the confession

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i was in the middle of writing a completely different chapter but the music video was the best thing we've ever gotten so i couldn't not write about it. this one was definitely rushed and definitely not my favorite but i hope everyone enjoys it <3

Late February

The parking lot began to empty out in the front as the last class at TMilly TV came to an end. Tim began locking up the doors as world renowned choreographers, Tessandra Chavez and Blake McGrath sat inside the main dance studio.

"I'm so sorry for such short notice. I know you two are ready to head on home and put those genius minds to rest," Blake began. "But I actually had an opportunity for one of my music projects coming up and I'd love to have you two take full control of the creative direction on this one."

Tim and Tessandra jumped at the opportunity to work together again after having done a variety of beautiful dance videos including one of Blake's past music videos.

Excited at their enthusiasm, Blake began to play his upcoming single "Let Me Love You" for them. He explained how the song was about one person being hesitant and scared of love until they met that one special person. The one person who could show them that love is nothing to be afraid; it's a gift and if you're lucky enough to find love in your life you should accept and cherish it.

"When I wrote and recorded this song I couldn't help but think about the potential this music video could have with you two in charge," said the singer. "God am I excited to see what you two bring to the table!"

Mid March

The trio met up once again after another long day at TMilly TV. Unlike the first time around, both Tim and Tessandra came full of ideas.

"So Blake, I took your concept of the song and actually tinkered with it a bit. Your concept is still one hundred percent there, but I thought why not make the male dancer the one who's afraid of love. He denies any of his suitors; he simply wants nothing to do with love because he's too afraid of it. However," Tessandra pauses for suspense, "that is until an angel makes their way into his path. She teaches him how to love, how to except it, and how not to fear it."

The two men stared in disbelief, the way Tessandra Chavez's mind can come up with concepts like this was unbeknownst to them.

"I don't know if I should be mad or happy that you managed to take my song's meaning and make it a thousand times better."

Tim shook his head, "Definitely happy dude. Definitely happy."

Tessandra beamed with excitement, "Even better news, I had two of my Unity LA members, Stephanie Mincone and Connor Gormley, assist me with this piece and I actually have a rough version of what I have in mind on film!"

"Let's see it, Tim hit the lights!"

After watching the "rough" version of the choreography, the two men were again at a loss for words.

"That's the rough draft!?" Tim exclaimed. "Now I feel like my news is underwhelming all I had to share was that I found a great filming location," he said causing the others to laugh.

Blake was first to cut the laughter as he turned toward his Emmy-Award winning friend. "Tessy you took my song and concept and gave it an enormous creative boost. I loved the choreography so much, but I'm not too sure Connor and Steph are who I picture portraying my

He saw the two waiting for his input, "While watching the choreography, I couldn't help but picture Sean and Kaycee doing the piece. I feel like if we want to portray the message of love we need people who can do that without having to act."

sean & kaycee one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें