always him

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based off "it's you" by ali gatie. i linked it above so streammmm because it makes me emo. anyways sorry for the slow updates but i hope you all enjoy anyways <3

Kaycee loved a lot of things. She loved dance and her family. She loved making others smile and using her platform for good. She loved being able to help out others and inspire aspiring dancers. She loved a lot of things, and a lot of people.

But no one had ever made her feel that romantic, story-book type of love.

She had never been in love. At least as far as she was concerned. She felt like she was definitely close to it, but she could be wrong. Though, what she did know was that he was different.

Sean Lew.

She knew he was special by the way she felt heat rise upon here face at the mere mention of his name, the way the earth stops spinning whenever he smiles at her during class, they she would always get giddy whenever he would poke at her sides or fix her hair as they rehearsed a piece together.

Letting him become someone so prominent in her life was hard to do at first, she had been hurt before; broken because of fake friends and faulty partnerships. She didn't want history to repeat itself. But as time went on he proved her wrong, showing her that any fears or worries she had were unwarranted.

It didn't take long for him to dig himself a permanent spot in her life. He became her go to person. The one she called after booking a gig or coming up with new choreo and the same person she called after not getting a job or as she stressed over a piece.

He was her person, the person to show her what a true and genuine best friend looked like.

But, as of lately, she couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was something more to her than just a best friend.

Their relationship was unlike one she's ever had before. She, along with the rest of the world, knew their connection was beyond what the dance industry has ever seen. What they had was more than just on-stage, on-screen chemistry. Unlike her past partnership, they were able to grow their relationship organically.

They were able to grow from acquaintances to friends, friends to partners, partners to best friends. Even as mere teenagers, they continue to set the bar higher for those who come after them. Together, they dealt with some of the most stressful yet most life-changing times in their careers.

He was her rock, she was his.

If there was one person that knew her better than herself, it would be Sean Lew; she could confirm that with no doubt. He was and always would be her best friend.

Their relationship scared her sometimes, okay fine, all the time. She constantly got comments from close friends and even strangers about how cute the two would be, about how perfect they were for each other, and of course she saw exactly what they were seeing, she wasn't blind.

But there was so much good going for them, too much to even risk. They had more to lose than most couples. They knew what they had and knew what they couldn't have.

She wishes things were easier, that her life wasn't forced into the spotlight. She wishes so could go back to being a normal kid, but she knew the reality of that would result in never meeting Sean, and that was something she could never regret.

Kaycee was never the type to get crushes, let alone fall head over heels for a boy. She thought boys were cute here and there, but it has never gotten to the point where she ever wanted more than sneakily admiring them through the foggy mirrors during class.

Sean was different though. Course he was.

She didn't know if what she was feeling was love. Had absolutely no past experiences to compare the feeling with. The only thing she was certain of was the fact that no one made her feel the way her best friend did.

She's met a lot of people in her life, her career being one that requires plenty of networking and connections, but still nobody has ever come close in comparison with him.

It's not like she had some big epiphany, but she thinks she had known for a while now that somewhere, deep inside that heart of hers, there was only one person she wanted to spend her life with. Maybe it was something she'd been trying to deny for years, but she knew now, there was no other person she'd want to spend and create memories with.

It took some time, but she began to notice all the little things.

Like how they always laughed at the same things.

And how secrets ceased to exist between them.

How she stopped caring about anyone else's opinions but his.

Or how their chest rose and fell at the same time as they cuddled on her bed.

How he caters his choreography to make her the star of the piece every time.

How she began to break out of her shell and became more social.

How he always helps to ease her mind.

How careful he is with her, both physically and emotionally, without making her feel weak or inferior.

How he somehow manages to make even the most draining rehearsals feel like a walk in the park.

Even how every story she tells always involves him.

How, no matter how long, she could spend hours on end with him and never get tired of his company.

How he always puts her first.

How days apart could feel like years.

And most importantly, how he feels like home.

So yeah, Sean Lew was different, special actually, and she knew exactly why. She could write a book about all the reasons why he was special to her.

But it was simple. The two of them had what they liked to call, "life's treasure".

A label that allowed them to denote just how special their relationship was without having to authenticate any suspicions.

So maybe Kaycee Rice wasn't in love, or maybe she was and has yet to fully realize it.

But she knows for a fact that if she's ever gonna fall in love, it's gonna be Sean Lew.

It'll always be him.

i know updates are slow and i wish i could promise that it'll get better, but this semester already seems so intense so i never know when i'll have the time to write. i hope everyone is having a good school year/summer and i hope you guys enjoyed this one <3

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