still i found a way to gravitate to you

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part two of "orbit" is finally here! apologies in advance for the typos or errors in this, i'be been crazy busy with school but i wanted to get this one out as soon as i was free. hope y'all enjoy <3
six months later

Kaycee hadn't seen the man since her left her in that dance studio. She was grateful that she didn't have to face the awkward encounter of seeing an ex, but the reality of him being able to distance himself so easily, like they didn't spend ten years side by side, was an indescribable form of pain.

She knew it was time for her to move on, her mental health deserved it, her heart deserved it. She knew better than to try and convince herself that their so called relationship was ever salvageable. With it finally gone and out of her life, there was nothing left to save except herself.

But easier said than done. At least on her behalf.

It'd become another habit of hers, to have a period of time each day where she would stalk him from a fake Instagram account, trying to get as much information on how his life post-break up has been.

Turns out he's been "talking" to a new girl already, at least that's what it seemed based off of their back and forth comments on each other's instagram posts.

The girl happened to be a dancer as well, of asian descent just like him, the thought alone made her feel queasy knowing his parents had always hoped he'd find someone with similar a cultural background. Something that Kaycee has heard being told to him behind her back. She saw the disapproving looks from his parents whenever he would invite her over for family events. They'd fake their smiles to her face but she knew what they really felt, and not once did he ever stand up for her, he was too worried about what his family thought to care about her feelings.

Looks like they finally got their wish.

She couldn't blame him, he was always so family oriented. His family always held the highest standards for him, and he was set to always comply to their wishes and requests, but she didn't know just how little she meant to him until their breakup.

The thought alone was something that haunted her, running through her mind at any time she wasn't occupied with something else.

Getting a good night's sleep was harder as time went by, he was in her dreams, sometimes even her nightmares. She'd wake up in a cold sweat as memories of that night replayed on and on again during her slumber. She only ever got a decent amount of sleep if someone was sleeping beside her,  someone next to her to help fill the space of her bed as well as the hole in her heart.

Her days weren't much better than her nights. She was convinced that she was going crazy, she swore she saw him every time she stepped out of her new apartment. But she knew that it couldn't be real because every time she would try to approach who she though was him, he'd vanish into thin air. A figment of her imagination tugging onto her heartstrings as she hoped that maybe she'd be getting the ending her heart deserved.

She was strolling through one of LA's busiest fashion districts, scouting around the shops for a dress she could wear to her sister's engagement party. Her heart ached as she thought about how that could've been her, how it should've been her. Not many people waste ten years of their lives with someone just for the other person to blow it all away before a proposal was even in question, but of course Kaycee had to be one of the unlucky few.

While passing through the stores, she saw an unfamiliar girl in the reflection with every pass. She no longer looked like herself; she was a stranger and a broken one at that. With a heavy sigh, she pushed open the heavy glass door as she settled on one of her usual shopping spots.

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