work place. "Sir, you're going too fast for me to keep up" she mumbles nervously, also slightly embarrassed.

Robert turned around and he couldn't help the throaty chuckle that formed. Robert extended his arm for Kim to latch on to. Kim quickly scurried the small distance forward to latch on to her husbands arm. He wrapped his arm around Kim's waist, smiling down at her for a moment as she placed her hand over her husbands that was securely placed on her waist.

Kim was able to keep up with Roberts pace with his help, and once they reached his office he ushered her in, making sure to lock the door. He pressed the button positioned by the side of his light switch which controlled the large, black curtains that covered his large window that overlooked the city. He also pulls down the blind that covers the window on his office door, giving them complete privacy.

Kim stands in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do with herself. Robert then walked over to Kim and picked her up, placing her on top of his desk. "Would you like to tell me what you did and why it was wrong?" Robert asks, a stern edge to his voice and his right brow raised. He placed his two hands in the desk either side of the smaller girl, leaning in closer to her.

Kim doesn't think before she speaks, the soft conversation Robert was planning on having changing due to Kim raising her voice. "People annoy me when they lick your ass! Your mine, not theirs!" She whines, Flailing her arms slightly as she spoke.

Robert lifts his right arm, he moves the hair that had fallen onto Kim's fauve, taking a moment to run his thumb along her cheek. "I know, I know baby girl, but what you did was still disrespectful. You're my wife, you are high up in this company, therefore you have to show respect for the people working here whether you like it or not. Do you understand me little girl?" He spoke in a soft voice.

Kim's pout only grew as she started to whine again. "But-"

"I said do you understand me little girl?!" Robert raised his voice in attempts to getting the point across to his stubborn wife.

Kim continued to put as she mumbles a quick. "Yes daddy" that makes Robert smile.

"Now" Robert starts, taking a step back and clasping his hands together. "Why don't we.." He faded off. The older man lifted Kim from where she was seated, bridal style, and carried her around to the other side of his desk. He took a seat in the large, comfortable, leather seat, making sure to redo Kimberly on his lap securely. "..watch a movie" he grins cheekily at the girl who was positioned on his lap.

Kim looks up to her daddy, confusion evident in her face. "Don't you have to work, daddy?" She asks, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"You're upset, you come first" key kisses her temple lovingly making Kim's smile widen. Robert starts clicking away at his computer in attempts to find a film that he knows Kimberly would enjoy. "Maybe I'll even get my assistant to get me some snacks" Robert smirks, clicking through his downloaded files, looking through all the films he had downloaded in the past for his submissive.

Kim's eyebrows raise in confusion and then she lightly taps rovers chest. "I'm your assistant!" She giggles.

"Ah, well we'll call your assistant" Robert grins making Kim smile and bury her head into his chest.

"Okie" she mumbles into his chest making him chuckle once again.

Professional Daddy ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें