the real stars

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this one was sitting in the drafts for a while hope you all enjoy <3
"CUT! Alright guys great job, everyone take five," the director of the new hot, upcoming teen romance movie stated.

Kaycee sighed from her spot on the set, relieved that she could finally get up from the chair she'd been occupying for a few hours.

She wished she knew what her role was going to be before she accepted the job. Don't get her wrong, Kaycee's always grateful for any opportunities that come her way, she knows the acting industry is one of the most competitive industries out there; she knows she's lucky to even get a callback.

But sitting in a chair for six hours as an extra of this corny teen movie is not the dream role she was going for. Being "café customer #4" was far from the best role, but whatever pays the bills right?

Kaycee made her way to the craft table hoping to find something quick to eat that would ruin her make up and force her back into the hair and make up trailer.

Settling for a granola bar, she quickly scarfed it down before the producers began to force the extras back into groups.

"Okay everyone the director said he wants to seem some other extras in the shot. No hard feelings for anyone not in this shot, we just want some fresh faces that really fit the scenery," said one of the producers.

Kaycee couldn't have crossed her fingers harder. She's already getting paid for having sat on set for the last couple of hours, she's more than fine sitting this scene out and giving her butt a break from that uncomfortable chair.

The director and producers began picking out the extras and guiding them to their spots on set. Still standing with the rest of the extras, Kaycee watched as the spots on the set slowly began to fill up. She thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't being called, she couldn't wait to hop into her car and head back to the comfort of her tiny LA studio apartment.

As soon as she was about to turn and grab her belongings, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see one of the producers directing her to make her way back to the set.

Just my luck, she thought.

One of the producers walked her over to one of the couches that on the 'café' set they were filming with today.

She was ready to go home but at least she wasn't stuck with the god awful metal chairs again. She plopped down on the couch and was glad to find that it was a thousand times more comfortable than the last chairs.

Waiting for the rest of the extras to be guided to their positions, Kaycee watched as a young, Asian boy was told to take the spot next to her on the couch.

"Alright you two, you're one of the groups closer in the frame so we need you to to fake a conversation or do whatever it is young adults do at cafés just make it look as realistic as possible."

Everyone began frantically moving around the set trying to get everything together so they could finish off the day of filming.

"Hi I'm Sean," said the cute boy sitting next to Kaycee.

Sticking her hand out to shake, "Hey, I'm Kaycee," she said while smiling at the boy.

"Can you believe we've been filming since 6:25am and it's currently 12:37pm?," Sean asked while looking at his Apple watch.

Kaycee groaned as she stretched out her limbs before the cameras began rolling, "I know, you'd think they would've given us our lunch break by now."

The pair grew comfortable with one another and began conversing, discovering that they had way more in common than they would've thought.

"Hey! You guys! Save that for the cameras," said one of the producers as he stared directly at the pair occupying the couch.

They immediately shut their mouths while glancing at each other while trying not to burst into laughter at the dramatic outburst from the producer. All of the other extras looked at them with disapproval, almost as if they were jealous that they had gotten attention from the big shots even if they were being chastised in front of the entire crew.

Quickly after, the stars of the movie had made their way back onto set causing the cameras to began rolling again.

Everything was going great, at least for Sean and Kaycee. The pair continued to "fake" converse but the two were having a great time.

They spent nearly an hour arguing over who had the better accents whilst still speaking in a British accent. As great as they thought their accents were, anybody who heard would wholeheartedly disagree and rightfully so. But that still didn't stop them for arguing about who the superior Marvel character is in their now Russian accents.

"Ant-man is underrated, he literally saved the them in Endgame," Sean argued his accent sounding more like gibberish than Russian.

Kaycee was quick to shift into an Australian accent, "Are you kidding me Ant-man isn't even a real avenger, I refuse to let you he's the best when Iron-man is right there."

The two extras continued bickering in any accent they could think of while using all of their power to keep from cackling and ruining the shot. Thank god for technology and mics otherwise the actually scripted dialogue in the scene would've been completely drowned out by two young adults arguing over superheroes in terrible accents.

"CUT! Let me get some touch ups on Derek here, and can we adjust the lighting more on Emma please," said the film's head director addressing his two leads.

While he was busy trying to get the perfect shot, the director couldn't help but notice a certain pair of extras in the background. Whoever the two were sitting on the couch behind his main character's head were either really good actors or have known each other for years.

Based off the clear awkwardness and tension that there previously was amongst all of the extras, his guess is that the pair just met today. He couldn't shake the thought that they had great chemistry; he'd love to have them work for him on a project of their own.

Walking over to the two, he saw as they shifted nervously on the set couch. He couldn't help but laugh in his head at the concerned look on their faces. Crouching down against Sean's half at the couch, he looked at the pair.

"Look you two, you're doing a great job, fantastic even. But I'm gonna need you two to tone it down just a wee bit, I can't have two extras looking more in love and having more chemistry than my main stars alright?" he said smugly with his best Scottish accent before winking at the blushing extras and walking away.

"So um, that was kinda weird," Sean said as he broke the lingering silence.

"Yeah," Kaycee agreed,"but hey, what do you say we go get some real coffee after all this?"

"Ms. Rice, I'd love to get some tea with you," he responded with the undoubtedly worse English accent anyone has ever heard.

The two spent their lunch break together and used the rest of the day competing to find the worst pick up lines to text each other seeing as Sean built up the courage to ask Kaycee for her number.

Hours had gone by and finally everyone began to wrap it up. Since this was the first and only, scene where the film called for various actors, the two weren't sure when and if they'd get to see each other and hang out again.

But as Kaycee left the studio and hopped into her car, she got a notification from her on-set couch buddy.

"Hey Kayc, hope I'm not too forward but I'm soy into you and I hope you were being serious about us meeting at a real café this time because I like you a latte, so should we mocha it a date?"

Reading over the text multiple times, she felt butterflies flutter in her belly as her face began to heat up at her giddiness. Quickly replying back and agreeing to their date, she began her trek back home.

Being an extra wasn't so bad after all.

pls don't forget to vote and comment <3

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