49• explanations

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It was another boring day at the office without Kimberly here. She had decided not to come in this morning, most likely because of what happened yesterday. She needed to listen to me, but she wouldn't.

I wanted to chase after her and tell her a million times that I loved her and I wouldn't cheat on her but she's stubborn. Either she'll figures it out on her own, or she's gone forever, and that breaks me.

I've even thought of giving up the office, signing the company over to Kimberly herself, or Cole if Kimberly cannot do it all on her own, and that's even if he ever speaks to me again. He seems pissed which means he's taken Kimberly's side which I can't really blame, what Ava did was pretty solid, it would be hard to prove myself no matter what.

I was thinking about giving up the company because the person I started it all for was leaving me. Kimberly gave me the motivation for this and now she's gone. What's the point?

Elijah had spoke to me yesterday and asked me to explain my side, thankfully he completely agreed with and believed me. He knows exactly what Ava's like and he agreed to speak to Kimberly for me. He also talked me out of signing over the company, claiming that I had to continue on with my job no matter what.

Did I mention I fired Ava? Yeah, she's gone. I wouldn't even really know how to explain it. At first she started putting up a fight but after I called security to get her out of my office she left. Thank god.

When Kimberly came in yesterday I didn't know what I was thinking. I didn't want to yell at her like I did but she was being so frustrating with her cutting me off an practically ignoring me the whole time, not to mention the small skirt, the un-buttoned shirt and deep red lips which was all most likely to make me jealous or feel some sort of way that I had messed up.

"We need to talk." Cole bust in my room, anger apparent in his face. "I heard the call with Kimberly's so don't even try to deny it. I just need to know why you would do it." He sighs, standing at the opposite side of the desk to me.

"I didn't-"

"Don't try to deny it. Just explain to me why you did it. She's perfect, do you not realise that? Kimberly is perfect! She loves and adores you more than I have ever seen in any relationship before, she'd do anything for you, Robert, how could you do that to the poor girl!" He sighs exasperated.


"I was cheated on, Robert, I know how this feels, lucky for me though I didn't love jasmine nearly as much as Kimberly loves you! You blew that! Do you not realise how perfect you two were. Do you not realise how many times you two are in magazines as 'best professional couple.' You two get labelled as a 'power couple' all the time. Only if they knew. You two are perfect for each other but now I'm starting to think it was all for the sex. That you used her for your own needs. Tell me, was Ava nearly as good as Kimberly? because I've seen it and I can see the love in Kim's eyes as you two have sex. Hell, it's not even sex it's making love when you two do it. I really thought you loved her Robert, you made a huge mistake." He spits.

"Cole, please just listen to me."

"Why? So you can fill me up will loads of bullshit lies? You can't lie your way out of this, Rob. Not happening." Cole rolls his eyes as a finally takes a seat.

"It isn't-"

"Kim went into little space."


"Kim slipped into little space after she found out. When we were by the pool and I answered the phone to you she started saying her daddy didn't want her no more, she thought you were going to get rid of her Robert, how shit do you think that makes me feel when it wasn't even me who done it! I didn't know what to do! I helped her up to the hotel room and as were sitting on the couch she slipped slightly again. And as we went to bed. I had to stay in the bed with her because she was too scared to sleep alone, Robert. I remember just looking down at her as I was wondering how you could hurt someone so precious as her. She's perfect for you Robert, yet you blew it."

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