not short, just vertically challenged

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im really spoiling you guys with all these updates but i have the free time so why not?
and why not use it as a thank you for the 1k reads this book has gotten and hope you guys enjoy this one <3

The five times Kaycee was too short, and the one time Sean was just too tall.


"Mommy, Miya! Can me and Seanie go on this ride pretty please?," the tiny five year old begged her mother and her best friend.

Standing next to her was her six year old best friend who was adorning a full on pout as he, too, begged his mother to let them going on the ride.

"Alright we're okay with you guys going on the ride but that's only if you two make the cut for the height limit. Otherwise there's nothing we could do about it," said Miya who had always been the more rational one between the two best friends.

The little ones cheered as the dragged their mothers into the line of the cool new dragon ride at the carnival. Within only minutes, the line quickly shortened and before they knew it it was their turn to board the ride.

Sean and Miya were closer to the front so he ended up being the first of the kids to get their heights checked.

"Hmm, alrighty you seem to make the cut little buddy. Enjoy the ride!" said the teen in charge of operating the ride.

Gently nudging her nervous daughter forward, Laura instructed Kaycee to go check her height as well.

"Let's see here... oh no sweetie I'm sorry but you seem to be about two inches too short."

This news already causing tears to form in the girl's eyes. "S-so I don't get to ride with Seanie?" she hiccuped while pointing at her best friend who was watching the entire scene from his spot on the ride.

Laura and Miya kneeled down to the younger kid's height and began to explain to her that it wouldn't be safe for her to go on the ride if she didn't meet the height limit.

As the two mothers were occupying the young girl, Sean called on the attention of the teen working there.

"Um.. hi excuse me do you think you could help me get out of here? I don't want to ride if I can't have Kaycee with me," he said nodding his head in the direction of his sniffling friend.

Understanding his reasoning, the worker smiled and helped unbuckle and lift the boy out of the ride. From there he was quick to make his way back to his friend.

"Hey Kayc," he greeted, "hey shh... it's okay we'll go on this ride another time okay?"

The girl was confused at her best friend's presence. "S-shamu why aren't y-you on the ride I thought you were t-tall e-enough," she questioned between sniffles.

"Yeah I am but you're not and how fun could the ride even be if I don't have my best friend next to me," he asked while grabbing her hand.

Any tears shed were forgotten, as the younger girls smiled at her friend already having moved on from the ride.

Unbeknownst to them two parent were watching their youngest kids with full smiles on their faces.


She couldn't believe this. Here she was sat inside the movie theater lobby alone while the rest of her friends went off to watch that new Pg-13 movie. Kaycee was old enough to watch this movie, her 13th birthday was just two weeks ago. But no, the worker didn't believe her age claiming that she looks much younger than her friends.

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