31• thirty-six

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Third person
Robert returns to the garden, Cole following behind him. Pam, Dale, grace and Kim all on separate sun loungers while the two kids are in the pool.

When Robert sees Kim he automatically smiles, he can't help it. She looked so cute laying on the sun lounger, sliders kicked off on the floor, blonde hair up in a messy bun with her sunglasses on her face, shielding her eyes from the bright light and her bikini which looked amazing on her.

Cole had to admit that Kim was a very good looking woman, who would disagree? But he does know he wouldn't ever dare say it to Robert. Robert is majorly protective over his wife, but considering all the attention she gets off the Male gender, he's right to want to lock her away from all men in general.

Grace was laying on the sun lounger besides Kim's. She was on her stomach, the bikini she was wearing was a little too big for her but that was purely because Kim was more curvier in the sense of having a bigger ass and breasts than her younger sister and Robert loved that. Kim was facing up with a hand behind her head and her left knee raised, clearly finding the position comfortable.

Dale and Pam were at the other side of the pool on a sun lounger each. It was safe to say everyone was enjoying the pool day. "Kimberly, sweetheart" Robert called, making his way over to the blond on the sun lounger.

Grace and Kim both looked rather different, Kim had lighter hair, clearly from her father while grace had darker hair that came from her mother, Pam. Kim and grace didn't share the same mother but did share the same father, Dale.

Kim didn't answer and Robert furrowed his brows. "Kimberly" he called once again. Kim hated people calling her Kimberly but when Robert done it she loved it. The way it would roll of his tongue with the slight Dutch accent would make her melt. The way it sounded so strict and she liked him being strict.

"Kim, daddy's calling for his baby" Cole teases. Robert elbows his assistant as well as best friend while Cole laughs at his own teasing.

"Shove off, Ramsey" Kim groans making both men laugh. She sits up, kicking her legs over so they're at the side of the sun lounger, resting on the ground. "What'd you need to talk to me about?" She questions, lifting her sunglasses to the top of her head, squinting at the sun light.

Cole raises his hands, shooing Kim to move over so he can take a seat. "I need to ask you what Eli said to you when in Wales" he speaks.

Kim turns to look at him. "Can we talk about this away from my family please?" She asks.

Robert is standing in front of the two, hands behind his back, observing the conversation. "Come up on the balcony" Robert nods and starts to lead the way.

The three walk through the first floor of the house and up the stairs, heading straight for the balcony that's attached to the master bedroom. They take a seat on the wooden seats That surround a small glass table with wooden framing.

The balcony was beautiful. it wasn't too big nor too small, it was the right size. There were a few flowers scattered around with a few solar lights for the nights along with some sunlight catchers for the day.

Kim gets comfortable In her seat, letting the sunlight still hit her bare arms. "They kept asking where the company's stuff is kept. They kept asking me how Robert does his stuff." She said simply. "And he hit me" she shrugs. Robert tenses up at the mention of his wife being hit by the man he hates the most. "And shot me" she adds.

"Did he mention anything to you about his work?" Cold asks, leaning forward in his seat.

Kim takes a moment to think. "The only thing he said was that it'd be good to have someone like me working for him, loyal, smart and gorgeous apparently" she rolls her eyes.

"He's not wrong" Robert chuckles slightly, taking a seat at the side of Kimberly.

"Oh, and before Robert's team got there he was telling me that I don't know what Robert is like, and how I think I know him but I don't.." she faded off.

Robert's head turned faster than lightening, shocked at what he had just heard. "What did he mean?"

"I presume it's to do with all the shit you do and the people you've killed. We've spoken about that and I don't want to bring it up" Kim speaks bluntly, wanting to avoid the topic. "Anyway, he also kept mentioning the number thirty-six to one of his men, something to do with guards I think, a area code or something?" She speaks, clearly confused.

Cole nods his head. "That may be a lot of help. Thank you Kimberly" Cole smiles and stands from his seat. The other two adults also stand and make their way back to the garden.

"Hey, when I was shopping the other day I saw a man, he said that he used to work for you. You fired him though" Kim spoke, taking a Seat on the sun lounger she was on less than twenty minutes ago.

Cole takes a seat on the sun longer to the left of hers and so does Robert. Kim places her sunglasses back over her face and lays her head back, taking in all the sun. "Said he argued with someone Robert Is fond of so he got him blacklisted. Haven't been able to get a job in an office since. As I was leaving he said for me to say hey to you two" she explained, not thinking much of the situation.

Cole and Robert exchange weird looks then coke speaks up again. "What did he look like?"

Robert was trying to think through his head of the multiple people he's had blacklisted, there's been a few.

Kim takes a second to think. "Ginger hair, lanky figure, blue eyes I think" she shrugs.

Then it pings in Cole head. "That's the fucker that slept with jasmine" he groans.

"Your ex wife, jasmine?" Kim asks out of curiosity, she remembers them being together for years but having a split a year or so back, she didn't know why and didn't ask for the sake of privacy for the both.

"Oh god. Yeah, I remember him now" Robert nods, realisation hitting him like a brick.

"Yeah, in my office mind you" Cole pointed at Kim who was now facing the blonde man, sun glasses still positioned on her face. "She came over to see me but that prick saw her and told her I was in a meeting which granted, I was. When I came back an hour later they were fucking in my chair. My fucking chair!" He exclaims, flailing his arms about.

"Is that Why a chair was thrown at someone that day?" Kim asks, her mind being a little slow.

"Yep" Robert nods. "Cole threw his chair at them both, not wanting it sitting in there anymore. That's the day I dragged you into my office and wouldn't key you leave for three hours, baby" Robert chuckles but Cole only glares at his best friend. "I didn't want you to have to see Cole throwing a tantrum"

"It wasn't a tantrum! They were fucking in my chair! My wife!" Cole shouts.

"Kimberly, who is this?" Another Male voice is heard, her father.

Kim sat up, slinging her legs around to rest on the floor, facing the two men before her and then turns her head to her right to look across the pool to her father. "This is Robert's friend Cole, dad" Kim smiles slightly and dale nods.

"Okay, but can I ask you don't swear around my kids please?" He requests.

Cole nods in understanding. "Sorry Mr. Thorne" Cole shows respect. He also surprised Kim slightly due to him remembering her maiden name.

"How is jasmine now? I haven't seen her for a while" Robert asks, turning to Cole.

"She's apparently in a relationship, engaged and very happy" the blonde man shrugged. "It's fine though, at least I can have sex when I want"

Robert and Kim both burst out into laughter. "Oh of course" Cole looks between the two, confusion clear in his face. "Mate, you were punching above your weight with Jasmine, I very much doubt you can go into a club and pick up a girl just like that" Robert naps his fingers in Coles face.

Cole huffs, rolling his eyes. "I bet if you two weren't married I could have had Kim" Cole speaks. The two have knows each other for years, since they were children but Kim didn't think what h read sayings as correct.

"That's highly unlikely" she giggles.

"You're all so mean!" Cole huffs.

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