trying to save us

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this one isn't as cute and fluffy as the other ones so i'm sorry in advance. also italics indicate flashbacks. and trigger warning there are mentions of death and gun violence!!!

this one's an angsty one, hope you guys enjoy and let me know how you felt about this <3

Giggles filled the space of their newly purchased apartment. The echos of their laughter bounced off the walls of their still empty place.

"Sean, stop tickling me! I'm holding the box of dishes, if I drop and break these we'll be eating off the floor until we can afford new ones!"

Sean was too happy about finally being able to move in and take the next step with his girlfriend of three years to care.

"Kaycee we just moved in! How are you not bouncing off the walls right now? Our own place, babe!"

The girl somehow snuck out from his tight embrace, placing the box down before wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. "You're already bouncing off the walls, one of us has to be the adult here, love," she said while patting his chest and walking out to grab more boxes.

He jolted out of his thoughts as a cold bottle met his skin.

"Sorry Sean, here's the cold beer you asked for. Don't worry about this one officer, it's on me. You're lucky we just closed or else I'd make you pay me in front of all the other customers," said Julian, the owner and one of the man's closest friends.

He shook his head trying to rid the memory that was just replaying in his mind before chugging down half of the bottle.

"Hey, what's up Lew," asked Josh, another one of his friends and an the co-owner of the bar. "You still hung up on a certain lady?"

He nodded hesitantly, knowing very well of how his friends were going to react. He picked at the beer bottle label as he heard the duo behind the counter groan at his confirmation.

"Aw, come on dude," Julian started, "I know you guys were together for some time, but it's been two years since she left. I think we all know it's time for you to move on, or at the very least try to move on."

"Jules is right my guy," replied the youngest of the trio, "you know how much I loved you and Kayc together, but you deserve to find someone else Sean. Easier said than done I know, but you haven't put in much effort."

Sean winced when his friend mentioned her name. He loved that girl, still did actually. He wished it was easy to move on from her, to forget the five, almost six, years they spent being happy and in love, but it wasn't.

The pair had always been what everyone called the "power couple". There was no Sean without Kaycee and no Kaycee without Sean. They completed each other like no other, everyone just knew they were meant to be. Those closest to them would've bet money that they were going to be endgame; their relationship was just so perfect.

Or so everyone thought.

Sean and Kaycee were in love, there was no denying that. But within months following their big move, they found their relationship growing weaker and weaker. The love was still very much existent, but trust, respect, boundaries, honesty, and all the other key qualities of strong, everlasting relationship were faltering. Their relationship was a ticking time bomb ready to combust over even the smallest of issues.

All of the closest people in their lives were shocked to find out about their relationship ending, even more shocked to found out how it was decided.

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