babe xix

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help im still so emo and soft from sean's class, they really own my entire heart wow i love them sm. hope you guys enjoy this fluffy one <3

Kaycee inhaled the fresh morning air as she hopped out of the Lew family's van.

Man, did it feel good to be back.

Today was officially the third day of build-a-beast 2019, and she was excited to say the least. She hadn't been able to attend the first two days due to work and rehearsals for Sean's class, but she was more than ready to see all the familiar faces and soak up the energy radiating off the dance floor. Dancing at build-a-beast was truly like no other experience, the support and love was beyond anything she's ever experienced before.

This year Sean decided on doing another round of partner classes, a brother 2.0 if you will, and the duo was ecstatic to get back out there.

It was still early in the morning, all the other dancers were too busy stretching or going through registration while Sean and Kaycee marked the piece from backstage.

"Mom, class hasn't even started, do you really have to film everything," Kaycee heard Sean groan from behind her causing her to let out a light laugh.

Miya scoffed in response, "Says you, I know your entire phone and computer is full of Kaycee pictures."

The sassy comment from the women who was like her second mother made color rise up to her cheeks. She couldn't see him from her position but she heard the boy suck in a short breath, clearly taken back by his mother's remark. Their relationship status was solely platonic, but that didn't stop their feelings from developing nor did it stop the teasing.

Brushing off the tension, they continued practicing the choreography until they heard the familiar voice of their good friend, Marv, directing them toward the stage.

Kaycee smiled from the sidelines as she watched Sean awkwardly walk onto the stage upon hearing his introduction. His goofy charm and unintentional suave already being enough to wake up the entire class despite it being so early in the morning.

Looking around the room, Kaycee could sense the fear and nervousness from her fellow dancers. The reactions not being a surprise to the girl as she, and everyone else, knew Sean's reputation of having intense, intricate pieces. It's exactly why he held the title of dance genius which he rightfully earned.

She stood patiently as Sean continued to converse with the crowd before starting the class, he had been explaining the story behind the piece and announced that it was a partner class. She snuck out a loud yawn while the audience was too busy rushing to find a partner, however the sound didn't go unnoticed by her partner.

"What? Didn't catch enough z's last night, dood?" she heard him ask through the sound wave of rustling fabric as students were still looking for partners.

"Maybe I wouldn't be yawning right now if someone hadn't insisted on watching another episode of the Office last night and then proceeded to steal the blanket from me when I was trying to sleep," she pouted tiredly, her thick brows furrowed to indicate she was upset.

"Don't put the blame on me now," he said trying to put up an offended facade, "I said I'd sleep in the floor but I remember you were the one who wanted me to stay on the bed with you for cuddles."

"I didn't even get any cuddles so that was a waste. I should've just pushed you off the bed," she joked before using her elbow to nudge the boy back to the center of the stage when she noticed most students had already been paired up.

It's wasn't often that Kaycee got to take in the sight of her best friend in his element without being a student in the class as well, it was especially rare to have the chance of watching him as he taught at an even this famous. Seeing him let go and do the thing that me loves the most, and seeing the audience enjoy it as much as he did helped to remind her why she loved dance so much.

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